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《1-4Cultural Corner.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《1-4Cultural Corner.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 1 第4课时.单词拼写1Teaching also needs ones_(技术)2The childs_(想象力)filled the woods with strange animals.3I came here for the_(目的)of saying“Happy birthday”to you.4Being well prepared, he performed the experiment_(成功)5The_(机能,功能)of the heart is to pump blood.答案:1.techniques2.imagination3.purpose4succes

2、sfully5.function.单句改错1Could you repeat what you said again?_2He won the Nobel Price for Peace._3I went to tell him the good news.You neednt. I told him yesterday._4He used to sleep late, but now he has got used to get up earlier._5What do you mean saying so?_答案:1.去掉again2.PricePrize3.neednt后加have4ge

3、tgetting5.mean后加by.翻译句子1我想象不出生活在月球上的情形。_2大雨增添了我们的困难。_3她们虽然是孪生姐妹,但很少有共同之处。_4通过朗读可以提高我们的英语口语。_5我想不出可以用这个习语的场合。_答案:1I cant imagine living on the moon.2The heavy rain added to our difficulty.3Though(they are)twin sisters, they have little in common(with each other)4We can improve our spoken English by r

4、eading aloud.5I cant think of/imagine a situation where I can use this idiom.完形填空(2010全国)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。It was a busy morning, about 830, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital. I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment (约会)

5、at 930.The nurse had him take a _1_in the waiting area, _2_him it would be at least 40 minutes _3_ someone would be able to see him. I saw him _4_ his watch and decided, since I was _5_busymy patient didnt _6_ at the appointed hours, I would examine his wound. While taking care of his wound, I asked

6、 him if he had another doctors appointment.The gentleman said no and told me that he _7_ to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his _8_. He told me that she had been _9_ for a while and that she had a special disease. I asked if she would be _10_ if he was a bit late. He replied that she _1

7、1_ knew who he was, that she had not been able to _12_ him for five years now. I was _13_, and asked him. “And you _14_ go every morning, even though she doesnt know who you are?”He smiled and said, “She doesnt know me, but I know who she is.” I had to hold back _15_ as he left.Now I _16_ that in ma

8、rriages, true love is _17_ of all that is. The happiest people dont _18_ have the best of everything; they just _19_ the best of everything they have. _20_ isnt about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.1A.breathBtestCseat Dbreak答案:C解析:take a seat“就座,坐下”。护士让老人坐下,并告诉他至少40分钟以后,

9、才会有大夫给他看病。2A.persuading BpromisingCunderstanding Dtelling答案:D解析:见上题解析。3A.if BbeforeCsince Dafter答案:B解析:some timebeforeclause“多长时间以后才”。4A.taking off BfixingClooking at Dwinding答案:C解析:我看见老人不停地看“looking at”表。5A.very BalsoCseldom Dnot答案:D解析:既然我现在“不”忙。6A.turn up Bshow offCcome on Dgo away答案:A解析:我的病人不会在约定

10、的时间“到达”。turn up作“出现,露面,到达”解。7A.needed BforgotCagreed Dhappened答案:A解析:老人说他“需要”去疗养院与“妻子”共进早餐。need to do sth“需要做某事”;forget to do sth“忘记做某事”;agree to do sth“同意做某事”;happen to do sth“碰巧做某事”。8A.daughter BwifeCmother Dsister答案:B解析:见上题解析。9A.late BwellCaround Dthere答案:D解析:他告诉我,他的妻子已在疗养院住了一段时间。10A.lonely Bworr

11、iedCdoubtful Dhungry答案:B解析:我问他,如果他晚一点儿去疗养院,他的妻子是否生气“angry”。11A.so far BneitherCno longer Dalready答案:C解析:他回答说,他的妻子已不知道他是谁了。no longer“不再”。12A.recognize BanswerCbelieve Dexpect答案:A解析:他的妻子已经五年没有认出他来了。recognize“认出,辨认出”。13A.moved BdisappointedCsurprised Dsatisfied答案:C解析:老人的一席话让我吃惊不已。14A.only BthenCthus Ds

12、till答案:D解析:即使她认不出你是谁,你依然“still”每天早晨去疗养院吗?15A.curiosity BtearsCwords Djudgment答案:B解析:hold back ones tears “忍住不哭”。16A.realize BsuggestChope Dprove答案:A解析:我现在意识到“realized”,在婚姻方面,真正的爱就是接受对方的一切。17A.agreement BexpressionCacceptance Dexhibition答案:C解析:acceptance“接受,接纳”。18A.necessarily BcompletelyCnaturally Dfrequently答案:A解析:not necessarily“不一定”。19A.learn BmakeCfavor Dtry答案:B解析:最幸福的人“未必”拥有所有最好东西,但是他们把所拥有的东西,发挥到了极致。ma


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