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1、consciousness, this is Government Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is duty-bound, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to research solution reform development stable in the of major problem Shang, p

2、ut to research solution masses production life in the of urgent problem Shang, put to research solution work in the exists of highlight problem Shang, put an end to to Conference implement Conference, to file implementation file, never can makes superior of decision and deployment in a implementatio

3、n Lost in the sound. System Office of the Government sector must take the lead in party and Government policies, the deployment and carry out specific targets, in the implementation efforts, for example on the implementation, on the implementation of a performance. City Government System Office to s

4、eriously implement implementation national, and Province Government system Secretary-General Office Director Conference spirit, according to around overall, grasp implementation this a general requirements, insisted reform innovation, further change management concept, and management functions, and

5、management system and management method; insisted quality first, ensure for led, and for grass-roots, and for masses provides quality efficient service; insisted strictly rule political, efforts construction a support political firm, and business master, and service political clean, and style excell

6、ent of Office team.关于酒店管理部员工技能考核工资评定的报告公司领导:为使酒店管理部员工所享受的薪资标准与实际工作技能要求相符,根据公司薪酬管理体系相关要求,本部门已定制各岗位技能评定标准并对在岗正编员工进行考核,已综合评定出技能分数及技能级别。按照公司薪酬体系技术工资标准:1、主管考核评定及专员及以下职级人员考核评定标准,依据酒店现有转正人员技术岗位考核分值情况,提出如下技能工资标准建议:一、酒店管理部等级划分标准:1、主管技能分等级划分:98分以上,为一级(600元);95分以上,为二级(400元);90以上分,为三级(200元);2、专员及以下职级人员技能分等级划分:9

7、5分以上,为一级(400元);90分以上,为二级(300元);85分以上,为三级(200元);80分以上,为四级(100元);80分以下,为五级(50元)。二、增加部门兼职收银员、商场人员岗位工资或技术岗位100元(在考核后技术岗位工资基础上加),以减少员工赔偿损失,保证各经营点工作的顺利开展。三、通过人力招聘市场薪酬待遇比较和了解,目前公司整体薪酬待遇属于中下标准, 针对试用期员工(含新入职员工)建议技能岗位工资由原来的50元/月的标准调整到为三级(200元/月),确保市场招聘的应聘率。三、由于酒店管理部点多面广,工作及其繁琐,酒店管理部副经理、经理的技术岗位工资未执行,建议统一调整到中级最

8、低档三级(200元/月)标准执行。四、试用期员工转正后的第一个月内进行技能岗位考核,以技能等级从而确定技术岗位工资。五、针对酒店管理部工作的特殊性,对员工技能岗位考核实行每季度一次考核,以上建议旨在提高员工待遇,以求稳定员工队伍,减少员工流失率,申请在九月份酒店管理部执行技术岗位工资。妥否,请批示。附:1、各岗位技能考核标准(电子版)2、酒店管理部技术岗位薪资对应资表 酒店管理部 二一年八月二十八酒店部门岗位姓名技能分技能级别技能工资备注山地酒店客务部主管刘 燕91.5三级200元前台组长钟秋月90.6二级300元客房组长周家刚86.5三级200元服务员何景容91.5三级200元胥 琼87三级

9、200元张 敏87200元马 燕85200元杨建琼81.5四级100元餐娱部主管揭加蓉91三级200元服务员姚慧毅90二级300元邱 香82四级100元雷从兵82100元映雪、斯堪的纳酒店餐娱部副经理董 剑三级200元主 管梁 尧90.1三级200元组 长李 立94.8二级300元杨 丹92.3300元黄 燕90.8300元李 鹏86.9三级200元李丰豆82四级100元服务员候小梅94.1二级300元李家川92300元崔 密87.2三级200元肖 琴87200元陈小丽78五级50元客房部主 管毛小平93三级200元组 长任 燕90三级200元曾 华90200元傅红玲89200元付小玲8920

10、0元宾客中心蒋德明90三级200元翟春静88200元服务员张琼珍87200元郭晓华85四级100元酒店管理部员工技术岗位薪资对应资表(转正人员)酒店部门岗位姓名技能分技能级别技能工资备注映雪、斯堪的纳酒店前厅部主 管李 铖90二级200元GRO徐文婧92二级300元总台组长朱晓玲93300元总台接待刘航宇91300元张 鑫87.5三级200元王莉川87.5200元张 韦87200元谭俊杰85四级100元综合部经理祝林三级200元行政质检刘君瑾93二级300元汪莘于90三级200元岳峻峰89200元主 管宋登高93二级300元组 长蒋小松95300元网络维护杨智峰90三级200元技工陶守洪95二

11、级300元李显伦92二级300元李 建90三级200元杨才均89200元锅炉工刘兴高93二级300元万福才90三级200元组 长肖正旭91.5二级300元保 安张明强90.5300元邱光剑89.5三级200元王志勇89200元组 长陈玉莲95二级300元备注:针对前厅接待兼收银、餐厅吧员兼收银、商场售货员给予另外技术岗位及岗位工资补助不论你是新上任的或是有经验的单位主管,这本“营业部经理晋升学员手册”可以做为你在经营单位时的重要参考资料以及备忘录。营业单位经理最主要的职责就是要引导客户经理的证券事业获得成功,为了做好引导业务成功的工作consciousness, this is Governm

12、ent Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is duty-bound, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to research solution reform development stable in the of major problem Shang, put to research solution masses

13、 production life in the of urgent problem Shang, put to research solution work in the exists of highlight problem Shang, put an end to to Conference implement Conference, to file implementation file, never can makes superior of decision and deployment in a implementation Lost in the sound. System Office of the Government sector must take the lead in party and Government policies, the deployment and carry out specific targets, in the implementation efforts, for example on the implementation, on the implementation of a performance. City Government System Office to seriously impleme



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