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1、 welcome music Grammarandusage 名词性从句 Nounclause Thatyoudon tlikehimisnoneofmybusiness 2 Ibelievethathecanpassthefinalexam 3 ThetroubleisthatIhavelosthisaddress 4 ThenewsthatChinawonthematchexcitedus subject object predicative appositive 什么叫名词性从句 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句 NounClauses 名词从句的功能相当于名词词组 它在复合句中能担任

2、主语 宾语 表语 同位语等因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能 名词从句又可分别称为主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句和同位语从句 名词性从句nounclauses 主语从句subjectclause 宾语从句objectclause 表语从句predicativeclause 同位语从句appositiveclause 名词性从句在功能上相当于名词 Hisjobisimportant Whathedoesisimportant 主语 Thisishisjob Thisiswhathedoeseveryday 表语 Idon tlikehisjob Idon tlikewhathedoeseveryday

3、 宾语 Idon tknowabouttheman Mr White Idon tknowaboutthefactthatheisateacher 同位语 找出下列句子中的错误 并总结出规律 1 Couldyoutellmewheredoeshelive 2 Idon tknowwhenwillhecome Couldyoutellmewherehelives Idon tknowwhenhewillcome 规律 名词从句中须使用陈述语序 主语从句 Whatshedidisnotyetknown Whoevercomesiswelcome Whetherhe llcomehereisn tc

4、lear Idoubtwhetherhewillsucceed Youmaydowhatyoulike Hetoldusthathefeltill 宾语从句 ThetroubleisthatIhavelosthisaddress Allthiswasovertwentyyearsago butit sasifitwasonlyyesterday Thequestionishowhedidit 表语从句 Theywereallworriedaboutthefactthatyouweresick EarlyinthedaycamethenewsthatGermanyhaddeclaredwaron

5、Russia Ihavenoideawhetherhe llcomeornot 同位语从句 Howtojudgeaclause 学习名从要知道 及物动词最重要 动词之前叫主从 动词之后是宾从 系动词也贼重要 它的后面跟表从 千万不能忘介词 它的殿后亦宾从 关于that引导的主语从句 Thatheisstillaliveisunbelievable Thatweshallbelateiscertain 特点 无意义 不作任何句中成分 只起连接作用 不可以省略 注意 有时候为了平衡句子结构 避免头重脚轻 或者是为了强调 常用it来做形式主语 把that引导的主语从句放到后面 Itiscertain

6、thatshewilldowellinherexam It sapitythatwecan tgo ItisreportedthatChinahassentanotherman madeearthsatelliteintoorbit 1 It be adj true certain possible obvious likely that 2 It be nounphrase nowonder anhonour apity that 3 It be V ed said reported expected announced that It作形式主语的句型 Ithink that English

7、iseasytolearn Yousaid that youlikeyourmotherverymuch 特点 无任何实际意义 也不作任何句子成分 只是起连接作用 且常常省略 关于that引导的宾语从句 在某些复合宾语的句式中 也常用it作形式宾语 把that引导的宾语从句放在后面 Shemadeitclearthatshehadnothingtodowiththematter Wethoughtitapitythathecouldn tcome 注意 特殊情况 that在以下情况不省略 1 make find feel consider等这些词的后面用it作形式宾语时 that不省略 Ifi

8、nditnecessarythatweshouldstudyEnglish 2 及物动词后有两个宾语从句时 第二个that不可以省略 Hesaid that hewouldgotherethenextdayandthathisfamilywouldn tgothere 3 与动词相隔离的宾语从句一般不省略that Theteachertellsusthatweshouldstudyhard that引导表语从句 用来表示某一事实 也能表示某人的观点 意见 要求和希望等Theproblemisthatherparentscouldn tacceptme Thefactisthathecan tc

9、ometomorrow 特点 that作为连接词 不充当任何成分且一般不省略 关于that引导的表语从句 Thenewsthatourteamwonthefirstprizeexcitedallofus ThefactthatPollydidn taskfortheman snameisapity 特点 对前面的名词作进一步的说明 无实际意义 不作任何成分 但不可以省略 关于that引导的同位语从句 if 是否 和whether的选用 if只能使用于 a 及物动词后的宾语从句b if ornotIwonderif whetherthat sagoodidea Iwanttoknowif whe

10、therhewillcomeornot if whether1 Iaskedher shehadabike 2 wewillholdapartyintheopenairtomorrowdependsontheweather if whether Whether 3 We reworriedabout heissafe 4 Idon tknow heiswellornot 5 Idon tknow ornotheiswell whether whether if whether 6 Thequestionis heshoulddoit 7 Thedoctorcanhardlyanswertheq

11、uestion theoldmanwillrecoversoon 8 Idon tknow togo whether whether whether that和what的选用 that和what都可引导所有的名词从句 但是 what除起连接作用外 还在名词性从句中充当成分 可做从句的主语 宾语 或表语 而that在名词性从句中不充当任何成分 只起连接作用 that what 1 hewantsisabook 2 hewantstogothereisobvious 3 Theresultis wewonthegame 4 Thisis wewanttoknow What That that wh

12、at 5 Is hetoldustrue 6 Weshouldpayattentionto theteacherissaying 7 Ihavenodoubt hewillcome 8 Ihavenoidea hedidthatafternoon what what that what 其它连接代词和副词的连用 主要根据名词性从句中的具体意义 正确的选择who whom whose which when where why how等连接词 这些连接词既具有疑问含义 又起连接作用 同时在从句中充当各种成分 我们何时举行运动会还没有决定 weshallholdoursportsmeetingisn

13、otdecided 我不知道昨天谁打破了玻璃 Idon tknow broketheglassyesterday When who 我不知道他长的什么样子 Ihavenoidea helookslike 这就是我忘记眼镜的地方 Thisis Ileftmyglasses what where 注意 如果suggest order advise insist require request等动词时 后面that引导的宾语从句 suggestion order advice request requirement等名词时 后面that引导的表语从句 同位语从句用 should 动词原形 Hissu

14、ggestionisthatwe should finishtheworkatonce HegavemeasuggestionthatI should havearestnow practice 3 Acomputercanonlydo youhaveinstructedittodo A howB afterC whatD when4 Canyoutellme A whoisthatgentlemanB thatgentlemaniswhoC whothatgentlemanisD whomisthatgentleman 5 Hedidn tknowwhichroom A theylivedB

15、 theylivedinC didtheyliveD didtheylivein6 Togetthejobstarted Ineedisfromhere A onlywhatB allwhatC allthatD onlythat 7 Insomecountries iscalled equality doesn treallymeanequalrightsforallpeople A whichB whatC thatD one8 Goandgetyourcoat It s youleftit A thereB whereC therewhereD wherethere 9 youdon t

16、likehimisnoneofmybusiness A WhatB WhoC ThatD Whether10 Thereason Iplantogois shewillbedisappointed Idon t A why because whenB why that ifC because that ifD why that whether 11 canIdowithasituation Take measureyouconsiderbest How whicheverB What whateverC How whateverD What whichever12 shesaidsuggestedthatshehadn tdecided togoornot A What ifB That whetherC What whetherD Whether what 13 Hemadeapromise anyonesethimfreehewouldmakehimveryrich A thatB ifC whatD thatif14 wouldliketodevotehiswholelifeto


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