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1、 中考英语 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 一 单音节和部分双音节词 Task1 形容词和副词比较级和最高级构成 1 slowfastyoungtall2 finelate slowerslowest youngeryoungest 一般在词尾加er est 以字母e结尾的词 加r st finerfinest laterlatest tallertallest fasterfastest deliciouseasily moredeliciousmostdelicious moreeasilymosteasily betterbest worseworst moremost fartherfa

2、rthestfurtherfurthest lessleast 不规则变化good wellbad badly illmany muchlittlefar 在词前加more或most 二 多音节和部分双音节词 Peter Tony Lookattheboys Tomisveryyoung Tonyis thanTom Whois Peteris Tom younger theyoungest Summerishot Summeris thanspring Winteriscold Winteris thanautumn hotter colder Theearthis Themoonisbig

3、 Thesunis ofthethree bigger thebiggest Heis thanshe Sheis thanhe Sheis thanit Heis Itis heavier lighter heavier theheaviest thelightest heavy light Thefootballis thanthebench Thebenchis thanthefootball Thebikeis ofall 80yuan 120yuan 180yuan cheaper moreexpensive themostexpensive Thechildrenaregoodat

4、English Peter sEnglishis Ken sEnglishis thanPeter Anne sEnglishis Buthermathis ofthethree Girlsdo well inlanguagestudythanboys good better thebest theworst better 1 8yuan akilo 10yuan akilo 20yuan akilo 2 3 Thethirdchickenischeap Thesecondoneischeaper Thefirstoneisthecheapestofall 1 我比你瘦 Iamthinnert

5、hanyou 2 我摘的苹果比你少 Ipickedfewerapplesthanyou did 3 中国印度 哪个国家更大 Whichcountryislarger ChinaorIndia 4 我认为语文比数学更有趣 IthinkChineseismoreinterestingthanmaths Task2形容词和副词的比较级 Task3 中译英并归纳 1 白天变得越来越长 2 我们的国家变得越来越美 3 汤姆是两兄弟中较高的一个 Thedayisgettinglongerandlonger Ourcountryisgettingmoreandmorebeautiful 比较级 and 比较

6、级表示 越来越 Tomisthetallerofthetwobrothers 比较级前一般不用the修饰 但特指两者之一时用the修饰 4 汉语比英语难的多 5 他比你跑地快一点儿 6 我父亲比我母亲年长三岁 Herunsalittlefasterthanyou Myfatherisfourthreeolderthanmymother 比较级前可用表示程度的副词修饰 如alittle abit much alot even fouryearsold等 ChineseismuchmoredifficultthanEnglish Themoresheeats thefattershewillbe

7、Themoretreesweplant thebettertheenvironmentwillbe The加比较级加句子 the加比较级加句子 表示 越 越 7 她吃得越多就越胖 8 我们种越多的树 环境就会越好 Task4 形容词和副词的最高级 Heisthecleverestofthefourboys Whichsubjectisthemostpopularinourclass Whogetsuptheearliestinyourfamily 中译英 1 在这四个男孩中 他最聪明 2 在我们班 哪门学科最受欢迎 3 在你家 谁起床最早 Whodoeshomeworkthemostcaref

8、ully LilyLucyorKate Shanghaiisoneofthelargestcitiesintheworld Whoisthesecondtallestboyinourclass 4 谁做作业最仔细 Lily Lucy还是Kate 5 上海是世界上最大城市之一 6 谁是我们班第二高的男孩 Task5 如何表达甲与乙在某方面相同时 用as加形容词或副词的原级as 1 我的学校和你的一样新 Myschoolisasnewasyours Igotupaslateasyouthismorning HespeaksEnglishaswellasyou Ithinktakingexercis

9、eisasimportantaslearningknowledge 2 今天早上我和你起床一样晚 3 他英语说地和你一样好 4 我认为体育锻炼和学习知识一样重要 Task6 如何表达甲在某方面不如乙 notas so 形容词或副词原级 as Tomisnotas sostrongasLilei Sounddoesn ttravelas sofastaslight TomislessstrongthanLilei Soundtravelslessfastthanlight Less 形容词或副词原形 than 1 汤姆不及李雷强壮 2 声音没有光速快 Idon trunas soquicklya

10、syou Beefisnotas sodeliciousaspork Irunlessquicklythanyou Beefislessdeliciousthanpork 3 我跑得没你快 4 牛肉不及猪肉美味 NobodyjumpedfartherthanI meinourclass Ijumpedfartherthananyotherstudentinourclass Ijumpedfartherthantheotherstudentsinourclass 同义句转换 1 Ijumpedthefarthestinourclass NanjingisthebiggestcityinJiang

11、su NanjingisbiggerthantheothercitiesinJiangsu Sheprefersspringtowinter Theylikeswimmingbetterthanskating 2 NanjingisbiggerthananyothercityinJiangsu 3 Shelikesspringbetterthanwinter 4 Theypreferswimmingtoskating 1 Theiceinthelakeisas asitwasbefore A thinB thinnerC thinnestD thethinnest2 HowcanIspeakE

12、nglish you You dbetterspeakmore Ithink A asgoodasB morethanC aswellasD asmuchas A B 3 Inordertokeephealthy youshouldeatfastfood freshvegetablesandtakeenoughexercise A fewer fewerB less moreC fewer moreD less less4 Mysisterisgoodatsports shecanjump thanme A highestB veryhighC toohighD muchhigher B D

13、5 Whichis thesun themoonortheearth Ofcourse themoonisA smallB smallerC smallestD thesmallest6 Oct 15thwasoneof daysin2003 Shenzhou Vwassentupsuccessfully A excitingB moreexcitingC themostexcitingD muchexciting D C 7 Themore exerciseyoutake the youwi11be A weakerB healthierC luckierD worse8 EveryoneknowsChinaisgetting A strongandstrongB strongerandstrongerC morestrongandstrongD strongestandstrongest B B additionalexpressions Believeitornot Don tgiveup boys 信不信由你别放弃 boys



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