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1、专题三推理判断类题目命题特点根据文章内容,语篇逻辑关系,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓意。(1)常用设题关键动词:infer,imply,suggest,indicate,refer to,predict,conclude,learn,intend,mean,describe,purpose等。(2)设题常用推理判断的情态动词:can,could,might,would,probably,most likely等。考查重点表层意思的理解与推理;深层含义的领悟与推理;同时涉及数据推断,知识推断,逻辑结论推断,表明作者态度、观点的推断等。方法技巧抓住特定信息进行逆向或正向推断;整合全

2、文(段)信息进行推断;根据上下文逻辑关系进行推理得出结论。1忠实于原文。2吃透文章的字面含义。3对文章表面意义进行分析、综合判断。4把握句际、段际关系。5确定推断的范围和位置,细节还是整体推断。Passage 1Ive spent over a year in India, and in those 365 plus days, Ive learned a lot about getting around Indian cities. My biggest lessons have been learned through being cheated, particularly by taxi

3、 and rickshaw (人力车) drivers, but that doesnt mean those are bad ways to travel, as long as you know what youre doing. Below are the best ways to get around the city of Delhi, India, and tips for how to keep from being the victim of scams (欺诈)Taking taxis is a great way to get around the city of Delh

4、i and chances are, if you arrive in Delhi by plane, as soon as you make it through customs, youll be swarmed by Indian taxi drivers. At the Delhi airport, be sure to arrange for a taxi to your hotel at one of the two Delhi Traffic Police Taxi Booths. One is inside the airport, and the other is outsi

5、de. The key is to make sure to go to a booth run by the police, rather than by independent taxi drivers.Rickshaws are one of my favourite ways to get around Indian cities, in part because its how the locals often travel. Autorickshaws are more common, but bicycle rickshaws are still used in Old Delh

6、i. If you do have a chance to take a bicycle rickshaw, you should do it at least once for a unique experience that should only set you back about 15 rupees. Autorickshaw rates around Delhi range between 30 and 80 rupees, depending on the distance.If you really want to travel around Delhi like the lo

7、cals, take a public bus. Indian buses become very crowded and most do not have air conditioning. They are, however, very cheap. A bus trip wont set you back any more than 15 rupees, as long as you stay within the city limits. Since Indian buses get so crowded, try to board the bus at the start of th

8、e route so you can get a seat.The train is a great way to get around within the city of Delhi. Fares are reasonable, between 6 and 22 rupees. All departure announcements are in both Hindi and English, and tokens can be purchased for between 6 and 22 rupees.【语篇解读】 本文作者就自己在印度德里旅行时的交通方面提出了几点建议。1The aut

9、hor is trying to _ in Delhi through this text.Agive some advice of travellingBexpect us to travel aroundCshow his/her experiencesDexplain the difficulties of travelling解析:通读全文,我们可以看出,作者在本文中给读者提出了一些建议,告诉读者在德里旅行时应注意的一些问题。因此,本文的写作目的也就是要给读者提出建议。答案:A2To avoid being cheated, you ought to _ if you want to

10、take a taxi at the Delhi airport.Apay more to the drivers to keep safeBshow your ticket to the driverCgo to a policerun boothDgo out of the airport解析:根据第二段的最后一句可知,在机场搭乘出租车时,应到警察经营的摊位。答案:C3The author suggests taking a rickshaw in order to _Asave some moneyBenjoy the comfortable tripCgain a unique exp

11、erienceDhelp the local rickshaw drivers解析:根据第三段的第三句可知,作者建议乘坐人力车以获得一种独特的体验。答案:C4What can we infer from the passage?AYou wont have to pay much if you travel around by bus in India.BIt will be difficult for you to get a seat if you get on the bus halfway.CA rickshaw driver only charges whatever amount

12、you give him.DYoull have to speak English if you travel around in India.解析:根据第四段的最后一句可知,为了上车后能有一个座位,作者建议最好从起点站上车。这就意味着如果中途上车的话,就很难有座位了。答案:B5Which may be the topic that follows?AHotel recommendations in DelhiBWeather conditions in DelhiCFood and drink in DelhiDCar rentals in Delhi解析:由本文第一段的最后一句可知,本文主

13、要介绍了关于在德里交通方面避免受骗的几点建议。在给出的几个选项当中,只有D项与交通有关。据此,我们可以确定后面最有可能要讨论的是汽车租赁业务。答案:DPassage 2A fellow speaker from California named Geri flew to Japan, in her favourite jeans and a casual jacket, to give her first speech. Fourteen hours later, four perfectly dressed Japanese gentlemen greeted her at Narita A

14、irport. Smiling and bowing low, they handed her their business cards. With her bag in one hand, Geri took their cards with the other. She thanked them, glanced briefly at the cards, and put them into her jeans pocket quickly. When the five of them arrived at the hotel, they invited Geri to tea in th

15、e lobby (大厅). While sipping tea, the gentlemen presented her with a small gift which she eagerly opened. She was thrilled with the gift and shouted excitedly, “Oh, its beautiful!”At this point, the four Japanese gentlemen stood up and, bowing only very slightly, said “Sayonara” and left immediately. Poor Geri was left astonished. What did she do wrong?Everything! Her jeans were the first gaffe. Even if youre coming off a bicycle in Japan, you do not meet clients (客人) casually dressed. The second mistake was Geris handling of their business cards rudely. In Japan, the business card is one of


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