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1、2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)People have speculated for centuries about a future without work .Today is no different, with academics, writers,

2、and activists once again 1 that technology be replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital, and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the

3、future will be a wasteland of a different sort, one 4 by purposelessness: Without jobs to give their lives 5 , people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 , todays unemployed dont seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at l

4、east a year report having depression, double the rate for 7 Americans. Also, some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addicting 9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness o

5、f a jobless future.But it doesnt 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work, a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 stri

6、kingly different circumstanced for the future of labor and leisure. Today, the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring, degrading, unhealthy, and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway.These days, because leisure ti

7、me is relatively 16 for most workers, people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard days work, I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says, adding, “In a world in which I dont have to work, I might feel rather different”perhaps differ

8、ent enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters.1A boasting B denying C warning D ensuring【答案】C warning2A inequality B instability C unreliability D uncertainty【答案】A inequality3A policy Bguideline C resolution D prediction【答案】D predictio

9、n4A characterized Bdivided C balanced Dmeasured【答案】A characterized5A wisdom B meaning C glory D freedom【答案】B meaning6A Instead B Indeed C Thus D Nevertheless【答案】B Indeed7A rich B urban Cworking D educated【答案】C working8A explanation B requirement C compensation D substitute【答案】A explanation9A under B

10、 beyond C alongside D among【答案】D among10A leave behind B make up C worry about D set aside【答案】C worry about11A statistically B occasionally C necessarily D economically【答案】C necessarily12A chances B downsides C benefits D principles【答案】B downsides13A absence B height C face D course【答案】A absence14A

11、disturb B restore C exclude D yield【答案】D yield15A model B practice C virtue D hardship【答案】C virtue16A tricky B lengthy C mysterious D scarce【答案】D scarce17A demands B standards C qualities D threats【答案】A demands18A ignored B tired C confused D starved【答案】B tired19A off B against C behind D into【答案】D

12、into20A technological B professional C educational D interpersonal【答案】B professionalSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Every Saturday m

13、orning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km around their local park. The Parkrun phenomenon began with a dozen friends and has inspired 400 events in the UK and more abroad. Events are free, staffed by thousands of volunteers. Runners range from four years old to grandparents; their times range from Andrew Baddeleys world record 13 minutes 48 seconds up to an


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