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1、英语中的反意疑问句 Lecturer RenYonghuiDecember19 2000 Heisaboy isn the Heisn taboy ishe Let sdosomeexercises 1 I mastallasyoursister 2 Iwishtohaveawordwithyou 3 Someplantsneverblown 开花 4 Heoughttoknowwhattodo Let sdosomeexercises 5 Wehavetogetthereateighttomorrow 6 Heusedtotakepicturesthere 7 You dbetterread

2、itbyyourself 8 Hewouldratherreadittentimesthanreciteit 10 a Hemustbeadoctor b YoumusthavestudiedEnglishforthreeyears c Hemusthavefinishedityesterday 9 You dliketogowithme 11 Whatcolours 12 NeitheryounorIamengineer 13 Everythingisready 14 a Mr SmithhadbeentoBeijingforseveraltimes heshouldhavebeeninCh

3、inathen b Idon tthinkheisbright c Webelieveshecandoitbetter 15 Everyoneknowstheanswer 16 a Weneednotdoitagain b Hedoesn tdaretogohomealone 17 a Don tdothatagain b Let sgoandlistentothemusic c Letuswaitforyouinthereading room 18 Therewillnotbeanytrouble 19 Itisimpossible 20 a Hemustbetherenow b Itmus

4、tbegoingtoraintomorrow Let slookatthekeyandcheckhowmanyyou vdoneright Let sseethekey 1 I mastallasyoursister aren tI 2 Iwishtohaveawordwithyou mayI 3 Someplantsneverblown 开花 dothey 4 Heoughttoknowwhattodo oughtn the shouldn the 1 陈述部分的主语是I m 疑问部分要用aren tI I mastallasyoursister aren tI 2 陈述部分的谓语是wish

5、 疑问部分要用may 主语 Iwishtohaveawordwithyou mayI 3 陈述部分用no nothing nobody never few seldom hardly rarely little等否定含义的词时 疑问部分用肯定含义 Someplantsneverblown 开花 dothey 4 含有oughtto的反意疑问句 陈述部分是肯定的 疑问部分用shouldn t oughtn t 主语 Heoughttoknowwhattodo oughtn the shouldn the 5 Wehavetogetthereateighttomorrow don twe 6 He

6、usedtotakepicturesthere didn the usedn the usen the 7 You dbetterreaditbyyourself hadn tyou 8 Hewouldratherreadittentimesthanreciteit wouldn the Let scheckup 5 陈述部分有haveto v hadto v 疑问部分常用don t 主语 didn t 主语 Wehavetogetthereateighttomorrow don twe 6 陈述部分的谓语是usedto时 疑问部分用didn t 主语或usedn t 主语 Heusedtot

7、akepicturesthere didn the usedn the 7 陈述部分有hadbetter v 疑问句部分用hadn tyou You dbetterreaditbyyourself hadn tyou 8 陈述部分有wouldrather v 疑问部分多用wouldn t 主语 Hewouldratherreadittentimesthanreciteit wouldn the 9 You dliketogowithme 10 Hemustbeadoctor YoumusthavestudiedEnglishforthreeyears Hemusthavefinishedity

8、esterday 11 Whatcolours 12 NeitheryounorIamengineer isn the haven tyou didn tyou didn the aren tthey arewe wouldn tyou 9 陈述部分有You dliketo v 疑问部分用wouldn t 主语 You dliketogowithme wouldn tyou 10 陈述部分有must的疑问句 疑问部分根据实际情况而定 Hemustbeadoctor isn the YoumusthavestudiedEnglishforthreeyears haven tyou didn ty

9、ou Hemusthavefinishedityesterday didn the 11 感叹句中 疑问部分用be 主语 Whatcolors aren tthey 12 陈述部分由neither nor either or连接的并列主语时 疑问部分根据其实际逻辑意义而定 NeitheryounorIamengineer arewe 13 Everythingisready isn tit 14 Mr SmithhadbeentoBeijingforseveraltimes heshouldhavebeeninChinathen shouldn the Idon tthinkheisbrigh

10、t ishe Webelieveshecandoitbetter can tshe 15 Everyoneknowstheanswer don tthey doeshe 13 陈述部分主语是指示代词或不定代词everything that nothing this 疑问部分主语用it Everythingisready isn tit 14 陈述部分为主语从句或并列复合句 疑问部分有三种情况 a 并列复合句疑问部分 谓语动词根据邻近从句的谓语而定 Mr SmithhadbeentoBeijingforseveraltimes heshouldhavebeeninChinathen should

11、n the b 带有定语从句 宾语从句的主从复合句 疑问部分谓语根据主句的谓语而定 Heisnotthemanwhogaveusatalk ishe HesaidhewantedtovisitJapan didn the c 上述部分主句谓语是think believe expect suppose imagine等引导的宾语从句 尤其当主句主语是第一人称时 疑问部分与宾语从句相对应构成反意疑问句 Idon tthinkheisbright ishe Webelieveshecandoitbetter can tshe 15 陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody anyone somebo

12、dy nobody noone等 疑问部分常用复数they 有时也用单数he Everyoneknowstheanswer don tthey doeshe Nobodyknowsaboutit dothey doeshe 16 Weneednotdoitagain needwe Hedoesn tdaretogohomealone doesshe 17 Don tdothatagain willyou Let sgoandlistentothemusic shallwe Letuswaitforyouinthereading room willyou 18 Therewillnotbeany

13、trouble willthere 19 Itisimpossible isn tit 20 Hemustbetherenow isn the Itmustbegoingtoraintomorrow won tit 16 带情态动词dare或need的反意疑问句 疑问部分常用need dare 主语 Weneednotdoitagain needwe Hedarenotsayso dareyou 当dare need为实义动词时 疑问部分用助动词do 主语 Shedoesn tdaretogohomealone doesshe 17 省去主语的祈使句的反意疑问句 疑问部分用willyou Do

14、n tdothatagain willyou Gowithme willyou won tyou 注意 Let s开头的祈使句 后用shallwe Letus开头的祈使句 后用willyou Let sgoandlistentothemusic shallwe Letuswaitforyouinthereading room willyou 18 陈述部分是 therebe 结构的 疑问部分用there省略主语代词 Thereissomethingwrongwithyourwatch isn tthere Therewillnotbeanytrouble willthere 19 否定前缀不能

15、视为否定词 其反意疑问句仍用否定形式 Itisimpossible isn tit Heisnotunkindtohisclassmates ishe 20 must在表 推测 时 根据其推测的情况来确定反意疑问句 Hemustbetherenow isn the Itmustbegoingtoraintomorrow won tit Dosomeexercises 1 I mastudentwhohavemyowndreams aren tI 2 Idon tthinkI maveryindustriousstudent amI 3 Hemadenoanswerwhenaskedbythet

16、eacher didhe 4 Wehavetofinishthepaperintwohours don twe 5 Theyusedtodinnerdowntown didn tthey usedn tthey usen tthey 6 Imustfinishtheworkinsuchashorttime mustn tI 7 Hemusthavefinishedhishomeworkyesterday didn the 8 whatasmell isn tit 9 Nothinghasbeenleft hasit 10 Nobodyknowsaboutit dothey doeshe Dosomeexercises 11 Don tmentionitagain willyou 12 Let sseewhattheteachersaysaboutthis shallwe 13 Letmehaveatry willyou 14 Heisnotunkindtohisclassmates ishe 15 Hehasdoneverywellinthelasttwoyears andheissu



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