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1、Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained一、阅读理解。Chinese paper cutting or jianzhi is the art of cutting paper designs, and the cut-outs are also used to decorate doors and windows, so they are sometimes called chuang hua. Paper cutting has long been a symbol of Eastern charm.There are symmetrical(对称的)designs t

2、hat are usually created by some folding and cutting. When unfolded, it forms a symmetrical design. Chinese cut-outs are normally symmetrical and are usually in an even number series of 2, 4, 24,etc.The oldest surviving paper cut-out is a symmetrical circle from the early 6th century found in Xinjian

3、g, China. From the 7th to 13th century, paper cutting became popular especially during Chinese festivals. The art spread to the rest of the world in the 14th century. Throughout the Qing Dynasty many paper cutting skills were developed including drafting and the use of smoked papers. By the end of t

4、he Qing ruling, however, paper cutting was once on the decline because new art forms were being introduced. The Republic of China later tried to revive the art in the 1980s.Today, paper cut-outs are chiefly decorative. They decorate walls, windows, doors, columns, mirrors, lamps and lanterns in home

5、s and are also used on presents or are given as gifts themselves. Entrances decorated with paper cut-outs are supposed to bring good luck. Paper cut-outs used to be used as patterns, especially for embroidery(刺绣).There are two methods of manufacture: one uses scissors, the other uses knives. In the

6、scissor method, several pieces of paper up to eight are fastened together. The image is then cut with sharp, pointed scissors. Knife cuttings are fashioned by putting several paper on a relatively soft foundation consisting of a mixture of oil and ashes. Skilled crafters can even cut out different d

7、rawings freely without stopping.1.When can the existing oldest paper cutting date back to?A. about 1 500 years ago.B. about 1 600 years ago.C. about 1 400 years ago.D. about 600 years ago.2.The underlined word revive in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by _.A. surviveB. restoreC. copyD. fix3.Which of the

8、 following words can best summarize the last paragraph?A. History.B. Origin.C. Uses.D. Process.4.What may be the best title of the text?A. Paper the Eastern CharmB. The History of Paper CuttingC.A Brief Introduction to Paper CuttingD. Paper Cutting Unbelievable Skilled Crafters【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。中国的剪纸艺术

9、源远流长,距今已有1 500多年的历史。如今的剪纸主要用于装饰。剪纸过程简单但具有一定的文化特色。1.A 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第三段的首句中的关键信息The oldest surviving paper cut-out.from the early 6th century found in Xinjiang, China可知,该艺术始于六世纪早期,即500年左右,故用2017年减去500年,即可推知距今约1 500年。3.D 【解析】段落大意题。最后一段介绍了剪纸的两种方法,具体使用什么工具和怎样操作。由此可推知本段讲的是剪纸的过程,故用process概括此段较为合适。4.C 【解析】

10、标题归纳题。全篇从中国剪纸艺术的历史、用途以及过程等全方位阐述了Paper Cutting,故用A Brief Introduction to Paper Cutting作为文章标题最合适。二、单项选择。1.As its economy is maturing, Chinas _ a greater role in critical issues like climate and development.A. definingB. assumingC. guaranteeingD. assuring【答案】B2.The mayor _ the police officer a medal of

11、 honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims.A. rewarded B. awardedC. credited D. prized【答案】B【解析】句意:因为他在援救地震受害者中的英雄事迹,市长授予那位警官一枚荣誉奖章。award意为“奖励”,符合题意。reward奖励,一般指报答某人;credit相信;prize奖品,奖赏,多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽奖中所赢得的奖品。3.To my joy, I have _ my parents to allow me to travel abroad alone in the

12、coming summer holidays.A. convinced B. remindedC. arranged D. required【答案】A【解析】句意:让我开心的是,我已经说服我的父母同意我在即将到来的暑假里一个人出国旅游了。convince使确信,说服;remind提醒;arrange安排;require需要,要求。convince sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事,这里指说服父母。4.Theyre expecting contributions from the charity dinner to _ thousands.A. look intoB. break in

13、toC. run intoD. slip into【答案】C【解析】look into调查;break into破门而入;run into撞上;slip into不知不觉中陷入。句意:他们预期在慈善晚宴上的筹得的捐款数额将达到数千元。5.Do you know why John didnt _ at the party yesterday evening?A. show off B. show around C. show up D. show in【答案】C【解析】句意:你知道昨晚约翰为什么没有来参加聚会吗?show up在此表示“出现,露面”。show off炫耀;show sb. aro

14、und带领某人参观;show in领进来。6.The boy, though afraid of being blamed, _ courage and asked Mrs. Brook how come she thought his behavior unacceptable.A. kept upB. picked upC. stepped upD. turned up【答案】B【解析】pick up恢复的精神,振作(精神),鼓起(勇气),捡起,获得,收拾,不费力地学会;keep up保持,继续,不低落,不落后;step up加紧,加快,增加;turn up出现,发生,开大,发现,卷起,使

15、仰卧。句意:尽管担心被责备,这个男孩还是鼓起勇气问布莱克夫人为什么她认为他的行为不能接受。7.Their _ that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue. A. multiplication B. emotion C. assumption D. emission 【答案】C【解析】考查名词。multiplication乘法,增加;emotion情感,情绪;assumption想当然(认为),假定;session一段时间。句意:他们想当然认为他们正在进行的课题是崭新的,事实证明不是那样。8.He was given $8000 as a(an) _ for his brave performance in saving the childs life.A. attitude B. altitude C. award D. reward 【答案】D【解析】attitude态度,看法


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