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1、ThePassiveVoice 被动语态 构成 助动词be 及物动词的过去分词 be vt p p Manypeople English speak English isspoken bymanypeople 当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者 或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时 或者只需强调动作的承受者时 要用被动语态 何时使用被动语态 被动语态 主语是动作的承受者 一般现在时 am is are vt p p 构成 be vt p p 一般过去时 was were vt p p 情态动词 must can could may be vt p p 构成 be vt p p shall willbe

2、begoingtobe 一般将来时 vt p p 现在进行时 be am is are being vt p p Arecorder arecorderuse in isusedin our Englishclasseveryday play often Football Acamera use for isoftenplayed allovertheworld isused for takingphotos robyesterday Aman madesatellite Abank senduplastyear wasrobbed yesterday wassentup spacelasty

3、ear into mustplant Thetree Theground becoveredwith mustbe planted onthe ground willbe coveredwith inafewyears time trees sendto rightnow They Atalk atalkgivesoon willbesentto thehospitalrightnow willbegiven soon dig Theearth Thefood eatup isbeing dug now hasbeen eatenup already Conlusion 1 Footballi

4、splayedallovertheworld Acameraisusedfortakingphotos Abankwasrobbedyesterday Aman madesatellitewassentupintospacelastyear Thetreemustbeplantedontheground Thegroundwillbecoveredwithtreesinafewyears time Theywillbesenttothehospitalrightnow Atalkwillbegivensoon Theearthisbeingdugnow Thefoodhasbeeneatenu

5、palready Lookandfindoutthesimilarities 相同点 一般现在时 am is are vt p p 一般过去时 was were vt p p 一般将来时 willbe begoingtobe vt p p 情态动词 must can could may be vt p p 现在进行时 be am is are being vt p p 现在完成时 have has been vt p p 被动语态的构成 be vt p p 被动语态 当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者 或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时 或者只需强调动作的承受者时 要用被动语态 何时使用被动语态 主

6、语是动作的承受者 Practisemakesperfect 熟能生巧 Chinese I Anewbike isspoken bymany wasbought anewbike wasbought yesterday forme Turnthemintothepassivevoice ManypeoplespeakChinese people Heboughtmeanewbikeyesterday yesterday Thebossmadehimdotheheavyworkintheolddays heavyworkintheolddays todo wasmade He the Tommus

7、thandinthecompositionafterclass Thecompositionmustbehandedinafterclass Therainstopped Thesouptastesdelicious stop taste在句中是不及物动词 后面不能直接带宾语 因此不能变为被动语态 Conlusion 2 主动语态如何改成被动语态 1 主动语态的宾语改成被动语态的主语 2 主动语态的谓语动词改成被动语态的谓语动词 do 3 注意保持时态和人称的一致 4 带双宾的谓语动词有两种改法 当把直接宾语改成主语时 谓语动词后必须加适当的介词 to for bedone pass show

8、 send 此类动词有 5 一些动词不定式在主动语态中省略to作宾语补足语 改成被动语态时 to必须还原 注 1 不及物动词 vi 不用被动语态 buy beboughtfor 如 give begivento 此类动词还有 draw make cook mend e g happen appear disappear e g Atrafficaccident happen justnow happened 2 连系动词 Link v 不用被动语态 如 be look seem feel sound smell taste get turn become e g PekingOpera sou

9、nd beautiful sounds 3 当此动词表示事物的自然属性的时候 不用被动语态 e g Thepen write veryfast writes Thiskindofsweater sell well sells 必背 动词短语的被动语态 takecareof betakencareof cutdown becutdown laughat belaughedat lookafter belookedafter 被动语态的动词短语 以下这些短语本身即是被动语态的形式 不需再加 by becoveredwith用 覆盖 beinterestedin对 感兴趣 besurprisedat

10、对 感到惊奇 bemadeof from用 制成的 beknownto出名 MultipleChoice Ifthework youcangoandplaygames A finishedB hasfinishedC willbefinishedD isfinished D 2 Itwasrainingheavilyoutside thechildrenweremade intheclassroom A stayB tostayC stayingD stayed B 3 Kate theletterbeforehermothercameintoherbedroom haswrittenwasw

11、rittenhadwritteniswriting C 4 Tomakeourcitymorebeautiful rub bish intotheriver A needn tbethrownB mustn tbethrownC can tthrowD maynotthrow B 5 Ilikemybike It verywell A ridesB isridingC isriddenD hasridden A 6 Iwon tcometothepartyunlessTom too YoumeanifTomcomes you llcome A willinviteB invitesC invi

12、tedD isinvited D 7 EveryonewhoheardMr Green sstory it laughedatB waslaughedC laughedD waslaughedat A 8 Thechildrenmust A lookafterB betakengoodcare C lookthesameD betakengoodcareof D 9 Thewomanstilldoesn tknowwhat inherhometown A happensB happenedC willhappenD washappened B Yes Mybike 10 Isawyoucame

13、toschoolonfootthismorning A ismendingB isbeingmended C ismendedD isbeingmending B Fillintheblanksusingrightforms 1 Allthestudents ask tobringakitewiththemlastSunday 2 Aremanyways try tostoppeoplefromcuttingdownsomanytrees 3 Whatareonshowinthemuseum Somephotos take byAmericanchildren 4 Thiscoat wash

14、well 9 Haveyoufoundyournecklace 偷 lastweek 6 I moften 警告 nottocopyothers homework 7 Hecouldn texplainwhydinosaurs 消失 8 I llhavemybike 修理 tomorrow 5 Musttheoldpeople speak topolitely 10 ThePRCwas 成立 onOctober1 1949 wereasked tried taken washes bespoken warned disappeared mended repaired stolen founde

15、d Writing 看图 写一篇以HowtoPlantaTree 为题目的短文 要求内容齐全 上下文连贯 展开合理想象 词数 60 80 Fillintheblankswiththeverbsusingrighttensesandvoices 1 Largenumbersofplasticbags use inthesupermarkets everyday 2 ourcountry send upanotherman madesatellitelastyear 3 Musttheoldpeople speak topolitely 4 Hergrandmawasstillalivewhenhe take tothehospital 5 English speak inmanycounties buttheChinese speak theirownlanguage 6 Threequartersoftheworld sbooks write inEnglish 7 Thiskindofsweater sell well 8 Lesson50 teach nextweek areused Did send bespoken wastaken isspoken speak arewritten sells Will betaught



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