中考英语 语法复习题.ppt

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1、2010中招英语压轴试题一 词汇考查 1 Welove 和平 buthatewars 2 Igotaninvitationyesterday butIdidn t 接受 it 3 Doyouthinkthereissomething 完美的 intheworld 4 Thepriceis25 包括 postage 邮资 andpacking 包装 peace accept including perfect 5 Everyoneisheretoday 除了 JimGreenbecausehewasillinbed 6 Weoftengetinformationbyreadingnewspape

2、rs 杂志 andallkindsofbooks 7 It sovertenyearssinceyou graduate fromtheuniversity except magazines graduated 8 Hedidverywellintheexam Hemadefew 错误 9 Don tbeafraidtotalkwithforeigners It sagood 机会 topractiseyourspokenEnglish 10 Tomdidhishomeworkso care thathemademanymistakes mistakes chance carelessly 语

3、法与情景选择 1 Ittakesmydaughteraboutanhourtopratiseplaying pianoafter suppereveryday A the theB the C D the2 WouldyoupleasepassthemessagetoJim A I dlikeB I llbegladtoC ThatwouldbefineD It sapleasure B B 3 Don tshoutinpublic please A won tyouB don tyouC doyouD willyou4 Lookitovercarefully you llmakeanothe

4、rmistakes A thenB andC ifD or5 It ssuchawarmday Whynot yoursweater A putonB putdownC takedownD takeoff D D D 6 Football bytheBritishatthebeginningoflastcentury That sprobablywhyfootballisoneofthemostpopulargamesinEngland A wasinventedB inventedC wasinventingD invents7 Maryneedsafriend A toplayB topl

5、aywithC toplayingD tobeplayedwith A B 8 TheweatherinKongmingis toohot toocoldalltheyearround A both andB neither norC either orD not also9 Heaskedher gotoBeijingthenextday A willsheB ifshewouldC ifshewillD wouldshe B B 10 Mustwemovetothenextroom No you Youmaystilllivehereifyoulike A mustn tB don tC

6、don thavetoD won t11 Wouldyoulike somefruit No thanks Idon tfeellike anythingnow A tohave toeatB having toeatC tohave eatingD having eating C C 12 wereyoulate themeeting No Iarrivedtheretenminutes themeetingstarted A for beforeB at beforeC for tillD at after13 Areyoulearningartnowduringyoursparetime

7、 No I vestopped Chinesemedicineinstead A tolearnB learningC droppingD togiveup A A 14 beautifulpresentyou veboughtforme I mgladyoulikeit A HowaB WhataC HowD What15 Idon tthinkthestudents can tfollowtheschoolruleswillbesuccessfullyinthefuture A whoB whichC whomD they B A 16 We llgotothelibrarytomorro

8、wifit A isn trainB rainC won trainD doesn train17 Isthere intoday snewspaper A importantsomethingB somethingimportantC importantanythingD anythingimportant D D 18 YourspokenEnglishismuchbetternow Thankyou OurEnglishteacheroftenasksme Englishas asIcan A tospeak manyB speak manyC tospeak muchD speak m

9、uch19 Myfriendprefers to soccer A running playB running playingC run playD torun playing C B 20 Therearefive workersatthatfactory A thousandB thousandofC thousandsofD thousands21 AreyougettingonwellwithTom Notverywell butweusedtobefriends ThemoreIknowhim Ilikehim A themoreB thelessC thelittleD thele

10、ast A B 22 Doyouoftengeton line 上网 Yes I mostofmytimeonit It sagoodwaytokillthetime A costB spendC takeD pay23 Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool It sabout walk twentyminute sB twentyminutes C twentyminuteD twentyminutes B B 24 PeopleintheUSAeatalotofchicken A wedosoB dowesoC sodoweD sowedo25 Didyouenjo

11、ythedays youspentinBeijingduringtheSpringFestival A whereB thatC whenD who C B 动词考查 1 Thisplaceisreallyworth asecondtime A tovisitB visitsC visitingD visited2 Therecanbenolifeontheearthwithoutwater That sright Water everywhere A needsB isneedingC isneededD needed C C 3 We renotsureifit tomorrow Ifit

12、 wewon tgotothezoo A willsnow snowsB willsnow willsnowC snows snowsD snows willsnow4 Sallydoesn tlikethedress Shethinksitmakeher fat A looksB lookC lookingD looked A B 5 MayIputmyhandbaghere No you Ifyoudo youmayloseit A needn tB won tC wouldn tD mustn t6 Digital 数码的 camerasaremoreandmorepopular but

13、somestill toomuch A payB spendC takeD cost D D 7 EveryoneexceptTomandJohn therewhenthemeetingbegan A areB isC wasD were8 Itwasverylate Shestoppedthechildrenfrom TV A watchesB towatchC watchedD watching9 Whenwegotthere they A leftB areleavingC hadleftD haveleft C D C 10 Whereisourteacher She toheroff

14、ice A hasbeenB hasgoneC hadbeenD hadgone11 Hisgrandfather forthirtyyears A diedB wasdeadC hasbeendeadD hasdied12 Theteachersaidlight fasterthansound A traveledB travelsC wouldtravelD hadtravelled B C B 句型转换 1 Lucysingsbeautifully andsodoesLily 同义句 Lucy Lilysingbeautifully 2 Hehasalreadyseenthefilm 否

15、定句 He seenthefilm 3 Weshouldwatertheyoungtreeseverytwodays 被动语态 Theyoungtreesshould everytwodays Bothand hasn tyet bewatered 4 Idon tknowwhenweshallleaveforNanjing 简单句 Idon tknowwhen forNanjing 5 Toeathealthyfoodisimportantforus 同义句 importantforus eathealthyfood 6 Ispent5Yuanonthebook 同义句 Thebook 5Y

16、uan toleave It sto costme 7 TheyhavelivedinLanzhousince1997 havetheylivedinLanzhou 8 Mikeis14yearsold Davidis12yearsold 合并句子 Mikeis2years David 9 Themountainisverybeautiful 感叹句 themountainis 10 Iknewaboutitafterhetoldmelastnight 同义句 I knowaboutit hetoldmelastnight Howlong olderthan Howbeautiful didn tuntil 对话理解 A What s withyou B Ihaveaterribletoothache A How haveyoubeenlikethis B Fortwomonths Ihavebeenlosingsleep A Youmeanthepain sbeenkeepingyouawake wrong long B Yes Andwhat sworse Ican teat A


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