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1、语法专题Module 1简单句:由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成。一. 五种基本句型:1 主语系动词表语 (S+V+P)He is happy.2 主语不及物动词(状语) ( S+V ) He is swimming.3 主语及物动词宾语(状语) ( S+V+O ) I saw him just now.4 主语及物动词间接宾语直接宾语 ( S+V+IO+DO ) She lent me a bike, 主语及物动词直接宾语间接宾语 ( S+V+DO+IO ) She lent a bike to me.5 主语及物动词宾语宾语补足语 ( S+V+O+OC) The goo

2、d news made us happy.二. 练习:写出下列句子的基本成分。1 He likes music very much.2 The soup tastes salty.3 She works very hard.4 My teacher asked me to come a little earlier next time.5 My father bought me a computer.Module 2宾语从句:是一个复合句,复合句也称主从句,即主句和从句。1. 定义:在句子充当宾语的从句如:He says that he is going to the cinema.The t

3、eacher told us that the earth goes around the sun.2. 结构:(1)主句+that+从句(that没有意义,可省略)(2)主句+if/ whetheror not (是否)+从句(3)主句+疑问词(what,where,how,why)+从句如:I believe (that) we will become good friends.我相信我们会成为好朋友。He asks whether/ if we will go fishing on Sunday.他问周日我们是否会出去钓鱼。I understand why they like compu

4、ter games so much.我理解他们为什么如此喜欢电脑游戏。3. 时态:(1)主句是一般现在时,从句可以是任何时态。I hear that Peter bought a new computer yesterday.(主句用一般现在时,从句用过去时)Tom wants to know what his brother will do next Sunday.(主句用一般现在时,从句用将来时)The little girl can show me where she lives.(主句用一般现在时,从句也用一般现在时)2. 如果主句的时态是一般过去时,宾语从句只能用过去的某种时态如:D

5、avid told me that he was very tired.(主句用一般过去过去时,从句也用过去时)3. 如果宾语从句所陈述的是客观真理,其时态常用一般现在时。例如:如:The teacher told us that the earth goes around the sun.(主句用一般过去时,从句用现在时)如何改为宾语从句(三关)1. 引导词关陈述句,引导词用that(that在口语或非正式文体中常省略);一般疑问句,引导词用if/whether;特殊疑问句,引导词用由疑问词转换而来的疑问代词/副词。2. 语序关陈述句变为宾语从句,语序不变,即仍用陈述语序。如:He is a

6、n honest boy. The teacher said. The teacher said(that)he was an honest boy.一般疑问句和特殊疑问句变为宾语从句,语序变为陈述语序。如:Does he work hard?I wonder.I wonder if/whether he works hard.When did he leave?I dont know. I dont know when he left.3. 时态关如果主句是现在的时态,从句的时态可根据实际情况而定。如:如果主句是过去的某种时态,那么从句的时态一定要用过去的某种时态。如:注意:如果宾语从句表述

7、的是客观真理、自然现象等时,不管主句是什么时态,从句都要用一般现在时。练习题1. Miss Green didnt tell us _ in 2002.A. where does she liveB. Where she lives C. where did she live D. where she lived2.I dont know when _.A.will the train leaveB. the train will leave C. would the train leaveD. the train leave3.-We dont know _.-It is said that

8、 he was born in Sweden.A. what he isB. if he lives here C. where he comes fromD. which country is he from4. Were not sure if it _ tomorrow. If it _,we wont climb the South Hill.A. will snow;snows B. will snow;will snow C. snows;snows D. snows;will snow Module 3动词不定式(to do)和动名词(v-ing) 有些动词后面需加to do或-

9、ing来把意思补充完整。接to do的单词多为 “打算”、“计划”、“希望”之类的动词,而这些动词都表示未来。接-ing形式的动词要么表示是正在进行,要么表示一般性或经常性行为。有的动词既可以接to do,也可以接-ving。一. 接to do的动词有:(1)四个希望两答应:hope/ want/ wish/ would like to-agree/ promise(2)两个要求加拒绝:demand/ ask/ refuse(3)设法学会做决定:manage/ learn/ decide(4) 不要假装在选择:pretend/ choose二. 接-ing的动词有:enjoy/ finish/

10、 practise/ keep/ be busy/ feel like doing sth三. 既可以接to do,也可以接-ving的动词有hate, like, love, begin/start(意思一样),remember, forget, continue/ go on, stop, try,mean, regret(意思不一样)Remember to do sth 记得去做某事 remember doing sth 记得做过某事Forget to do sth 忘记去做某事 forget doing sth忘记做过某事Stop to do sth 停止正在做的事去做另一件事 sto

11、p doing sth 停止正在做的事Continue/ go on to do 继续做另一件事 Continue/ go on doing sth 停止正在做的事Try to do sth 努力设法做某事 try doing sth 试着做某事Mean to do sth 意味着做某事 mean doing sth 打算做某事Regret to do sth 对将要做的事表示遗憾 regret doing sth 对已做的事感到后悔四. 练习:用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Would you like _ (have) a cup of tea?2. Im very tired, lets

12、stop _ (have) a rest.3. I asked why he smiled, but he couldnt remember _ (smile) at me.4. He wants _ (buy) a new bike.5. You must keep _ (practice) _ (speak) English every day.6. Have you finished _ (read) the book?7. I decide _ (visit) the Great Wall this holiday.8. My sister enjoys _ (listen) to m

13、usic.9. He learnt _ (swim) all by himself.10. My father agreed _ (buy) me a computer.11. I forgot _ (close) the door yesterday.12. I hate _ (lose).13. The teacher is coming, we stop _. (talk)14. We tried _ (finish) the work on time.15. Sally refused _ (play) during the final practice.16. He offers _

14、 (help) me with the work.17. She cant afford _ (buy) a dictionary.18. I hope _ (go) abroad.19. Da Wei asked _ (play) the computer game on my fathers computer.20. He started _ (make) his own radio programmer at the age of fifteen.Module 4-5由if(如果)引导的条件状语从句(在某种条件下某事可能发生)1. 句子结构(1) If从句+主句(2) If从句+祈使句(以动词原形开头)2. 位置:if从句可放句首,也可放主句后面; 若If条件句放句首,从句可加逗号 。如:Print the text if you



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