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1、2020 届高三英语线上教学摸底自测(本试卷满分 50 分。考试用时 40 分钟)第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 20 分)第一节(共 5 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。For weeks now, the news has been dominated by the coronavirus. As the coronavirus spreads into more and more communities, public health officials are placing responsibility

2、 on individuals to help slow the pandemic (流行病). Social distancing is the best way to do it.Social distancing is a tool public health officials recommend to slow the spread of a diseasethat is being passed from person to person. Simply, it means that people stay far enough away from each other so th

3、at the coronavirus cannot spread from one person to another. Social distancing also means not touching other people, and that includes handshakes. Physical touch is the most likely way a person will catch the coronavirus and the easiest way to spread it.Remember, keep that 6-foot distance and dont t

4、ouch. Social distancing can never prevent 100% of transmissions, but by following these simple rules, individuals can play a critical role in slowing the spread of the coronavirus. If done correctly and on a large scale, social distancing breaks or slows the chain of transmission from person to pers

5、on. People can spread the coronavirus for at least five days before they show symptoms. Social distancing limits the number of people an infected person comes into contact withand potentially spreads the virus tobefore they even realize they have the coronavirus.At the moment, its the only tool avai

6、lable to fight the spread of the coronavirus. Experts estimate that a vaccine is 12 to 18 months away. For now, there are no drugs available that can slow down a coronavirus infection. Without a way to make people less contagious or make them better once they fall sick, the only effective tactic is

7、making sure hospital-level care is available to those who need it. The way to do that is to slow or stop the spread of the virus and decrease the number of cases at any one time.Everyone must practise social distancing in order to prevent a tidal wave of cases. If the public as a whole takes social

8、distancing seriously, overwhelming the medical system could be avoided.51. What do public health officials advise people to do?A. To get the vaccine immediately.B. To receive the hospital-level care.C. To spread more news about coronavirus.D. To take the duty to slow the transmissions.2. What is the

9、 second paragraph mainly about?A. The definitions of social distancing.B. The causes of the coronavirus spreading.C. The importance of promoting social distancing.D. The characteristics of the chain of transmission.3. Why is social distancing so crucial according to the passage?A. It can be done on

10、a large scale.B. It can eventually get rid of transmissions.C. It helps people recover from the coronavirus.D. It breaks or slows the chain of transmission among people.4. What does the underlined word “contagious” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A. mysteriousB. sensitiveC. infectiousD. violent5. Where is t

11、he passage most probably taken from?A. A research paper.B. A news magazine.C. A medical report.D. A science textbook.第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to get kids to respect wildlifeChildren who respect wildlife as something worthy of care and protection usuall

12、y grow up kinder and more considerate and often generate the same positive feelings in those around them. 6 .l Respect their wildness 7 . And this isnt always the best thing for the animalsor kids as well. Show kids that animals in their natural habitats are living their best lifeand should respect

13、their own qualities.l Respect all the animalsIts easy for kids to respect those cute and adorable mammals. 8 Habitats need all sorts of animals to stay healthy, so show kids why every insect is important. (For instance, worms keep soil healthy by digging through the dirt.) Kids can learn about those

14、 not-so-cute animals by browsing online galleries or photos of insects and bugs.l 9 Out of curiosity, young kids want to chase after a squirrel, or pet a wild rabbit. But human interactions with wildlife can negatively affect animals by changing their natural behavior. Teach children to leave animal

15、s alone and observe them from a distance.l Respect their homesYou have taught your child to leave those cute animals alone, but other choices can still harm wildlife. Try to keep kids from taking souvenirs that actually are some animals home (like shells, nests, or logs). 10 . That trash includes ou

16、r leftover food, which can be harmful to some animals. Instead, teach kids about proper animal food by helping them make feeders.A. Respect their privacy.B. Respect endangered animals.C. Children tend to project human qualities on animals.D. Throw trash away, since animals can mistake it for food.E. Keeping art in kids lives also helps them understand di


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