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1、教学课题Hobbies and Interests课程类型Vocabulary授课人马赛赛教学重点1.重要词汇devotion hobbyist relax individual attend raise collect spare require mental physical nurture relief balance yield enjoyment2.明白个人兴趣与爱好的重要性3.能完成各阶段所设置的相关人物,提高运用英语的综合能力。4使学生能够合作完成此课任务教学难点 1如何使学生能正确的进行英语表达,提高交际的能力 2如何能使学生积极地参与双人或小组的讨论,创设情景进行交际,有效完

2、成任务。 3. 如何引导学生通过课堂练习明白学习积累词汇的方法,促进学生自主学习。 4. 怎样以阅读课的教学为依托,全面训练学生的听、说、读、写能力教学目标(一)、认知目标 1本话题材料重点的词汇(见教学重点第1点)。 2充分理解材料大意并完成所给的任务。 3充分理解个人兴趣与爱好的重要性。(二)、情感目标 利用多媒体手段加强学习本课内容及相关英语表达的氛围,使学生不自觉地进入情景之中,充分调动学生的思维活动和情感体验。本部分旨在扩大他们的词汇量,提高阅读能力,强化个人兴趣与爱好意识。教学方法 1.情境教学法 3.任务型教学法 4.交际法学习方法 本课将结合活动教学法和任务型教学法,在教学中将

3、学生分成四人一组的学习小组。让学生们在小组中通过合作和探究来完成他们的任务。教学手段 PPT,图片,Teaching Procedures教学过程设计Step1: lead-in1. T:Hello, everyone. I like reading, playing basketball and doing riddles of letters.Now, lets try some riddles. Q:What letter is a drink?A:T. (tea)Q:What letter is a part of the head? A: I. (eye)Q:What letter

4、is an insect(昆虫)?A:B. (bee)Q: What letter is a kind of vegetable?A: P. (pea)(Show the following riddles one by one on PPT and ask students to speak out the answers.)2. Vocabulary T: I also like learning new words. In this class, we will learn some new words on interests and hobbies together.设计意图:紧紧抓

5、住学生的好奇心,顺利展开我们的话题。在导入部分运用简单的字谜游戏调动学生的兴趣,使学生的思维活跃起来,为后面的活动与练习准备好装态,Step2: Pronunciation Ask students to individually do the following exercise of pronunciation. Then check their answers.Match each word with its phonetic symbol.devotion klekthobbyist rlksrelax dv()nindividual tend attend rezraise spec

6、ollect ndvdj()lspare hbst设计意图:读音是见到一个单词首先要解决的问题。该环节只在让学生运用已学过的英标知识来试着抓住单词的读音。Step3: Explanation 1.Ask students to read the following sentences, and then guess the meaning of the underlined words and write each word properly according to their definitions.a) The individual can do nothing but all peop

7、le together can do everything. b) After school, I often play basketball to relax.c) He is going to attend a meeting this afternoon.d) I am busy now, so I dont have spare time.e) Every morning, I have to collect all the homework and give them to the teacher.f) I often play ping pong after class and I

8、 spend a lot of money on it. You are really a hobbyist!g) It is not easy for old people to raise a huge dog at home. h) To be a truly friend, you need show your devotion him/her at any moment.1. a person who has a hobby2. get or gather together3. rest4. the willingness to serve5. bring up6. be prese

9、nt at7. more than is needed8. being of a single person or thing 2.Have students check their pronunciation in groups3. Check their answers with the whole class by asking some individuals.设计意图:学生在学习英语是有一个误区:预见不会的单词就要查字典。本环节旨在给学生创设一个简短的语境,让学生运用阅读能力和思维能力猜测出单词的意思。Step4: Part of speech and word formation1

10、.Ask students to put the words above into the right column and fill in the blanks.nvadj.adv.Note: “ment”/“tion”/“-ist” are usually used in the end of a .2. Ask students to check their answers in pairs.3. Check their answers with the whole class.设计意图:词性是一个单词很重要的属性,直接影响到单词的实际运用。本环节旨在让学生结合前一练习中的单词释义及单词

11、词形来判断单词的词性。此外也对学生在构词法方面的知识进行了渗透。Step5: Comprehensive use of the words1. Provide a context to students and ask them to fill in the blanks.Hobbies and Interests (1)Something you like to do is an interest. If you only listen to music for pleasure, it is an interest. If you like to travel in a while(偶尔)

12、, thats an interest. Hobby is something you do regularly and with . Stamp and coin collection are hobbies. Playing a musical instrument(乐器) is a hobby.From Monday until Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and off weekends they are free to and enjoy themselves. Some w

13、atch television or go to the movies; others participate in(参加) sports. It depend on(取决于) interests. There are many different ways to spend our time. Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. Hobbyists pets, build model ships, hunt animals, climb mountains, grow flowers, fish, ski, skate, and swim. als

14、o paint pictures, concerts and plays, and perform on musical instruments. They everything from books to butterflies and from shells to stamps.1.Ask students to check their answers in group.2. Check their answers with the whole class. Answer: devotion, relax, individual, spare, raise, hobbyist, attend, collect设计意图:词性是一个单词很重要的属性,直接影响到单词的实际运用。本环节旨在让学生结合前一练


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