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1、陪领导消遣,还真没几个能放得开的,伴“君”娱乐这种风险可不是一般高,万一喝高兴了,说错几句话,难保不被记恨。遇上异性领导,还得担心尺度问题。 Accompany leading entertainment, really can not open, with Jun entertainment this risk is not generally high, if drink happy, say a few words, might not be hated. Meet specific leadership, still have to worry about the scale pro

2、blem.和领导一起 HAPPY,真的会 HAPPY 吗 And leadership together with HAPPY, HAPPY will really do我有个朋友,一到法定公众假期就焦虑地盯着电影排片表。不是怕没电影可供消遣,就是担心电影市场太繁荣。因为她有个私生活非常单一、从没听说有朋友、又十分不甘寂寞、热爱娱乐活动的领导,定期花钱陪老板看好好莱坞大片以至于国产电影,是他们部门员工的额外工作之一。 I have a friend, to a statutory public holidays on anxiety staring at the movie schedule.

3、 Not afraid of no film for relaxation, is worried about the film market is prosperous. Because she has a private life is very single, never heard of a friend, and very unwilling to remain out of the limelight, love entertainment leadership, regular money with the boss about Hollywood blockbusters t

4、hat domestic film, is one of the extra work of their staff.看电影是丰富多彩的娱乐活动之一,绝不是唯一 她还需要手下一起吃饭凑趣洗脚按摩卡拉 OK。倒不是说同事之间不能相亲相爱组团玩耍,好歹也得是谈得来的朋友。更何况陪领导消遣,还真没几个能放得开的,伴“君”娱乐这种风险可不是一般高,万一喝高兴了,说错几句话,难保不被记恨。 The cinema is one of the rich and colorful recreational activities, is not the only - she needed his dinner

5、take foot massage Cara OK. Its not that colleagues cannot be deeply attached to each other between group play, I have to talk to a friend. Moreover, accompany leading entertainment, really can not open, with Jun entertainment this risk is not generally high, if drink happy, say a few words, might n

6、ot be hated.遇上异性领导,还得担心尺度问题。再退一万步说,这事儿一个月来一次也能承受。一到假期就需要承欢膝下实在是难办,谁没有亲朋好友,家庭生活。这种活动,就算给上 3 倍的加班费都难以补偿心理所受的巨大压力。 Meet specific leadership, still have to worry about the scale problem. Then ten thousand steps back, this once a month can bear. A holiday will need gathers is really difficult, who had no

7、 relatives and friends, family life. This kind of activity, even to 3 times overtime to compensate the enormous pressure of psychology.彩衣娱亲虽然并没有写在我们的 JD 里,但怎么说呢,上班时间奉承领导,陪着小心也是人之常情,毕竟愉悦的工作环境也能提高工作效率,我们也不用非得那么故作清高。但是 8 小时之外还要作陪就有点强人所难了。见过拿小鞭子抽着人干活的,哪有绑架着人去玩儿的! Although no written lends in our JD, but

8、 how should I say, work time flatter leadership, with careful is Its only human, after all, pleasant working environment can also improve the work efficiency, so we dont have to pretend to be noble. But 8 hours but also by a little too much. Met with little whip for men, which have kidnapped people

9、to play!我听说的这种抱着“乾隆下江南”心态,乐意前呼后拥一呼百应的领导不算少。出门吃饭,有人点菜有人倒茶说笑话的时候有人点赞,确实挺痛快。有的老板可能天生就具有淫威,愿意不愿意你都得陪着我消遣,也只能硬着头皮上。通常,他们也会有自知之明,偶尔拿属下开心开心就过去了。 This I heard hold Qianlong emperor attitude, willing to have a retinue before and behind a hundred responses to a hundreds of leadership is not less. Go out to ea

10、t, some people order someone to pour the tea joke people praise, really happy. Some employers may be born with a despotic power, would you keep me with pleasure, also can crustily the skin of head. Usually, they will know ones limitations, occasionally took his happy past.可有一些让人头疼的,是出于天真可爱,真心觉得自己是宇宙

11、的中心,是靠着闪闪发光的人格魅力把大家凝聚在自己周围的。手下当然不忍戳穿,难免又有几个想拍马屁的,越发让她觉得自己头上长出了小光环。和这种领导打交道要承受更高的风险。There are some people headaches, for the innocent and lovely, really thought she was the center of the universe, with sparkling personality charm to condense everybody around him. Men of course to expose, is again a f

12、ew want to bootlick, more let her feel the head grow a small halo. And this deal with the leadership to bear higher risk.有位常年单身的女高层,精力充沛,夜夜笙歌,手下的几个女孩常常用身体不适推辞,渐渐就剩下几个男同事常伴左右 K 房里行走,点烟倒酒猜拳陪唱无微不至,出入颇有威风凛凛的大姐头风范。其中跟得最勤快的一位小伙子,近期转了部门,不再向她汇报,就开始几次三番地推辞娱乐活动。本来是人之常情,大姐却急眼了,痛斥这男生势利,从此在走廊碰见连招呼也不打,还下令手下的人也一起封

13、杀他。这,从前递烟递酒的时候,可不更势利? Are a perennial single female top, be full of go, night after night, girls men often use physical discomfort refuse, gradually left a few men walking around K room, smoke pouring mora Peichang meticulously, and the big head style quite majestic-looking. The most diligent with a

14、 young man, the recent turn of the sector, not reported to her, began to come often and often entertainment. It is Its only human, elder sister but Jiyan, denounced the boys snobbish, from the corridor met didnt even acknowledge me, also ordered his men to kill him. This time, once pass smoke pass wine, not more snobbish?所以,讨好领导不过是一盘不亏本的生意,双方宾主尽欢算是最理想的状态,一旦要认真地谈起感情来,难免就伤感情了。So, please leadership but is a no loss of business, both sides make guests feel at home is the most ideal state, once to seriously about feelings, it would hurt feelings.



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