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1、温州市2018年中考总复习学业目标测试英语卷中考模拟卷一Class_ Name _ No._ 4rA3ntUEuI听说部分(25分一.听力第一节:听小对话,选择正确图片.(5分( 1. How is Paul feeling now?A B C4rA3ntUEuI( 2.What hasnt Judy packed? A B C4rA3ntUEuI ( 3. What are they going to do? A B C4rA3ntUEuI( 4.How is the woman going to Shanghai? A B C4rA3ntUEuI( 5. Where would Sam l

2、ike to visit? A B C 4rA3ntUEuI第二节:听对话,选答案。(5分听下面一段对话,回答第6小题:( 6. Whats the mans favorite sport ?A. Football B. Tennis C. Golf 听下面一段对话,回答第7-8两小题:( 7. Who is the boy buying the gift for? A. His father B. His mother C. His sister 4rA3ntUEuI( 8. How much does the boy want to spend on the gift?4rA3ntUEuI

3、A 13 B 30 C 300听下面一段对话,回答第9-10两小题:( 9. What does Helen want to be ?A. A policeman B. A soldier C. An athlete.4rA3ntUEuI( 10. How old is Helen? A. 14 B. 15 C. 16第三节:听独白,完成信息记录表。5分)Car show Information FormWhen 11 WhereIn 12 How long 13 days.How many 14 were sold in all .Which 15 Car Company sold the

4、most. )11. A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn 4rA3ntUEuI )12. A. Hangzhou B. Wenzhou C. Keqiao )13. A. 3 B. 9 C. 11 )14. A. 55 B. 200 C. 515 I got my report card today. I did very well in math, English and Chinese. You know these are all my favorite subjects. My math teacher said I was hard-working and m

5、y English teacher said I was very good at listening. My Chinese teacher said my Chinese was much better than before, but my history teacher said I could do better. I didnt do well in science and the teacher asked me to work harder. Maybe I should change my ways of studying science. 4rA3ntUEuI第五节:根据情

6、景提示回答问题。5分)情景提示:你的爸爸是教师,你想当医生,你喜欢帮助别人,为此你会努力学习。问题1:_4rA3ntUEuI问题:_4rA3ntUEuI问题:_4rA3ntUEuI问题:_4rA3ntUEuI问题:_4rA3ntUEuI第六节:在这一节里,你将看到一个话题和要点提示,请根据提示准备说一段话。要求至少三句。,2. 他妈妈送给他3. 他感到笔试部分(95分 二.单项选择.(10分 ( 1. - Would you like something to drink, Peter?- Yes, _ glass of water, please.4rA3ntUEuIA. a B. an C

7、. the D. / 4rA3ntUEuI( 2. - Wheres my English book?- Sorry, I have taken _ by mistake.4rA3ntUEuIA. mine B. his C. hers D. yours4rA3ntUEuI( 3. - How do people like your little sister? 4rA3ntUEuI- Everyone says that she looks so _ that they like her.4rA3ntUEuIA. badly B. beautifully C. lovely D. caref

8、ully4rA3ntUEuI( 4. - Did your parents go to the action movie last night?4rA3ntUEuI- No, they _ went to my grandfathers birthday party. 4rA3ntUEuIA. both B. all C. either D. neither( 5. - Im looking for a jacket for my son. 4rA3ntUEuI- What color do you like_, blue or red?A. most B. best C.better D.

9、good4rA3ntUEuI( 6. - Whats the delicious food you have had in Beijing, Alex?- Beijing duck! I_ to a famous restaurant to have one last week.A. have gone B. will go C.go D. went4rA3ntUEuI( 7.- Will the English Party start at 6:00 pm this Saturday?- No, it has been _ till next Monday. 4rA3ntUEuIA. put

10、 on B. put off C. put awayD. put up4rA3ntUEuI( 8. -_?- He is a computer programmer.4rA3ntUEuIA. What does your father do B. How old is your father4rA3ntUEuIC. What does your father look like D. How does your father go to work4rA3ntUEuI( 9. - Do you know_ the MP5 player yesterday?4rA3ntUEuI- Sorry, I have no idea.A. how much did she pay for B. how much will she pay forC. how much she paid for D. how much she will pay for4rA3ntUEuI( 10. - May I use your dictionary?- _. 4rA3ntUEuI A. Best wished to you B. Sure, here you are4rA3ntUEuIC. No, I dont mind D. It doesnt matter 4r



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