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1、Module 4 Fine Arts-Western, Chinese and Pop Arts一积词汇见多识广课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1carnival n 狂欢节_2Christian adj.基督教的3magic n. 魅力;魔力 4whistle n. 哨子5multicultural adj. 多元文化的 6trade n. 贸易7master n. 主人 8abolish vt. 废除9elegant adj. 优美的;高雅的 10era n. 时代;年代11calendar n. 日历;月历 12magnificent adj. 富丽堂皇的(二)表达词汇写其形1hide

2、vt. 掩藏;躲藏 2pretend vi. 假装3book vt. 预定 4wander vi. 漫步;闲逛5mark vt. 标志(着) 6freedom n. 自由(三)拓展词汇灵活用*1.confusion n杂乱;混乱;困惑confuse vt.混乱;使迷惑confused adj.迷惑的;混乱的confusing adj.令人迷惑的;难懂的*2.extend vt.延长extension n延伸;扩大*3.memory n记忆memorize v记住memorial n纪念碑(或像等) adj.纪念的4.relaxing adj.使人放松的relaxed adj.放松的relax

3、vt.使放松relaxation n消遣;娱乐*5.tasty adj.美味可口的taste n味道 v品尝6.transport vt.运输;运送transportation n运输7.import vt.引进;进口(反义词) export vt.出口*8.celebration n庆典;庆祝celebrate vt.庆祝9.unite vt.联合union n联合;团结;工会united adj.团结的10.origin n起源original adj.原先的;最初的 n原著 originally adv.最初;起初用上面标注*的单词的正确形式填空1I was in confusion a

4、fter you told me such a confusing story. Tom said he also felt confused.(confuse)2The new government plans to extend the original road, the extension of which will help improve the trade.(extend)3He has a good memory and can memorize many different figures at one time.(memory)4Though the soup is tas

5、ty,_Ive lost my sense of taste and it tastes just like water.(tasty)5They were celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival and many people joined in the celebration.(celebrate)话题单词积累1festival/festIv()l/ n 节日2Christmas/krIsms/ n. 圣诞节3Halloween/hlin/ n. 万圣节4Easter/ist(r)/ n. 复活节5holiday/hlIdeI/ n. 假日;假期6vaca

6、tion/vkeIn/ n. 假期7approach/prt/ v. 临近;靠近8observe/bzv/ v. 庆祝;遵守9feast/fist/ n. 盛宴10decorate/dekreIt/ v. 装饰,修饰11decoration/dekreI()n/ n. 装饰品12treat/trit/ v. 招待;款待13admire/dmaI/ v. 欣赏;羡慕14entertain/entteIn/ v. 招待;使娱乐15entertainment/entteInm()nt/ n. 娱乐16share/e/ v. 分享17cater/keIt/ vt. 承办酒席18lantern/lntn

7、/ n. 灯笼19firecracker/faIkrk/ n. 鞭炮20balloon/blun/ n. 气球21candle/knd()l/ n. 蜡烛22custom/kstm/ n. 习俗23tradition/trdI()n/ n. 传统24traditional/trdI()n()l/ adj. 传统的25ceremony/serImnI/ n. 典礼;仪式26delicious/dIlIs/ adj. 美味的27civilized/sIvlaIzd/ adj. 文明的28religious/rIlIds/ adj. 宗教的29delighted/dIlaItId/ adj. 高兴的

8、30pleasant/plez()nt/ adj. 令人愉快的二积短语顿挫抑扬课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语*e_to_an_end完结;结束*2.dress_up 装扮;打扮*3.on_end 连续地4.in_secret 秘密地*5.date_back_to 追溯到(某个时候)6.consist_of 由组成;由构成7.give_up_ 放弃(想法、尝试);戒除8.wash_down 冲洗某物,冲下*9.by_force 用暴力*10.take_over 接管;接收(二)用上面标注*的短语完成下列句子1The young lady loves dressing_up for a p

9、arty to be noticed by others.2Nobody can take_over your work but someone you trust.3The heart is not conquered by_force,_but by love and tolerance. 4He has some paper money dating_back_to the Qing Dynasty.5It has been raining for days on_end as if it would never come_to_an_end!,话题短语积累1be on holiday/

10、vacation在度假2in memory of 为了纪念3in honor of . 为了向表示敬意4in advance 提前5originate from 起源于6come into being 形成;产生7do some cleaning 打扫卫生 8have a big dinner 吃大餐 9stand for 代表,象征10exchange gifts 交换礼物11family reunion 家人团圆12celebrate the festival 庆祝节日13on special occasions 在特殊场合14a display of fireworks 烟火表演15ce

11、lebrate an anniversary 庆祝周年纪念16add to 增加;增添17in the open air 在露天里18get together 聚会三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1祈使句and/or陈述句例句Think of carnival, and you think of crowds, costumes, and confusion. 仿写学会理解,你就会从悲伤和失望的世界中摆脱出来。(2015重庆满分作文)Learn_to_understand,_and you will keep away from a world full of sadness and disapp

12、ointment.2“the序数词of关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句例句Their use was limited by laws, the first of which dates back to the fourteenth century. 仿写他写了两本书,第一本被改编成了电影。He wrote two books, the_first_of_which_was_adapted_for_a_film.3there is a need for sb.to do sth.“(某人)有必要做某事”例句The arrival of Europeans in America, and the

13、opening of huge farms and plantations to grow cotton, fruit and vegetables, meant there was an immediate need for people to work on them. 仿写在我看来,你没有必要为了那件事感到心烦。In my opinion, there_is_no_need_for_you_to_be_upset_about that thing.话题佳句背诵1The MidAutumn Festival is a traditional festival of China, which

14、 is actually a day for family reunion.中秋节是中国的传统节日,实际上是家人团聚的日子。2On the Eve of the Spring Festival, firstly, family members get together and have big meals. Secondly, they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV.在除夕,家庭成员首先聚在一起吃大餐,然后他们观看电视上的春节联欢晚会。3I can have a good rest and put trouble aside on this special day.在这个特殊的日子里我可以好好休息一下,把烦恼丢到一边。四背语段语感流畅The MidAutumn Festival is a very important traditional festival, which falls on the 15th day of August of our Chinese lunar ca


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