牛津译林版高中英语必修一Unit 1《School Life》(Period One)同步测试2 .doc

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1、Period One Welcome to the unit & Reading()基础落实.单词检测A英文释义连连看1enjoyableAgive most of your time and energy to something2devote Bmore than is usual,expected,or than exists already3average Cgiving pleasure4extra Dthe good feeling you have when you get what you want5satisfaction Eusual or commonB根据英文释义写出单

2、词1_:knowledge or skill gained while doing a job2_:to try extremely hard to achieve something,even though it is very difficult and you have a lot of problems3_:connected with education,especially at college or university level4_:sweet food served after the main part of a meal5_:to give sth. to sb. an

3、d at the same time receive the same type of thing from them.短语检测1免费_2喜爱,喜欢 _3回忆,回顾 _4听起来好像 _.完成句子1_(听起来好像) there is something wrong with the machine.2As his family was poor,he didnt _(上学)until he was ten years old.3There was nothing special about the film_(它很一般)4People can use the gym _(不必另外付费)5Poli

4、ce examined the body but _(没有发现搏斗的痕迹).句型转换1It takes me fifteen minutes to walk to school every day.I _ fifteen minutes _ to school every day.2The new school building is three times larger than the old one.The new school building is three times _ _ _ the old one.3I dont understand his words.I dont un

5、derstand _ _ _.4Her voice sounds like a cold.Her voice sounds _ _ _ _ a cold.5In the past,I often got up late,but now I dont.I _ _ _ _ late in the past.单项填空1Excuse me,wheres my room?_,please.Your room is on the third floor,sir.AGo there BCome hereCGet up DThis way2He is really considering_himself to

6、_these children of the poor mountain village.Ato devote;educatingBdevoting;educatingCdevoting;educateDto devote;educate3I have got used_early in the morning to work hard since I came here.Ato get up Bto getting upCgetting up Dget up4Its quite_lying on the beach,and after a while you will feel_.Arela

7、xing;relaxed Brelaxing;relaxingCrelaxed;relaxed Drelaxed;relaxing5I would fill myself into the cinema to see some films_,for I was then a child.Afor free BfreelyCfreedom Dfor freedom6She said the_in Africa made her realize what she should do to help people in poverty.Aexperience BtripCvisit Dchance7

8、Would you like to_playing football?Ajoin us Bjoin us inCtake a part in Dattend8If we_,we can realize the progress we have made in space research.Aturn back Blook backCanswer back Dmove back9Though the boy came back to life,_he was still weak.Abut Byet Chowever Dso10Remembering 70 new words a week me

9、ans remembering only 10 words a day_.Abelow average Babove averageCon average Dat average能力提升完形填空In a movie,Tom Hanks plays a man named Chuck.Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his_1_.He is a successful manager in a company that sends mail all over the world.One

10、 day Chuck is_2_ across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane_3_.Chuck lives through the accident and lands on a(n)_4_island.On the island,Chuck has to learn to make a_5_all alone.He has to learn how to_6_water,hunt for food,and_7_fire.Perhaps the most difficult problem is_8_to live without frie

11、nds.In order to make a living,Chuck_9_a friendship with an unusual frienda_10_he calls Wilson.Chuck learns a lot about_11_when he is alone on the island.He realizes that he hasnt been a very good friend because he has always been_12_himself.During his five years on the island,Chuck learns how to be

12、a good friend to Wilson._13_Wilson is just a volleyball,he becomes_14_him.He talks to him and treats him as a_15_.Chuck learns that we need friends to_16_happiness and sorrow,and that it is_17_to have someone to care about.He also learns that he_18_cared more about his friends.When he makes friends

13、with Wilson,he understands that friendship is about_19_and that we must give as much as we_20_.1Acompany BfamilyCfriends Ddogs2Aboating BflyingCswimming Dsurfing3Afails BsucceedsCtravels Dturns4Aalone BlonelyCbeautiful Dround5Afriend BboatCliving Dhouse6Acarry BtakeCdrink Dcollect7Amake BcatchCset Dlight8Awhat BwhyChow Dwho9Amakes BdevelopsCbuilds


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