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1、广东南雄县 2017 高考英语语法填空(一轮)训练(四)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(2015惠州市二模)French and American doctors have done an operation together in which the doctors were outsidethe operating room. This kind of operation 1(know) as a robotic operation.Doctor Marescaux did the operation in 2 office in New Yor

2、k City last month. However, a sixtyyearold woman patient was in a hospital in Strasbourg, France.Two doctors in Strasbourg got the patient ready. 3 placed medical tools and a small video camera in her stomach. Meanwhile, Doctor Marescaux in New York watched her on a video screen and then sent messag

3、es to the robot machine 4 the computer. The robot moved the tools that cut the womans gall bladder away. 5 (short) after the operation, the woman made a full recovery and left the hospital two days later.Doctors hold the belief 6 such a robotic operation will make safer and better operations in the

4、future and will improve doctor training as well. 7 , it will also mean that doctors could do an operation on people in 8 (danger) places far away. More importantly, people could have operations 9 (do) by top doctors without having to travel to the city 10 the doctors work.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9. 10

5、. 文章大意:这是一篇故事。本文主要讲述了两位医生通过电脑和网络远程指挥机器人成功做手术的故事,这解除了医生们远途跋涉做手术的困难。1命题立意:考查时态和语态。答案:is known根据该句的主语是 know 的动作承受者,语境叙述的客观现实。故填 isknown。2命题立意:考查冠词。答案:an根据文意是纽约的一间办公室,判断填 an。3命题立意:考查代词。答案:They根据前文的 two doctors 判断,故填 They。4命题立意:考查介词。答案:through通过电脑给机器人发送信息,故填 through。5命题立意:考查副词。答案:Shortlyshortly after“之后不

6、久”。故填 Shortly。6命题立意:考查同位语从句。答案:that空后是说明空前 belief 的内容,应用 that 引导同位语从句。故填 that。7命题立意:考查连词。答案:Besides根据前后文之间的递进关系,“而且”。故填 besides。18命题立意:考查形容词。答案:dangerous根据空后是名词 places,应用形容词修饰。故填 dangerous。9命题立意:考查非谓语动词。答案:done根据空前的 operations 是 do 的动作承受者,判断填 done。10命题立意:考查定语从句。答案:where根据空后是定语从句,从句中缺少地点状语,先行词是表示地点的名

7、词。故填 where。【上海市崇明县 2014 模拟】短文语法填空 BDirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits

8、each blank.Count to three and rip(撕) it off as fast as you canthis is how most people remove a band-aid(创可 贴 ). (33) fast you do it, its still going to be painful. Thats for sure. Or is it?A group of American scientists from Boston have just developed a band-aid that can be taken off without causing

9、 pain, reports the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.Traditional band-aids are supposed to break apart (34) the skin meets the glue, which is what makes taking them off so painful. But the new band-aid has an extra layer that sits (35) the glue and the backing. When you tear of

10、f the band-aid, you remove the backing and middle layers, (36) (leave) the glue behind. The glue (37) then be simply rubbed off with ones fingers or left to fall off naturally. Importantly, this process is pain-free.This is not the first time scientists (38) (try) to solve this problem. But methods

11、they tried in the past led to band-aids that were (39) (sticky) and therefore didnt stay on for long. The Boston study was first aimed at helping babies (40) skin is too delicate for standard band-aids. But adults with sensitive skin might also enjoy the benefits.【参考答案】33. no matter how34. where35.

12、between36. leaving37. can38. have tried39. less sticky40. whose2【上海市长宁、嘉定区 2014 模拟】短文语法填空 ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given

13、word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.A boy plays away from home and fights with others. Hes defeated, gets hurt and suffers shame. If he is strong-willed, he would clench (咬紧) his teeth, making a firm fist from (25) (weep) in front of others. But as soon as he returns h

14、ome he would burst out crying at the first sight of his close relatives. He would be all tears pouring out his sufferings.The same is true for a strong-willed grown-up. No matter what harm he suffers he would do his best (26) (conceal) his feelings, trying not to let others know how he feels. He wou

15、ld swallow his bitter tears and show a smiling face at others (27) he didnt care a bit. But however strong-willed he is, most probably he would cry as soon as he meets his closerelative who loves him and to (28)he can pour out his heart unreservedly. Not only wouldhe weep but hed cry his eyes out (29)grief.If somebody weeps in your face the person never of the type doing this in front of others, youd better sit by and let him cry to (30) hearts content, for it shows you are regarded as his dearest or (31) (reliable) one.Its much better to have someone cryi


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