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1、.编号: _可编辑可打印,也可以直接使用,欢迎您的下载订购协议(中英文对照)甲 方:_乙 方:_签订日期:_年_月_日subscription agreement laspirit, inc.订购协议this subscription agreement (the agreement) is beteen laspirit, inc. (laspirit) and any purchaser or user (customer) of laspirit products and services that accepts the terms of this agreement (custome

2、r)。本订购协议(以下简称本协议)由laspirit, inc.(以下简称)和同意接受本协议条款的公司产品及服务的买方或使用人(以下简称用户)签订。please read this agreement carefully before purchasing or using laspirit products and services. by using or purchasing laspirit products or services, customer signifies its assent to this agreement. if you are acting on behalf

3、 of an entity, then you represent that you have the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of that entity. if customer does not accept the terms of this agreement, then it must not use or purchase red hat products and services.在购买或使用产品与服务之前,请先仔细阅读本协议。用户一旦使用或购买的产品或服务,即表示用户同意本协议的条款。如阁下系代表某机构

4、行事,则表示阁下有权代表该机构签署本协议。如用户不接受本协议的条款,则请勿使用或购买公司的产品与服务。the effective date of this agreement is the earlier of the date that customer accepts this agreement or the date that customer uses laspirits products or services.本协议的生效日为用户接受本协议之日,或用户使用产品或服务之日(以其中较早发生之日为准)。i. terms and conditions一、条款与条件a. general t

5、erms and conditions the term services as used in this agreement means, collectively,the support services provided under the purchased subscription and defined herein, rhn services as defined herein, and any learning services purchased under this agreement and defined herein. the term softare means t

6、he family of softare products purchased under this agreement and defined herein, if any. the term installed systems means the number of systems on hich customer installs the softare. the term system means any hardare on hich the softare is installed, hich may be, ithout limitation, a server, a ork s

7、tation, a virtual machine, a blade, a partition or an engine, as applicable. the initial number of installed systems is the number of copies of the softare that customer purchases.(一) 一般条款与条件本协议所称服务系指在订购范围内提供的本协议规定的支持服务、rhn 服务,以及根据本协议购买的本协议规定的任何学习服务。软件系指按本协议购买的本协议规定的软件类产品。已安装系统系指用户装有软件的各种系统。系统系指装有软件

8、的任何硬件,包括但不限于服务器、工作站、虚拟机台、机片、分隔板或引擎(视具体情况而定)。已安装系统的最初数量为用户购买软件的份数。1. term and termination 1.1 term. the term of this agreement shall be for the duration of all services provided under this agreement. the initial term for services shall commence on the effective date of this agreement and shall contin

9、ue for a period of one (1) year. thereafter, the term for services shall rene for successive terms of one (1) year each unless either party gives ritten notice to the other of its intention not to rene at least sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of the next term; provided, hoever, customer sh

10、all have the right to terminate this agreement at any time after the first year by giving sixty (60) days prior ritten notice of termination to laspirit. customer shall remain obligated for all fees through the date of termination.1. 期限与终止1.1 期限。 本协议的期限应为提供本协议项下所有服务所需的期间。提供服务的最初期限自本协议的生效日开始,为期一(1)年。

11、之后,服务期每年连续自动延长一(1)年,除非任何一方在下一服务期的起始日之前至少六十(60)天,事先书面通知对方,要求停止续约。但是,在第一年的期限届满后,用户随时有权经提前六十(60)天书面通知后,终止本协议,但用户有义务付清截至本协议终止之日的所有费用。1.2 termination for breach. laspirit may terminate this agreement (a) in the event customer fails to pay an invoice hen due, (b) in the event customer commits a material b

12、reach of this agreement and fails to remedy that breach ithin thirty (30) days of receipt of ritten notice of material breach, or (c) as otherise provided in this agreement. customer may terminate this agreement in the event laspirit commits a material breach of this agreement and fails to remedy th

13、at breach ithin thirty (30) days of receipt of ritten notice of material breach.1.2 违约终止。 有权在下列情形发生时终止本协议:_(a)用户未支付任何到期应付款;(b)用户严重违反本协议,而且在收到有关其严重违约的书面通知后三十(30)日内,仍未纠正违约;或(c)本协议规定的其它情形。如果严重违反本协议,而且在收到有关其严重违约的书面通知后三十(30)日内,仍未纠正违约,则用户有权终止本协议。2. pricing, invoicing and taxes. customer agrees to provide

14、laspirit ith accurate and complete billing information(including legal name, address, telephone number, and billing or prc subscription agreement 2019201922 laspirit confidential 2 credit information)。 customer ill report to laspirit all changes to this information ithin thirty (30) days of the change. laspirit reserves the right to suspend or cancel services for non-payment. all fees are stated and must be paid in united states dollars. if customer is paying by credit card, then customer authorizes red hat to bill customers credit card for the service



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