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1、学 海 无 涯必修一. Unit 3: Journal Travel 基础 知能 回扣一. 核心词汇1.重点词汇1日记,杂志n21海拔高度n2运送,运输n/vt22投降,屈服3更喜欢vt 23山谷n 4不利条件n24缓慢而行,一步vi/n5费用n 25弯,使弯曲n/vt/vi6流动vi/n 26态度n 7说服,劝说vt27沸腾vi 8骑自行车vi28预测n/vt 9毕业vi/n 29小包,包裹n10最后,终于adv30保险n 11时间表n/vt31羊毛,毛织品n12喜爱的adj32可信赖的adj13喜爱 33风景,观看n/vt14缺点n 34枕头n 15顽固的adj35午夜n 16组织vt 3

2、6火焰,光芒n 17关心,忧虑37在.下面prep 18决定,确定vt38庙宇n 19坚决的adj39洞穴n 20旅行,旅程n402词形变化:1. persuade v. - n. adj.2.transport v. n. adj.3.determine. v. n. adj.4.brave adj. n. adv. v.5.dream v. n. adj.(无梦的,不做梦的)6.graduate v. n. adj.7. organize v . n. adj.二. 高频短语.1. 下定决心_ 2. 关心,在乎_3. 梦想做某事_ 4. 说服某人做某事_ 5. 很有乐趣_ 6. 改变主意_

3、7. 像平常一样_ 8.搭起, 建立 _9. 自那以来-_ 10. 喜爱,喜欢_11.投降,屈服,让步_ 12.照常_ 13 在午夜_ 14.坚持做某事_15.迫不急待地干某事_三. 重点句式.根据课文完成下列句子并翻译成中文。1. Since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I _ dreamed about taking a great bike trip.2.It my sister first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River where it begins where it ends.

4、3.Although she didnt know the best way of (get) to places, she insisted that she (组织) the trip properly.4. she has made up her mind, nothing can change it .5. It becomes rapids as it is passes _ deep valleys, travelling _ western Yunnan Province.6. We were both surprised _ (learn) that half of the r

5、iver is in China.7._ (climb) the mountain road was hard work but _ (go ) down the hills was great fun.8. _(首先) ,a journal isnt as personal as a diary. _(其次) a travel journal has a different purpose.四. 课文完形:下面的一段文章为课文原文的浓缩,仔细阅读,根据原文的内容将其补充完整,并尽量背诵。Wang Kun and Wang Wei took a great trip after they _

6、from college. Their idea is to_ along Mekong River from where it begins to where it _.Before their trip, Wang Kun and Wang Wei went to the library to find a large _with good maps. With the help of the maps, they knew something _ about The Mekong River. They found the _ of the river and began their j

7、ourney there. Though their journey would begin at an _ of more than 5000 metres they were _ about it and it would be an interesting _.五. 单词拼写:根据首字母或中文提示或根据句意, 给出适当的单词1. The doctor reads the J_(杂志) of Medical Science. 2. I am d_(决心) to do better than Mike.3. You arent wearing p_(合适的) clothes for this

8、 hot weather. 4. We all i_(坚持) that we not rest until we finish the work.5. He wont follow your advice. He is s_. 6. First he always said no to the plan, but f_ he had to give in.7. This is not a new word. We are quite f_ with it. 8. The doctor keeps a r_ of all the serious illnesses in the village.

9、9. He is afraid of nothing because he is very _. 10. He tried to _ me to give it up, but I wouldnt listen to me.11.When I was a child, I d_ of becoming a scientist. 12. Give me all the d_ of the accident tell me what really happened.13.Jim likes many subjects, but his best is _ (地理).14.The one-way _

10、(费用) to get to Vientiane by plane is $380 .15.Everyone should _ (练习) reading aloud.16.He has many _ (表兄) but he likes none of them.六.选词填空 be fond of , make up ones mind, change ones mind , care about, ever since, give in, dream of, put up, as usual 根据句子所提供的语境,从方框中选出一个适当的词组并用其适当形式填空。1. I had a dinner

11、 together with Aunt Lin two years ago and we havent met _then.2. Most of my classmates _ sports, and so am I.3. He is so selfish as to _ himself only.4. Once he_ to do something, he will not _again.5. The poor girl_ her parents living far away at midnight and could not help crying.6. Li Hui had to _ to his teammates in terms of the expense for activity.7. The policeman went to work_ and _



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