高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Period Two Integrating Skills同步测试 外研版必修1.doc

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1、Period TwoIntegrating Skills基础落实.课文理解1When did Mark Kendon begin to feel interested in science?AAfter he listened to a science lecture.BAfter he heard about the Nobel Prize.CAfter he changed to a new school.DAfter he did an experiment in the lab.2Who do you think played an important part in making M

2、ark Kendon interested in science?AHis parents.BThe lectures.CNobel Prize winners.DHis chemistry teacher.3It seems that Mark Kendon used to love _ classes.Alanguage BchemistryCphysics Dart4We can see Mark Kendons parents _,when he was determined to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University.Awere gre

3、atly surprisedBwere very proudCsupported himDdisliked it5The best title of this passage is _.AWhat a SurpriseBScience Teaching of My New SchoolCScience,My New InterestDHow to Study Science.单词检测1n.天平_火焰_(常作复数)设备;工具_演讲_(大学的)科、系_2adj.吃惊的;惊愕的_.短语检测1_ 过去(常常)2_ 在领域3_ 为感到骄傲/自豪4_ 应当;理应.完成句子1It is _.天气越来越凉爽了

4、。2We _ that Tom had passed the exam.令我们惊讶的是汤姆通过了考试。3The teacher asked us to _.老师让我们轮流读课文。4Jack _ being the son of an excellent scientist.作为一位优秀科学家的儿子,杰克感到自豪。5I _ 2,000 English words during the last three years.过去三年来,我已学会了两千个英语单词。.单项填空1The train was _ to arrive at 1030,but it was one and a half hours

5、 late.Acertain BlikelyCsupposed Dabout2Alice is one of the students who,Im sure,_ of _ English teacher.Ato be proud;their Bis proud;hisCare proud;their Dproud;his3From her _ look,we saw that she hadnt expected we had returned so early.Aastonishing BastonishedCastonish Dastonishment4Will you please k

6、eep the noise _?The baby is sleeping.Aup Baway Cdown Doff5A local radio station said that several eruptions _ in the past twenty years.Atake place Btook placeChave taken place Dhad taken place6He is used to _ to his office in spite of bad weather.Awalk BwalkingCwalked Dhas walked7Why do you like sta

7、ying in Guiyang?Because the weather there is _ too hot _ too cold.Aeither;or Bneither;norCboth;and Dnot only;but also8Im surprised to see you smoking.You _,I remember.Aare not used to Bwere not used toCdidnt use to Dused not9I have driven for so long,and now I want to have a rest._._ to drive.ANo;It

8、s my turnBYes;Its your turnCGo ahead;Its your turnDGo ahead;Its my turn10This kind of dance show is very _ on TV and is popular with _ young people,especially with high school students.Acommon;usual Busual;ordinaryCcommon;ordinary Dordinary;usual.微写作写作素材1汤姆过去经常上学迟到,他的父母认为他应该努力学习。2他参加了一次讲座之后,改变了许多。3他

9、的目标是成为一名大学生。4现在他的父母为他感到自豪。提示黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)_能力提升完形填空I was hard at work on a museum project when the client(客户) suddenly canceled it.In January,my boss told me I was no longer _1_.I had just $1,000 in savings.After surfing the Internet for architecture jobs,I _2_ one interview,

10、but nothing came of it. _3_,I took a job as a waiter.I knew Id have to find a place to _4_ that cost less than the $500 a month I was _5_.I went to see a _6_ for rent.It was listed for $500,but the landlord said I _7_ have the bedroom for $350 _8_ he kept control of the closet for storage.I told him

11、 later,“I dont want the bedroom,but Im interested in the closet.” I _9_ that I pay $150 a month for it.He thought I was _10_.The closet measures just 5.5 feet by 14 feet. _11_ my design experience,I was _12_ I could make it into a great living space.I sketched(绘草图) for three days.I _13_ old pieces o

12、f wood that people donated(赠送)It was like putting together a puzzle.In March,I moved in.The landlord cut out a door so Id have _14_ to a kitchen and bathroom,which I _15_ with three other people.I have to make more money to _16_ my situation.Then on my website,Ive _17_ pictures of my new home,and that has _18_ some design work.A few more jobs and Ill be able to _19_ a new place.Thats definitely a good thing.My girlfriend,Susan,and I are engaged,and once were married,next March,Im _20_ Ill leave my litt


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