秋八级英语上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B 新人教新目标.ppt

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秋八级英语上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B 新人教新目标.ppt_第1页
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《秋八级英语上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B 新人教新目标.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《秋八级英语上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B 新人教新目标.ppt(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation SectionB 学习目标 一 知识目标1 Keyvocabularies activity try bird bicycle building trader wonder difference top wait umbrella wet below enough hungry as arrivein decidetodosth feellike getto becauseof2 Targetlanguages WheredidLisagoonvacation DidLisalikehervacation IfeltlikeIwasab

2、ird Myfatherdidn tbringenoughmoney 二 能力目标Talkaboutvacationexperiencesandwriteatraveldiary 三 情感目标Learntoremindofvacationexperiencesandenjoythelife 合作探究1a Macththewordswiththepictures Canyoureadandtranslatethesewords 1 delicious2 expensive3 exciting4 cheap5 terrible6 boring 1b Lookatthewordsin1aagain

3、Writewordsontheleft Writewordsontheright wordswords delicious terrible exciting cheap expensive boring 2a Discussthequestionswithyourpartner 1 Whatdopeopleusuallydoonvacation 2 Whatactivitiesdoyoufindenjoyable 2b ReadJane sdiaryabouthervacationandanswerthequestions goshopping gohiking goswimming gof

4、ishing eatgoodfood DidJanehaveagoodtimeonMonday WhataboutonTuesday Monday July15thIarrivedinPenanginMalaysiathismorningwithmyfamily Itwassunnyandhot sowedecidedtogotothebeachnearourhotel MysisterandItriedparagliding IfeltlikeIwasabird Itwassoexciting Forlunch wehadsomethingveryspecialMalaysianyellow

5、noodles Theyweredelicious Intheafternoon werodebicyclestoGeorgetown Therearealotofbuildingsnow butmanyoftheoldbuildingsarestillthere InWeldQuay areallyoldplaceinGeorgetown wesawthehousesoftheChinesetradersfrom100yearsago Iwonderwhatlifewaslikehereinthepast Ireallyenjoyedwalkingaroundthetown 点拨提升 1 I

6、arrivedinPenanginMalaysiathismorningwithmyfamily 翻译 arrive为不及物动词 意为 arrivein 大地点 arriveat 小地点 同义词组 TheSmiths NewYorkat8 00lastnight A arrivedatB gottoC reachD arrived2 sowedecidedtogotothebeachnearourhotel 翻译 decide为及物动词 意为决定 决心 决定做某事 3 MysisterandItriedparagliding 翻译 trytodosth 意为 trydoingsth 意为 We

7、shouldn ttry study English weshouldtry study English 4 IfeltlikeIwasabird 翻译 feellike意为 后常接 另外feellike还意为 Doyoufeellikeacupoftea 5 Iwonderwhatlifewaslikehereinthepast 翻译 wonder为及物动词 意为 想知道 后常接疑问词 who what why 引导的从句 Iwonder youaredoing 我想知道你正在做什么 今天早上我和家人到达了马来西亚的槟城 到达 getto reach B 因此我们决定到旅馆附近的海滩 dec

8、idetodosth 姐姐和我尝试了滑翔运动 尽力做某事 尝试做某事 studying tostudy 我感觉到自己就像一只小鸟 感觉到 从句 想要 我想知道在这儿过去的生活是什么样的 what Tuesday July16th Whatadifferenceadaymakes MyfatherandIdecidedtogotoPenangHilltoday Wewantedtowalkuptothetop butthenitstartedrainingalittlesowedecidedtotakethetrain Wewaitedoveranhourforthetrainbecauseth

9、ereweretoomanypeople Whenwegottothetop itwasrainingreallyhard Wedidn thaveanumbrellasowewerewetandcold Itwasterrible Andbecauseofthebadweather wecouldn tseeanythingbelow Myfatherdidn tbringenoughmoney soweonlyhadonebowlofriceandsomefish ThefoodtastedgreatbecauseIwassohungry 点拨提升 1 Whatadifferenceada

10、ymakes 感叹句 结构为What 名词 主语 谓语 2 Wewaitedoveranhourforthetrainbecausethereweretoomanypeople waitfor为等候 后接人或物 toomany为太多 后接可数名词复数 toomuch 不可数名词 money muchtoo为太 后接形容词或副词 muchtoobig 3 Myfatherdidn tbringenoughmoney enough 名词 goodenough 形容词 副词enough 2d CompletetheconversationaboutJane striptoPenangusingthe

11、informationinthediaryentries Anna Hi Jane Wheredidyougoonvacationlastweek Jane I 1 toPenangin 2 Anna Who 3 yougowith Jane Iwentwithmy 4 Anna Whatdidyoudo Jane Theweatherwashotand 5 onMonday sowewent 6 onthebeach Thenintheafternoon we 7 bicyclestoGeorgetown Anna Soundsgreat Jane Well butthenextdaywas

12、notasgood My 8 andIwenttoPenangHill buttheweather 9 reallybadandrainy We 10 alongtimeforthetrainandwewere 11 andcoldbecauseweforgottobringan 12 Anna Oh no Jane Andthat snotall Wealsodidn tbring 13 money soweonlyhadonebowlofriceandsomefish went Malaysia did family sunny paragliding rode father was wa

13、ited wet umbrella enough 2e ImagineJanewenttoPenangHillagainandhadagreatday Fillintheblanksinherdiaryentrywiththecorrectformsoftheverbsinbrackets Thursday July18thToday 1 be abeautifulday MyfatherandI 2 go toPenangHillagain butthistimewe 3 walk tothetop We 4 start at9 30a m and 5 see alotsofspecialMalaysiaflowersalongtheway Aboutonehourlater we 6 stop and 7 drink sometea Thenwe 8 walk foranothertwohoursbeforewe 9 get tothetop I 10 be quitetired butthecity 11 look wonderfulfromtheofthehill was went walked started saw stopped drank walked got was looked



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