人教版英语七年级下册Unit1语法课课件 (23PPT)

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1、Unit1Canyouplaytheguitar Grammar CONTENTS Can的陈述句 Can的一般疑问句 What的特殊疑问句 Can的陈述句 let slookatavideo Let slookatsomepicturesaboutthevideo I Icansing He Hecanfly Theycandance can的肯定句结构 Sb can do V原 sth can的否定句 Icansing Hecanfly Theycandance Ican tsing Hecan tfly Theycan tdance can的否定句结构 Sb can t do V原 st

2、h Let sdosomeexercise 选词填空或者根据中文提示完成句子 1 Tomcan read reads buthecan t 写 English 2 Theycan 游泳 intheriver 3 LiMing 可以骑 abike 4 Idon tlikerunning I 不能跑 fast Checktheanswer 1 readwrite2 swim3 canride4 can trun Can的疑问句 Let slookatavideo he Canhedance Yes hecan No hecan t they Cantheyswim Yes theycan No t

3、heycan t Can的一般疑问句结构 Can Sb dosth Yes Sb can No Sb can t Let sdosomeexercise 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 你会游泳吗 yoursister 2 凯特会弹钢琴吗 Katethepiano 3 你会讲汉语吗 不会 you Chinese No I 1 Canswim2 Canplay3 Canspeakcan t Let slookatavideo What的特殊疑问句 Icanfly I Whatcanyoudo He Hecandance Whatcanhedo What的特殊疑问句结构 一 What can Sb do

4、 I Iwanttojointheswimmingclub Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin WhHewantstojointheguitarclub He Whatclubdoeshewanttojoin What的特殊疑问句 二 Whatclubdo doessb wanttojoin do I we you they 第三人称复数 does he she it 第三人称单数 Let sdosomeexercise 对划线部分进行提问 1 WewanttojointheEnglishclub Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin 2 HecansinganEngli

5、shsong Whatcanhedo 3 Myfatherwantstojointheartclub Whatclubdoesyourfatherwanttojoin 句型转换 1 Icandance 变一般疑问句 2 Canheplaytheguitarwell 做出否定回答 3 Shecanpaint 变否定句 4 Hecanswim 变一般疑问句并作肯定回答 Canyoudance No hecan t Shecan tpaint Canheswim Yes hecan Teacher 1 Mario Lisa Wewanttojointhemusicclub Teacher 2 Mar

6、io Icansing Teacher 3 Lisa Yes Icanalsoplaythepiano butIcan tplayitverywell Teacher 4 Mario Mario Yes lcanalsoplaytheguitar Teacher 5 Mario Sorry Ican tplayitverywell Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin Whatcanyoudo Canyousing Canyouplaythepiano Canyouplayitwell 句子翻译 1 我能说英语 2 你能干什么 3 你想参加什么俱乐部 4 汤姆会弹吉他 但是他弹的不太

7、好 IcanspeakEnglish Whatcanyoudo Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin Tomcanplaytheguitarbuthecan tplayitverywell 对划线部分进行提问 1 Iwanttojointhechessclub 2 HecandoChinesekungfu Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin Whatcanhedo 用方框中的单词完成下列海报 guitarcanplaycandrumssingcanplay MusiciansWantedforRockBandWewanttwogoodmusiciansforourrockband you the you you the PleasecallBillat790 4230 Can play guitar Can sing Can play drums Thanksforlistening



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