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1、Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarla SectionA Guessing Whohasthefollowingthings Leadin books magazines toycars volleyballs playvolleyball sweater T shirts plate cup football hat dictionary glasses watch car earrings scarf 表示推测的情态动词在英语中 表示对某事物的确定程度 即表示推测的时候 我们通常会用到以下情态动词 must might could may can t couldn t Prese

2、ntation must can t couldmight 100 probablytrue 20 80 possiblytrue 0almostnottrue must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测 意为 一定 100 例如 Hemustbeworkingathome must表示对已发生的事情的推测时 must要接完成时 例如 Theroadiswet Itmusthaverainedlastnight Learntomakeinference 推理 Hecan tbe Hecould mightbe Hemustbe Canyouguesswhatitis Itcouldbe Itals

3、omightbe awhitevase twofaces Itcouldbe Italsomightbe Canyouguesswhatitis adog twogirls 1aLookatthepicture Writethethingsyouseeinthecorrectcolumnsinthechart T shirt coat book magazine CD toycar cup 1bListenandmatcheachpersonwithathingandareason 1cPAIRWORKPracticetheconversationinthepictureabove Thenm

4、akeconversationsusingtheinformationin1b A Whosebookisthis B ItmustbeMary s J K Rowlingisherfavoritewriter 2 favorite like lovee g IlikeJeremyLinbest IloveJeremyLin My basketballstarisJeremyLin favorite LanguagePoints 1 mustbe sb s意为 一定是某人的 mustbelongtosb 意为 一定属于某人 ThebookmustbeMary s Thebookmustbelo

5、ngtoMary 4 listentomusicpopmusicfolkmusicjazzlightmusicheavymusichiphoprock rollrap 流行音乐 民族音乐 爵士乐 轻音乐 重金属音乐 街舞 摇滚乐 说唱乐 3 only adj adv e g 他是家里唯一一个男孩 我只见过他一次 我的眼里只有你 Heistheonlyboyinhisfamily I veonlyseenhimonce Onlyyouinmyeyes 5 表示猜测的常用表达方式有 1 mustbe 肯定是 表示把握较大的推测 2 may might couldbe 可能 或许是 把握不大 3 c

6、an tbe 肯定不是 把握性很大的否定 2aBobandAnnafoundaschoolbagatthepark Listenandwritedownthethingsintheschoolbag 1 2 3 T shirt Hairband Tennisballs Thingsintheschoolbag 1 Theperson gotoourschool 2 Theperson beaboy 3 It beMei shairband 4 Thehairband belongtoLinda 5 It beLinda sschoolbag can t could must might 2bL

7、istenagain Fillintheblanks must 2cMakeconversationsusingtheinformationin2aand2b A Look There saschoolbaghere B What sinside A There saT shirt Readtheconversationagainandanswerthequestions 1 WhyisLindaworried 2 WhatdidLindaattendyesterday 3 Whatarethereinherschoolbag 4 DidLindagotoapicnicaftertheconc

8、ert 5 Couldherschoolbagstillbeatthepark Becauseshecan tfindherschoolbag Sheattendedaconcertyesterday Herbooks herpinkhairbandandsometennisballs 2dPairworkRole playtheconversationinpairs Yes shedid Yes 3aReadthearticleanddecidewhichmightbethebesttitle A ASmallandQuietTownB StrangeHappeningsinMyTownC

9、AnimalsinOurNeighborhood Languagepoints strangenoisescallthepolicemennext doorneighboranythingelsetoo to feeluneasyhavenoideagoawaycreatefear 奇怪的噪音报警隔壁邻居任何其他的东西太 不能 感觉不轻松不知道离开造成恐惧 3bReadthearticleagainandfindwordstomatchthemeanings nervousorworried areawherepeoplelive youngpeople animallikeaverylarg

10、edog personinthenexthouse personwhomakesnoise uneasy neighborhood teenager wolf neighbor noise maker 3cReadthearticlecarefullyandwritewhatpeoplethinkaboutthestrangenoises Theythinkthatitmustbeteenagershavingfun Theythinkitmightbethewind Shethinksitmightbeadog Shethinksitmaybeabearorawolf Hedoesn tth

11、inkthisanimalorpersonwillsimplygoaway GrammarFocus Whosevolleyballisthis ItmustbeCarla s Shelovesvolleyball 2 Whosehairbandisthis ItcouldbeMei shairband OritmightbelongtoLinda Theybothhavelonghair Whatdidyouseethatnight I mnotsure butitcan tbeadog Itwasbigger Ithinkitmightbeabearorawolf 4aChoosetheb

12、estwaytocompleteeachsentenceusingthewordsinbrackets 1 A Where sJean B I mnotsure She is mightbe mustbe inthelaboratory A Everyoneisgoingtothepoolafterschool B Really It mustbe can tbe couldbe hotoutdoors A That sthephone B Hmm Iwonderwhoit mustbe couldbe shouldbe mightbe mustbe couldbe practice 4 A

13、IwonderiftheseareJim sglasses B They can tbe mightbe couldbe his Hedoesn twearglasses 5 A Ihearwaterrunninginthebathroom B It couldbe mustbe can tbe Carla Shewasthinkingoftakingashower can tbe mustbe 4bCompletetheseresponses 1 A Manypeoplearewearingcoats B Theweathermustbe 2 A Sallyhasbeencoughingal

14、ot B Shemightbe 3 A Thisrestaurantisalwaysverycrowded B Thefood 4 A WheneverItrytoreadthisbook Ifeelsleepy B Itcan t verycold havingacold mustbedelicious beinteresting 1 Ididn thearthephone I asleep A mustbeB musthavebeenC shouldbeD shouldhavebeen2 Mary beinParis Isawherintownonlyafewminutesago A mu

15、stn tB shouldn tC can tD maynot Practice 单项选择 3 Peter comewithustonight butheisn tverysureyet A mustB mayC canD will4 Ithoughtyou likesomethingtoread soIhavebroughtyousomebooks A mayB mightC couldD must 1 这本书一定是汤姆的 他正在找这本书 Thisbook beTom s Heislookingforit 2 这个发带可能是玛丽的 她喜欢戴发带 Thehairband beMary s Sh

16、elikeswearingahairband must could 完成句子 3 这个玩具熊可能是约翰的妹妹的 她还是个小姑娘 Thetoybear belongtoJohn ssister Sheisstillalittlegirl 4 这个排球不是玛丽的 她根本不喜欢打排球 Thevolleyball beMary s Shedoesn tlikeplayingvolleyballatall might can t 1 Learnnewwordsandphrasesbyheart 2 Makesentencesaboutinferencewith must might could may can t Homework



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