冀教版英语七年级下册Unit 5:Lesson 29 A Door to the World. 教学设计 (1)

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冀教版英语七年级下册Unit 5:Lesson 29 A Door to the World. 教学设计 (1)_第1页
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1、教学设计教学目标: 知识目标: 1 能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词:article, knowledge, communicate, connect, opportunity及自学案中的短语句型。 2 能够正确使用can 3 让学生通过独学与合作学习了解有关英语使用情况的知识 情感态度:文化间融合。教学方法: 情景教学法,师生生生互学法,独学静思法等教学重难点:1掌握英语的重要性 2 如何学好英语 3 正确使用情态动词can教具:多媒体,卡片板书设计: Lesson29 A door to the world的知识树。教学过程: Warm up: Sing “The thankful heart

2、” with sign language. Show the dreams. Lead in: Show the video from my old student, Huang Kuo .目的:Make sure students are interested in English and hope to learn it well.Listening: Listen to a student and finish the blanks. 1 All over the world, all the people are learning English. T 或 F ( ) 2 _a new

3、 language takes time. 3 It will be a _ to learn a language.方法指导:听前预测;手脑速记;纠结的题暂时放弃Reading1:T or F(判断题) 1 With a good knowledge of English, you can travel somewhere. 2 Learning English well can connect you with the world.Reading2: Finish Exercise 1 方法指导: 根据上下文猜出新单词词义;沉着冷静。Show1: No.4 read the new wor

4、ds. I can help them read correctly if they need.Any student can spell one new word.(A game:有惊喜) I can help put up a part of the tree.目的:1检查自学互学结果;2 给学生自信的机会Read aloud(朗读课文): The groupleaders can show the rules(合作)Show2: Choose two groups to show reading the text.目的:让学生养成为小组而战习惯;口语训练Discuss and show:

5、 1 Discuss the problems that we meet when we learn English. Then write the down on a piece of paper.2 Help each other to solve the problems and write down the ideas.目的:训练写作能力;师生生生合作。Show3:Only one student shows in each group.目的:互学,取长补短。 Learn language points: Another game: Choose and finish the tree. Write down the notes. 目的:检查自学结果并进行重点点拨;纠正自学中的错误。Test: 完成导学案的检测题。Show4:抢答加分制并且有惊喜。Homework: Writing the composition. Learn Lesson30 by yourselves through the tips.课后反思: 总体感觉本节课基本上完成了教学目的,对重难点也有了突破,学生表现积极。不足之处各环节衔接不紧凑,有时间浪费,例如:糖果没准备好等;自己口语有欠缺需训练。


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