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1、学海无涯 Unit 4Unit 4 EarthquakesEarthquakes 单元单元复习学案复习学案 人教版必修 人教版必修 1 1 教 材 面 面 观 单词拓展 1 n 地震 2 n 事件 大事 3 n 民族 国家 adj n 国籍 4 n 污垢 灰尘 adj 5 n 苦难 痛苦 vt do sb the honour of doing sth 给某人以特权 使某人有特殊的荣幸 in honour of sb sth in sb s sth s honour 出于对某人 某事物的敬意 honour sb sth with sth 向某人 某事物致敬 表扬某人 给某人以荣誉 be hon

2、oured for 因 受到尊敬 for the honour of 为了 的荣誉 即境活用 翻译句子 我得到您的信任 感到十分荣幸 两位消防员因为勇气而受到尊敬 答案 I feel highly honoured by your trust Two firefighters have been honoured for their courage 10 frighten vt 使害怕 吓唬 用法拓展 be frightened at 听 看到 吓了一跳 be frightened away off 被吓跑 frighten sb into doing sth 吓得某人做某事 frighten

3、 sb out of doing sth 吓得某人不做某事 be frightened to do sth 不敢做某事 Don t stand so near the edge you re frightening me 不要站得那么靠边 你要把我吓坏了 The lawyer frightened the old lady into signing the paper 那位律师恐吓着那位老太太在文件上签了字 即境活用 完成句子 The 受惊吓的男孩 was speechless after he saw the terrible scene She 看到 吓一跳 the traffic acc

4、ident 答案 frightened boy was frightened at 11 judge v 断定 判断 判决 n 裁判员 法官 评判员 用法拓展 judge sb sth from by 从 来判断 judge between right and wrong 判断是非 as far as I can judge 据我判断 我认为 judging by from 从 上看 根据 判断 judgement n 判断 审判 意见 判断力 in one s judgement 依某人看来 按某人的看法 学海无涯 Judging from by his accent he must be

5、a southerner 根据他的口音判断 他一定是一个南方人 He was judged to be the best actor of this year 他被判定今年年度最佳男演员 特别提示 judging from by 表示 从 上看 根据 来判断 用在句首时 为一个独立成 分 不受句子主语和时态影响 只用现在分词作状语 而不采用过去分词的形式 即境活用 单项填空 from his accent he is possibly from Korea A Judging B To judge C Judged D Being judged 答案 A 重点短语 1 a large numb

6、er of 许多的 大量的 用法拓展 a large great number of 许多的 大量的 相当于 large great number of 后面跟 可数名词复数形式 number 之前可加某些表示数量大小的形容词 a number of 加复数名词 作主语时 谓语动词用复数形式 a small number of 少量的 an equal number of 相同数量的 in number 在数量上 number among with as 把 看做 A great number of students find it hard to find an acceptable job

7、 after graduation 许多学生发现毕业以后找一份合适的工作不容易 He has collected large numbers of photos of different kinds of birds 他已经收集了大量的不同鸟类的照片 用法拓展 表示 数量 的词语还有 a lot of lots of 许多 大量 修饰可数或不可数名词 a great big deal of 许多 很多 修饰不可数名词 an amount of amounts of 大量的 修饰不可数名词 a quantity of quantities of 很多 大量 修饰可数或不可数名词 a little

8、 一些 修饰不可数名词 a bit of 一些 修饰不可数名词 a great many 很多 修饰可数名词 many a 许多 修饰单数可数名词 They spent a great deal of money on this project 他们在这个项目上花了大量的钱 We have had an enormous amount of help from people 我们得到了人们的大力帮助 It s cheaper to buy goods in quantity in large quantities 大批量购货较便宜 A good many students in our cla

9、ss are fond of pop music 我们班里很多学生喜欢流行音乐 易混辨析 a number of 与 the number of 1 a number of 意为 若干 许多 number 前可用 good great large small 等 词修饰 其后必须接名词复数 用作主语时 谓语动词一般用复数形式 2 the number of 意为 的数量 其后接名词的复数或具有复数意义的名词 学海无涯 用作主语时 谓语一般要用单数形式 A small number of people have applied for the job 只有少数人申请这份工作 The number

10、 of the students is increasing very fast 学生数量正在迅速增长 即境活用 单项填空 The number of people invited fifty but a number of them not seen at the meeting A was were B was was C were was D were were 答案 A 2 one third 三分之一 用法拓展 分数的表达 分子用基数词 分母用序数词 分子大于 1 时 分母用序数词的复数形式 分数或分数修饰名词作主语时谓语动词的数根据其含义或其后的名词而定 Two thirds of

11、 the students in our class are boys 我们班三分之二的学生是男生 Five sixths of the land in this area is polluted by this factory 这个地区六分之五的土地被这家工厂污染了 用法拓展 1 百分数的表达 percent 与具体的数词连用 percentage 可与 large small high increasing 等词连用 2 年龄的表达 表示 在某人 岁时 用 in one s 整十的复数形式 3 年份的表达 表示 在 年代 用 in the 年份 后加 s 或 s 4 倍数的表达 A 谓语

12、倍数 比较级 than B A 谓语 倍数 as 原级 as B A 谓语 倍数 the 名词 size length height 等 of B A 谓语 倍数 that of B A 谓语 倍数 what 引导的名词性从句 Eighty percent of the students have gone to university this year 今年百分之八十的学生考上了大学 An increasing percentage of the population own their own homes 自己有房子的人占的比例越来越大了 He set up the company in

13、his thirties 三十几岁时 他成立了这家公司 This happened in the 1920s 这件事发生在 20 世纪 20 年代 He earns three times more than her He earns three times as much as her He earns three times the money that she does The money he earns is three times that of hers He earns three times what she does 他的收入是她的三倍 即境活用 单项填空 With too

14、 many trees cut down of the farmland in that district become desert in the past 50 years A two seventh has B two seventh have 学海无涯 C two sevenths has D two sevenths have When he moved to Germany in he was already in A the fifties his sixty B fifties his sixties C the fifties his sixties D fifty sixt

15、y Much to his surprise he invited only twenty friends to the dinner but came A twice as many as B as many as twice C twice as many D twice more than 答案 C C C 3 at an end 结束 终止 Our hunt for a cheaper but larger house is at last at an end 我们想寻找一幢便宜些但要大些的房子的事终于有了结果 I must warn you that my patience is a

16、lmost at an end 我必须警告你 我已忍无可忍了 The war was at an end 战争结束了 用法拓展 end in 以 为结果 at the end of 到 的尽头 by the end of 到 末 come to the end 结束 告终 make both ends meet 使收支相抵 量入为出 put an end to sth 结束某事 终止某事 消灭某事 stand on end 竖立 直立 即境活用 翻译句子 我的假期结束了 明天我得回去工作了 他们失了业 还要养活两个小孩 无法维持起码的生活 答案 My holiday is at an end and I must go back to work tomorrow Being out of work and having two young children they found it impossible to make ends meet 4 right away 毫不迟疑 立刻 He is ill you should call in the doctor right away 他



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