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1、天津市新华中学2019 届高三第八次统练试卷 英语学科 共6 页 第 卷 第一部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空 共15小题 每题 1分 满分 15分 1 Since people are fond of humor it is as welcome in conversation as else A anything B something C anywhere D somewhere 答案 C 解析 试题分析 考查不定代词 as as是比较句型 中间插入的是形容词或副词的原级 意思是 达到 与什么相同的程度 in conversation 和 anywhere else 比较 句意 因为人

2、们喜欢幽默 所以它在谈 话中和其他地方一样受欢迎 选 C 考点 考查不定代词 点评 不定代词首先要弄清它指代的是什么 指代的数量 结合代词本身的用法 再进行辨析 这 题还涉及到部分否定的用法 2 The film is I have to say not a bit interesting Why It s than the films I have ever seen A far more interesting B much less interesting C no more interesting D any less interesting 答案 A 解析 试题分析 考查形容词用法

3、句意为 这部电影一点意思都没有 什么 这部电影比我看过的 任何电影都还要有趣 根据意思可知 回答对上文的观点不赞同 因此排除BD AC 中只有 no more 意为不再 far more 意为多的多 选 A 考点 考查形容词用法 点评 这题主要考查副词修饰形容词比较级的用法 可修饰形容词比较级的副词有 still far much any a little a lot a great deal even rather 等 还要结合句意选择适当的副词 3 Sometimes proper answers are not far to seek food safety problems A in

4、B to C on D after 答案 B 解析 试题分析 考查介词 句子可以变成Sometimes proper answers food safety problem are not far to seek 可以看出词组 answer to food safety problem 食品安全问题的答案 就容易看出介词应该选 择 to 了 句意 有时候食品安全问题的正确答案并不难寻 选 B 考点 考查介词辨析 点评 对于介词在日常学习中要注意归类 进行比较分析识记 一般介词都是在固定搭配中 做题 的时候结合上下文的句意判断 最好把句子翻译通顺才行 4 Born into a family w

5、ith three brothers David was to value the sense of sharing A brought up B turned down C looked after D held back 答案 A 解析 句意 大卫出生于一个三兄弟的家庭 从小就被教育要重视分享 bring up 意为 教育 符合句意 turn down 意为 关小 音量等 look after 意为 照顾 hold back 意为 阻碍 5 That must have been a long trip Yeah it us a whole week to get there A take

6、s B has taken C was taking D took 答案 D 解析 详解 考查动词时态 句意 那一定是花费很长时间的旅途吧 是的 我们花了整整一 个星期才到那儿的 根据上文must have done 是对过去的肯定猜测 表明时间是在过去 描述的是 过去事实 无需使用过去进行时 用一般过去时即可 故正确答案为 D 6 You d better write down the phone number of that botel for future A reference B purpose C progress D memory 答案 A 解析 详解 考查名词辨析 句意 你最好

7、记下那家水上旅馆的电话号码以便以后查阅 A reference 提到 查阅 参考书目 B purpose 目的 意图 用途 效果 C progress前进 进步 进展 D memory 记忆 回忆 纪念 结合句意 故选A 7 that the govemment can lead them out of the financial crisis people are optimistic about the future of the country A Convincing B Convinced C To convince D Having convinced 答案 B 解析 试题分析 句

8、意 确信政府会带领他们走出经济危机 人们对国家的未来很乐观 B Convinced adj 确信的 深信的 A Convincing adj 令人信服的 C To convince 使确信 不定式表目的 Convince 使 确信 该句中意思为使人们相信 故对 people来说是被动的 故应选 convinced 选 B 考点 考查非谓语动词的用法 8 Will you read me a story Mummy OK You have one if you go to bed as soon as possible A might B must C could D shall 答案 D 解析

9、 句意 妈妈 给我讲个故事好吗 好 如果你尽快上床睡觉 我就给你讲一个 shall 在此处表示 允诺 故选择 D 项 9 Are you going to Tom s birthday party I might have to work A It depends B Thank you C Sounds great D Don t mention it 答案 A 解析 试题分析 考查交际用语 A 看情况 B 谢谢你 C 听起来很棒 D 不用谢 句意 你要去参加 Tom 的生日聚会吗 看情况 也许我要去上班 根据句意说明A 正确 考点 考查交际用语 点评 对于交际用语的考查 要把各选项放在上下

10、文中串联比较 平时加强记忆 10 He had his camera ready he saw something that would make a good picture A even if B if only C in case D so that 答案 C 解析 试题分析 考查连词辨析 A 即使 尽管 B 只要 要是 就好了 C 万一 假使 D 以便 以 致于 句意 他准备好了照相机 如果看到了一些漂亮的画面就拍下来 in case that 万一 如果 故选 C 考点 考查连词辨析 11 He had no sooner finished his speech the studen

11、ts started cheering 2011 辽宁 A since B as C when D than 答案 D 解析 考查时间状语从句 此句含有一个固定句型 即no sooner than 一 就 句意 他的演 讲刚结束同学们就欢呼起来 12 Try she might Sue couldn t get the door open A if B as C since D when 答案 B 解析 考查 as倒装把名词 形容词 动词原形提前 翻译为 尽管 意思为 尽管她尝试了 她也没有把门打开 13 The factory used 65 percent of the raw mater

12、ials the rest of which saved for other purposes A is B are C was D were 答案 D 解析 试题分析 考查主谓一致 Which 指代先行词materials 当 the rest 在句中作主语时 谓语动词的 单复数取决于后面的名词 如果是名词是不可数名词 用单数 如果是可数名词复数 谓语动词用 复数形式 本句中的materials 是可数名词复数形式 故选D 项 考点 考查主谓一致 14 We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party Yes I ll gi

13、ve them a call right now A why not B what for C why D what 答案 A 解析 情景对话题 我们可以邀请John 和 Barara 才加周五晚的聚会 为什么不呢 我立刻给他打电话 A why not 为什么不 B what for 为什么 C why 为什么 D what 什么 15 I m afraid he s more of a talker than a doer which is he never finishes anything A that B when C where D why 答案 D 解析 试题分析 句意 恐怕他更多

14、的是一个空谈家 而不是实干家 这就是为什么他从不完成什么 That 引导表语从句的时候 不做成分 而且表语从句的意思也是完整的 when 什么时候 where 哪里 都不符合句意 选 D 考点 考查表语从句 完型填空 30分 每题 1 5 分 It was a terrible day Snow had been falling all day long making th trip 16 I would rather have been in my warm home than drive along on such a cold day but I didn t have a 17 I h

15、ad to have my paper work handed in and then 18 my son The snow continued to fall as we drove along for the 15 mile trip back home I slowed the car and 19 at my son in his heavy coat as he looked 20 out of the window with a blank expression In the 21 of the world he was looked upon as a mentally disa

16、bled child 22 over the years what I saw was a beautiful kind and 23 soul He had shown me more about love than I could have ever 24 on my own I slowed the car even more as we 25 a sharp curve 弯 As we rounded it I saw a shivering 颤抖的 young woman in a 26 jacket walking in the snow storm I pulled over and let her in She was heading for her Mom s house to visit her 27 whom she hadn t seen for months She had experienced a lot of disappointments and 28 Yet she still held out hope for a new job and trie


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