辽宁灯塔第二初级中学八级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots?第2课时 新人教新目标.ppt

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辽宁灯塔第二初级中学八级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots?第2课时 新人教新目标.ppt_第1页
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辽宁灯塔第二初级中学八级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots?第2课时 新人教新目标.ppt_第2页
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《辽宁灯塔第二初级中学八级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots?第2课时 新人教新目标.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《辽宁灯塔第二初级中学八级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots?第2课时 新人教新目标.ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Period2 Therewillbemore less fewerpeople Therewillbemore less fewerfreetime Therewillbemore less fewercars Therewillbemore less fewerpollution Therewillbemore less fewertrees 2a Listenandcirclethewordsyouhear 1 Therewillbefewerpeople 2 Therewillbelessfreetime 3 Peoplewillusethesubwaysless 4 Therewil

2、lbemorepollution 5 Citieswillbeverybigandcrowded Listenagain Check thepredictionsyouhear 2b 词语对对碰 fewervsless 相同点 这两个词后都是比较级 均可表示 较少的 不同点 fewer是few的比较级 只能修饰可数名词的复数 less是little的比较级 只能修饰不可数名词的复数 试做以下试题 Iearn moneythanmysister Thereare carsparkedoutsidethanyesterday Wehave studentsthisyearthanlastyear

3、Yououghttosmoke cigarettesanddrink beer less fewer fewer fewer less Therewillbe trees Therewillbe pollution Therewillbe water Therewillbe cookies Therewillbe meat Therewillbe orangejuice fewer less less fewer less less Feworless A Ithinktherewillbemorepollution B Well Idon tagree ButIthinktherewillb

4、efewertrees A Iagree Groupwork Lookatactivity2b Makeconversationsaboutthepredictions 2c Howwilltheworldbedifferentinthefuture 100yearsfromnow Couldyoumakesomepredictions 作出预言 Pleasetalkwithyourpartner Freetalk 3000 LookatthepicturesofSally Thenfillintheblanksinthesentences 1 Fiveyearsago Sallywas 2

5、Sheplayed 3 Shehad school inhigh soccer acat 3a 4 TodaySallyis 5 Sheplays 6 Shehas incollege theguitar apetdog 7 Infiveyears Sallywillbe 8 Shewillplay 9 Shewillhave wife tennis ababy amother PairworkLookatactivity3a MakepredictionsaboutSally A WhatdoyouthinkSallywillbeinfiveyears B Ithinkshe llbeadoctor A Whatsportwillsheplay B She llplay 3b Nowwriteaboutyourself 3c Drawapictureofthecityoftomorrow Thendescribeittotheclass A Ithinktherewillbemoretallbuildings Andtherewillbefewercarsandmorebuses Groupwork


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