12-13下七年级宜昌综合能力专刊 参考答案

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《12-13下七年级宜昌综合能力专刊 参考答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《12-13下七年级宜昌综合能力专刊 参考答案(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、912-13下七年级下宜昌综合能力专刊 参考答案重点知识开心练(一)I.1. policeman 2. family III. 1. teacher; teach2. surprised 3. relaxing 4. anything 5. hard 6. singer 7. both 8. job 9. that 10. likes 3. farmer 4. singer 5. glassesII. 1. lives 2. sunny 3. evening 4. small 5. homework 6. dreams 7. son 8. cute 9. snowman 10. grandfa

2、ther / grandpa 11. good 12. actors 13. visitors 14. expensive; costs 15. amongIV. 1. luck 2. cloudy 3. friendly 4. never 5. spent 6. dangerous 7. pay 8. remember 9. easily10. during V. 1. How 2. between; and3. watching TV 4. did my homework 5. live here 6. to go home7. go for a walk 8. Either; or VI

3、. 1. near 2. closes 3. many 4. is playing 5. relaxing Units 1-3综合测试参考答案I. 1-5 BCDAB6-10 CCBCD 11-15 DAACA 16-20 BCDCCII. 21-25 BCABC 26-30 DBACD 31-35 BABCBIII. 36-40 CDACB 41-45 BACBD 46-50 CDAEB51. For five months.52. At half past seven. 53. In the classroom.54. They have six classes a day. 55. Sc

4、hool life in Thailand. IV. A. 56. for us to cross the river57. at a quarter to six58. tells stories to us in English59. tastes really delicious60. with my father on weekendsB. 61. One possible version: My school is small but beautiful. It is in the center of the city. There are about nine hundred st

5、udents in the school. There are many school rules in my school. First, dont be late for class. Its very important. Second, everyone cant eat in class. Third, listening to music and talking with others in class are not allowed. Although these rules are strict, we like to follow them. 重点知识开心练(二)I. 1-5

6、 CCBAD II. 1. do ones homework2. play basketball3. look like 4. 等候5. 对有办法6. 玩得开心 7. get lost 8. 穿上衣服 9. watch TV 10. thanks for 11. agree with 12. make friends 13. 熬夜14. 忙于 15. listen to 16. 小心17. be in (great) danger 18. 世界各地 19. 照顾20. 捎口信III. (A) 1. get up 2. stay up 3. talking with 4. talk to (B)

7、 5. make faces 6. make friends7. look after 8. looking up (C) 9. be good to 10. is good for 11. is good with(D)12. take a message 13. agree with 14. got a surprise 15. agree on IV. 1. doing her homework 2. in; danger 3. busy doing4. get on5. having a good time 6. shout to 7. agree with 8. Be careful

8、 9. is friendly / good to 10. comes from 11.Thanks for 12. listen to 13. agree with 14. surprised me V. 1. go back 2. go out 3. do my homework 4. in bed 5. comes toUnits 4-6 综合测试参考答案I. 1-5 CADBC6-10 ADBBC 11-15 CABDD 16-20 ABCACII. 21-25 DAABC 26-30 DBADB 31-35 ACBCB III. 36-40 BCBAD 41-45 BBCDA 46-

9、50 DECAB51. Run away.52. Right behind Dave.53. It put its nose close to his ear and then it smelt.54. Because it thought Dave was dead.55. 他迅速的抓住树枝爬上树。IV. A.56. outside to play basketball57. think dogs are smart animals58. have any friends59. forget your birthday60. teaches English in a middle schoo

10、lB. 61. One possible version: My Favorite Animal the Lion Lions are dangerous, but I like them very much. I think they are very brave. The lion is the king of the forest. They eat small animals like sheep and deer. Lions are from the cat family. They can climb trees, too. They like to live in a grou

11、p. But now lions are in great danger. People often kill them for the fur. We must save them. 重点知识开心练(三)I. 1-5 BDCBAII. 1. 一点儿;少许2. around the world 3.(be)on vacation 4. on time 5. 一双;一副6. 周末 7. across from 8. in hospital 9. at night 10. 最后 11. 一群;一组12. 至少 13. 太多 14. 一种;一类 15. in English 16. 立即;马上 17

12、. 愿意;喜欢18. 由制成 19. every day 20. 许多 III. (A) 1. a lot of 2. a piece of 3. a pair of 4. a group of (B) 5. in front of 6. in the front of7. in the end 8. at the end of(C) 9. comes from 10. across from 11. in the hospital 12. in hospital (D) 13. much too 14. too many15. too much IV.1. on / at the weeke

13、nd 2. on vacation3. between; and4. By the end of 5. am interested in 6. around the world 7. across from 8. every day 9. short; medium 10. at the age of11. at first 12. at least 13. ran; once 14. kinds of 15. on time V. 1. a lot of 2. every day 3. kinds of 4. a lot 5. kind of Yours,Wang Jun重点知识开心练(四)

14、I. 1-5 ABCCDII. 1-5 CBFA EIII. 1. What kind of 2.What size 3. help; do 4. the teacher his picture 5. enjoying themselves / having fun6. doesnt like 7. too young to8. but also; is 9. doesnt like10. Is it easy for youIV. 1. He isnt late for school any more.2. You are too young to join the army. 3. Why not go shopping with us? 4. Its time for our class. 5. What kind of pencil do you want?6. What about (going) swimming next week? 7. He is not old enough to carry the box. 8. My English teacher asks me to re



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