Module4 Healthy food Unit1 We27ve got lots of apples.

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《Module4 Healthy food Unit1 We27ve got lots of apples.》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module4 Healthy food Unit1 We27ve got lots of apples.(39页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module4Healthyfood Unit1 We vegotlotsofapples 歌曲欣赏 1 Torecognisehealthyandunhealthyfoodanddrink2 Tolearnsomekeywordsandusefulexpressions3 Tolistenandunderstandthedialogueaboutfoodanddrink Objectives Words candy chocolate beef meat vegetables potato coffee Phrases foodanddrinklotsof Patterns Let sgos

2、hoppingfor Let sgetsome isgood badforyou Whatkindoffruit Review Wordsandexpressions 单词回顾 学生早读时已预习过本单元单词 可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习 对单词的熟练度越高 阅读的速率也越高 Readthewordsandexpressionsloudly fooddrinkcandyfruitmeatvegetableapplebean n 食物 食品n 饮料v 喝n 糖果n 水果n 肉n 蔬菜n 苹果n 豆 Wordsandexpressions beefcarrotchickenchocolatec

3、offeecolajuicemilk n 牛肉n 胡萝卜n 鸡肉n 巧克力n 咖啡n 可乐n 果汁n 牛奶 Wordsandexpressions potatoteatomatowatergoshoppingsomemuchkind n 马铃薯 土豆n 茶n 西红柿 番茄n 水去买东西 去购物adj 若干pron 一些 某些adj 许多的 大量的n 种类 Wordsandexpressions 水果兵列队 单词练一练 Workinpairs Lookatthepicturesandwritedowntheirnames applebeansbeefcarrotchickenchocolatec

4、offeecolajuicemilkorangepotatoteatomatowater apple orange beans tomato carrot coffee water cola milk beef chicken juice tea potato 1 Labelthefoodinthepictureswiththewordsfromthebox candyfruitmeatvegetables fruit candy meat vegetables 2 Completethetable FOOD meat fruit beef chicken bean carrot potato

5、 tomato apple orange vegetables Listenandcheck thefoodanddrinkBettyandhermotherhavegot applesbeansbeefcarrotschickencoffeecola juicemilkorangespotatoesteatomatoeswater 3 1 Healthyfood健康的饮食healthy是以health为词根派生出的形容词 我们以名词health为词根 可以派生出形容词healthy 副词healthily 也可以在形容词healthy之前加前缀 un 构成反义词unhealthy 意为 不健

6、康的 Languagepoints Hisgrandfatherisingoodhealth 他祖父身体健康 Wehavetoeatanddrinkhealthily 我们必须健康地饮食 IsCokeanunhealthydrink 可乐是一种不健康的饮料吗 2 Toomuchchocolateisn tgoodforyou 吃太多巧克力对你没有好处 toomuch意思是 太多 用来修饰不可数名词 例如 Ihavegottoomuchhomeworktodotoday 我今天有太多的作业要做 toomany意思也是 太多 用来修饰可数名词复数形式 如 Therearetoomanypeople

7、intheshoppingcentre 购物中心里人太多 另外 begoodfor的意思是 对 有好处 它的反义词组是bebadfor 如 WatchingtoomuchTVisn tgoodforyou 电视看得太多对你不好 Smokingisbadforyourhealth 吸烟有害你的健康 3 Allright 好的 这里的allright表示同意别人所说的事情 Ithinkyoushouldstartnow 我认为你应该现在开始了 Allright 好的 allright可以有多种含义 用于多种场合 Tom youwilllockthedoor allright 汤姆 你来锁门 好吗

8、上句中的allright我们可以译为 明白了吗 是吧 对吧 等 表示向对方确认他会同意或理解你所说的话 Completethetable A Havewegotany B Yes wehavegot No wehaven t Fillintheblanks A Tony sdadB TonyA Tony let s forfoodanddrink Now wehaven t meat Let sgetsomechicken B OK Havewe any A Yes wehave chocolateisn t you Let sgetsome B What fruit Apples gotan

9、y gotchocolate Toomuch goodfor goshopping melons kindof A No we vegot apples We anyoranges solet sgetsome B OK someorangejuice A Yes goodidea Andcoffee Let sgetsomeforyour Shehasn t B Allright somecoffeeforMum andsome forme Ihaven tgotanycola A Nocola Cola you Howaboutsometea B Oh toobad lotsof have

10、n tgot Howabout mum gotanycoffee cola isbadfor Workinpairs TalkaboutTony sshopping A Havewegotany B Yes wehave We vegotsome No wehaven t 6 Listenandrepeat s drinks t teatomatowater z applespotatoesvegetables d badfoodidea 7 Listenandchoose s or z 1apples2beans3drinks4potatoes 8 A Makealistofthingsyo

11、uneed B Makealistofthingsyou vegot Nowaskandanswer Havewegotany Yes wehave We vegotsome No wehaven t Workinpairs Makeashoppinglist 9 orange juice Haveyougotany Yes I vegotsome No Ihaven tgotany 本课时主要句型 课后回顾 Let sgoshoppingfor Howabout Havewegotany Yes we vegotsome No wehaven t Wehaven tgotany 一 根据句意

12、和首字母提示填写单词 1 Therearesomeo andappleshereforyou 2 Meat v andfruitarehealthyfood 3 Wecand milkandwater 4 Chicken potatoesandmelonsareh food 5 Porkandb aremeat ranges egetables rink ealthy eef Quiz 1 Haveyou get got apen 2 Ihaven tgot some any money 3 Therearetwo childs children 4 Mymotherbuyssome meat

13、 meats 5 Is Are thereanybeefinthedininghall 二 选用合适单词完成句子 1 manybooksinherbag 2 I threesisters 3 abasketballunderTony sbed 4 Mybrother anewbike 5 yoursister acomputeronthedesk There are have got Is there has got Has got 三 用therebe have has got has have 的正确形式填空 四 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 你总是吃健康食品吗 Doyoualwayseat

14、Wecannotliveforlongwithout 2 我们没有食物和饮料就活不了多久 healthyfood foodanddrink 3 我们吃蔬菜 水果和肉 Weeat and 4 我们没有肉 只能吃些苹果了 We meat sowe llhavetoeat 5 我们还有啤酒和葡萄酒吗 beerandwine vegetablesfruitmeat haven tgotany someapples Havewegotany Therearefivepeopleinmyfamily 对划线部分提问 2 Ihavegotalittlebrother 用Jim代替I改写句子 五 根据括号内的

15、要求改写下列句子 Howmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily Jimhasgotalittlebrother 3 Hisbrotherhasgotsomenewbooks 变为一般疑问句 4 Shehasgotsomenewpens 变为否定句 5 Ihavegotabigfamily 用smallfamily变为选择疑问句 Haveyougotabigfamilyorasmallfamily Hashisbrothergotanynewbooks Shehasn tgotanynewpens Homework Rememberallthenewwordsandexpressionswe velearnedtoday 2 Writesomethingaboutwhatyouhavegotandwhatyouhaven tgot 1 Topreviewthenewwordsandexpressionsinunit2 2 Topreviewthepassageinunit2 Preview Thankyou



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