江西吉安凤凰中学八级英语上册Unit 2 What’s the matter Revision Section BP3 人教新目标.ppt

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江西吉安凤凰中学八级英语上册Unit 2 What’s the matter Revision Section BP3 人教新目标.ppt_第1页
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《江西吉安凤凰中学八级英语上册Unit 2 What’s the matter Revision Section BP3 人教新目标.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江西吉安凤凰中学八级英语上册Unit 2 What’s the matter Revision Section BP3 人教新目标.ppt(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、What sthematter Unit2 SectionB Period3 Words Expressions P10 thirstystress be stressedoutearlyproblem 口渴的 渴的加压力于 使紧张有压力的 紧张的提早 地 提前 地 问题 难以处理的事情 1a Matchthewordswiththepicturesbelow 1 tired2 hungry3 thirsty4 stressedout b a c d 1b Matchtheadvicewiththepeoplebelow 1 Eatanapple 3 Drinksomewater 2 Goto

2、bedearly 4 Listentomusic a b c d 2a Whatproblemsdothestudentshave Writetheproblemsinthechartbelow stressedout thirsty hungry gotobedearly listentomusic haveadrink eatanapple gotothepartytonight studytonight eatmoredumplings playsoccerbeforedinner 2b Listenagain Completethechart Conversation1Mom What

3、 sthematter Gina Gina I mtired Mom Well youshouldgotobedearly Gina Thatsoundslikeagoodidea Mom Youcertainlyshouldn tgotothatpartytonight Gina Iguessyou reright Tapescript Conversation2Bill What sthematter Tony Tony I mstressedout Bill Youshouldlistentosomemusic Tony Thatsoundslikeagoodidea Bill Andr

4、elax youshouldn tstudytonight Tony Okay IthinkI llstop Tapescript Conversation3Mary What sthematter Julie Julie I mthirsty Mary Youshouldhaveadrink Julie Iguessyou reright Mary Andyoushouldn teatanymoredumplings Tapescript Conversation4Dad What sthematter Alan Alan I mhungry Dad Youshouldeatanapple Alan that sgoodidea Dad youshouldn tplaysoccerbeforedinner Tapescript 2c Pairwork Sample Thankyou


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