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1、xx网络应用优化平台软件CDN解决方案服务合同Wangsu Network Application Optimization Platform Software CDN Solution Service Contract 合同编号/Contract No. _ 本合同由以下双方于 年 月 日在 北京市朝阳区签订: 甲方: (以下简称甲方)一家依据 法律设立并有效存续的公司地址:_ 法定代表人:乙方:xx科技股份有限公司 (以下简称乙方)一家依据中华人民共和国法律设立并有效存续的公司地址:_法定代表人:THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into in _ on

2、the _th day of _, _ ,by and between: , a company duly incorporated and existing under the laws of _, with its principle business office at_(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”),andWangsu Science and Technology Company Limited, a company duly incorporated and existing under the laws of the Peoples R

3、epublic of China, with its principle business office at _(hereinafter referred to as “Party B”).依据中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国电信条例及其他相关法律、法规之规定,甲乙双方本着平等、自愿、互利的原则,经友好协商一致,就乙方向甲方提供xx网络应用优化平台软件CDN解决方案服务事宜(以下简称“CDN服务”)达成如下约定,以资遵守:In accordance with the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Telecommunicat

4、ions Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China, and other relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B, adhering to the principles of equality, voluntariness and mutual benefit, and through friendly consultation, have reached the agreement on the provision of Wangsu Network Application Opti

5、mization Platform Software CDN Solution Service, and enter into this Contract with the following terms and conditions for the Parties to comply with:第一条 缔约诚信承诺1. Representation and Warranties1.1 甲方承诺Party A hereby represents and warrants that: 甲方是一家经工商管理机构正式注册登记并合法存续的合法企业,具有签署本合同的合法主体资格。甲方承诺,在签署本合同时

6、,甲方无任何法律障碍和重大事件能够导致影响甲方继续正常存续或有效履行本合同的潜在风险存在。Party A is a legitimate enterprise registered at the administrative organ for industry and commerce in due form and validly exists, has obtained all the qualifications and licenses necessary for the operation of Internet business and licenses complete. Pa

7、rty A has full power and authority to execute this Contract, at the time of entering into this Contract, there is no legal barrier or significant event that may affect its normal operation or the performance of this Contract. 1.2 乙方承诺Party B hereby represents and warrants that:乙方是一家拥有中华人民共和国增值电信业务经营

8、许可证,获准经营因特网数据中心业务和因特网接入服务业务的高科技公司(经营许可证号为 xxx),并已经取得签署及履行本合同所必要的互联网业务、服务经营资格,各类证照齐全的合法企业,且具有签署本合同的合法主体资格。乙方承诺,在签署本合同时,乙方无任何法律障碍和重大事件能够导致影响乙方正常存续或有效履行本合同的潜在风险存在。Party B is a high-tech company that holds the License for Cross-Province Operation of Value-Added Telecom Service issued by the Ministry of

9、Industry and Information Technology of the Peoples Republic of China (License No. B1.B2-20050405), and is eligible to operate Internet data center (IDC) business and Internet access business.Party B has obtained all the qualifications and licenses necessary for the operation of Internet business and

10、 licenses complete. Party B has full power and authority to execute this Contract, at the time of entering into this Contract, there is no legal barrier or significant event that may affect its normal operation or the performance of this Contract. 1.3 甲乙双方承诺:如在签订本合同过程中及本合同随后的执行过程中,任何一方发生影响本合同有效执行的变化

11、,均应在发生该等变化后3日内通知合同相对方,否则可视为违约。这些变化包括但不限于:经营资质或履行本合同所必要的各类证照、资质发生变化;影响本合同的正常履行的股权抵押质押、重大资产变化;破产清算;因违反电信(互联网)行业法律法规而被处罚;以及其它影响本合同生效或有效执行的其他各种情形。Both Parties warrant to each other that, during the negotiation and performance of this Contract, if any changes arise that may affect the performance of this

12、 Contract, the affected Party shall notify the other Party promptly, otherwise it shall be attributed as a breach of contract. Such changes include, but are not limited to: changes to the qualification for business or records, mortgage and pledge, debt profile or important transformation of assets,

13、bankruptcy liquidation, information of penalties resulting from the violation of telecom and/or Internet industry regulations, and other information that may affect the entry-into-force or the performance of this Contract.1.4 甲乙双方承诺:双方的合作应该严格遵守国家、各级主管部门、行业协会制定的各类法律法规、管理办法及行业规范。包括但不限于现行的或不时更新、出台的各类法律

14、法规、管理办法及行业规范。Both Parties warrant to each other that, the corporation between the Parties shall strictly comply with any and all laws and regulations made by the State and/or the competent authorities (including, but not limited to the laws and regulations currently in force or being released or upd

15、ated from time to time).第二条 名词解释2. Definitions and Interpretation本文中下列词汇的含义,除相关条文另有明确说明外,均应依照以下含义解释、理解:In this Contract, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise:2.1 xx网络应用优化平台软件CDN(Content Delivery Network) 解决方案: 即xx网络应用优化平台软件内容云分发加速网络解决方案,指通


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