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1、小学英语译林版三年级下册Unit1 In classSound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time公开课优质课教案比赛讲课获奖教案1教学目标1. 能流利的朗读并能理解Cartoon time。2. 知道字母b在单词中的发音。3. 能理解并能发出指令。4. 会使用“请”和“对不起”。5. 能听说读写单词: open, the, door, close, window, book。2重点难点1. 能流利的朗读并能理解Cartoon time。2. 能理解并能发出指令。3. 能听说读写单词: open, the, door, close, w

2、indow, book。3教学过程活动1【导入】Unit1InclassStep 1 Warm upGreetings.2. Show Learning goals.T: Boys and girls, we are in class now, so lets look at the Learning goals.(PPT)3. Lets play.T: First, lets play a game. When you see a instruction , please say it out loudly, when you see a bomb, please say “bomb”.(P

3、PT)4. Say and complete.T: They make a rhyme, lets complete it. (PPT)(学生完成后,一起核对,强化window的拼写,并读一读这首小诗。)(板书:open/ close the dooropen/ close your book(S)open/close the windowlook at the )活动2【讲授】Unit1InclassStep 2 Cartoon time & Ticking TimeLead in.(由刚才的小诗,学习单词bird. b, b, b, b, b, b, bird)T: This bird i

4、s the parrot.( PPT)(学习单词parrot. , parrot)2. Read and choose.T: This parrot and Sam are in class now, Bobby is teaching them. How is Bobby ? Is he angry? (PPT)Please open your books at page 9. Read the story by yourselves . (学生自由朗读课文)T: How do you know?S1: Dont listen to the parrot, Sam!T: Great! (PP

5、T) Dont listen to the parrot, Sam! Dont =Do not(领读这句话3遍)T: Why? Why dont listen to the parrot? You can speak in Chinese.S2: T: Boys and girls, Sam doesnt look at the blackboard, and doesnt listen to Bobby in class. Yes?Ss: 3. Watch and read.T: Its interesting. Do you want to watch the cartoon?.T: Ok

6、, lets follow it, and find out the words you cant read.(PPT)(学生观看并跟读)(Robot rubber的发音)4. Read in pairs.T: Now its your turn, please read in pairs.(PPT)5. Lets read.T: Hello, boys and girls, (PPT) choose one picture you like to read. (每幅图至少让4个同学来表达) Who can be better?6. Read in roles.T: You all did a

7、 good job. Now lets read in roles.(PPT) Girls act as Bobby, Boys act as Sam, and Miss Du act as the parrot. Ok, are you ready? lets go!Ticking time.T: Now its time for ticking. (PPT) For No.1 and No.2, how many stars can you get? (同桌互评)T: Great! Do you want to get more stars?Ss: 活动3【活动】Unit1InclassS

8、tep 3 Checkout time & Ticking Time1. Look and say.T: Now lets play a game.(PPT) TurntableRules: But before do it, dont forget “ please” , 出示小贴士( Tips: 礼貌用语Please别忘记吆!Please .=,please.) 并板书。T: Are you ready? Lets go!师先转,一个学生说指令,其余学生回答。接着让学生来转,( SS, BG, GroupGroup, SSs)(Tips:,please .=Please, . 如:Liu

9、Tao, please stand up .=Please stand up, Liu Tao.)2. Ticking timeT: Ok, how many stars can you get for No.3 and No.4?3. Good memory.T: You can say now, can you write? (PPT) Look, who has a good memory? 2 minutes! Remember the words quickly! (学生记忆单词)4. Look and write.T: Lets check. (PPT)(请3位同学板书)(学生做好

10、后,同桌互换。)5. Ticking timeT: How many stars can you get for No.5?活动4【练习】Unit1InclassStep 4 Do exercise & Ticking TimeDo exercise.T: Look, heres more exercise for you.(PPT) (4.师教生动作:listen, listen, listen,look, look, look.)Ticking timeT: If you can get 3 stars of each of the learning goal , Congratulations!But if you cant, it doesnt matter, please come on!活动5【作业】Uni1InclassHomework 家庭作业1. 和同桌扮演Cartoon time部分。2.有兴趣的同学还可以为Cartoon time 续编故事。3. 如果Ticking time没有达到3颗星要求,有针对性的进行改进练习。



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