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1、仁爱八年级上册主要语法点复习及练习题德化三中 Therebe句型的一般将来时 1 There anEnglishpartyinourclassnextweek A isgoingtohaveB isgoingtobeC willhaveD haveThere afootballmatchnextweek Shallwegoandwatchit A willhaveB hasC haveD willbe3 There twomeetingstomorrow A isgoingtohaveB aregoingtobeC willhaveD have 2 Wouldyouliketoclimbmou

2、ntainswithmethisSunday I dloveto ButI playtabletennisagainstClassThree amgoingB amgoingtoC amD goingto Wouldyoumind用法 1 Wouldyoumind not doingsth 2 Wouldyoumindif 从句 如果我做 你会介意吗 3 Wouldyouplease not dosth 4 Couldyouplease not dosth 1 Wouldyoumind here I msorryaboutthat I llgosomewhereelse A nosmoking

3、B notsmokingC nosmokeD notsmoke 2 Wouldyoumindif mybikehere A IputB IputtingC meputD myputting3 Wouldyouplease somuchnoise Oh sorry Iwon t A notmakeB don tmakeC nottomakeD making Join joinin takepartin 1 Wouldyoumind usinthegame Notatall A joiningB joinC joininD joiningin2 Whendidyourschoolholdthesp

4、ortsmeet Lastweek AndI thegirls 400 metrerace A joinedB tookpartinC willjoinD willtakepartin 我不介意 3 没关系 3 I msosorryforlosingyourdictionary A Oh itdoesn tmatter B You rewelcome C That sOK D Thankyouallthesame Howoften howlong 1 doyouplaycomputergames Everynight A HowlongB WhenC HowmuchD Howoften2 ha

5、veyoubeenlikethis Threedays A HowlongB HowsoonC HowoftenDHowmany3 翻译 你作业做了多长时间 Howlongdidyoudoyourhomework 1 Don tshoutathim Heisonly boy A aeight year oldB aneight year oldC aeightyearsoldD aneightyearsold2 Kangkangwonthefirstplaceinthe intheschoolsportsmeetlastweek A boy s100 meterraceB boys 100 m

6、eterraceC boy s100 metersraceD boys 100 metersrace3 WhereisTom Heisill He dliketoaskfor leave 3天的 情态动词 1 WhereisliFeng Icannotfindhim Iamnotsure He inthelibrary A maybeB maybeC mustbeD willbe2 Ifyouhaveaheadache you liedownforagoodrest A shouldn tB hadbetternotC hadbetterD mustn t 3 MustItakepartint

7、heactivity No you You retooyoung Youshouldlookafteryourself mustn tB don tC can tD don thaveto4 MayIwatchTV Mom I mafraidyou A shouldnotB can tC mustnotD maynot 4 MustItakethemedicineeveryday No you A mustB mustn tC needn tD can t5 Mymotherisill I stayathometotakecareofher canB mayC havetoD maybe6 M

8、ustIparkmycarbehindthebuilding No you You parkitthere A mustn t mayB maynot mustC don thaveto mayD shouldn t must 做 事 对某人来说 是 的 1 Youaretooweak importantforyou everyday A They re toexerciseB It s toexerciseC They re exercisingD It s exercising2 necessaryforus Englishwell A Thisis tolearnB It s tolea

9、rnC It s learnD That s learn 主将从现 If 如果 assoonas 一 就 1 Ifit tomorrow wewillgotothepark A isn trainB don trainC doesn trainD won train2 我一见到他就会告诉他这个消息 AssoonasIseehimIwilltellhimthenews 自学 1 Whotaught Japanese Ilearneditby A you myselfB your myselfC yourself meD yourself myself2 Heplaysbasketballsowe

10、ll Whotaught Hetaught A him himB himself himselfC him himselfD himself him 3 Hismothertaughthim andread A writeB writingC towriteD writes toomuch muchtoo 1 Heeats food soheis fat A muchtoo toomuchB toomuch muchtooC muchtoo themanyD toomuch toomany2 Youshouldnoteat meat Itcanmakeyoufatter A toomanyB

11、toomuchC muchtooD manytoo 动词词组做主语 动词要用 形式谓语动词用 数 1 WatchingTVtoomuch badforyoureyes I llgotobedrightaway A isB areC wasD be2 Ithink aforeignlanguageisnoteasy Youshould itoften A tolearn topracticeB learning practiceC learn practicingD learns topractice 花费spend take 1 Samspendstwohours hishomeworkeve

12、ryday A todoB doingC doD does2 Ittakeshimtwohours hishomeworkeveryday A todoB doingC doD does ed ing 1 AlltheChinesewere whentheyheardLiuXiangwonthefirst Itwasreally A exciting excitedB excited excitingC exciting excitingD excited excited2 My iskeepingpets Iam indogs A interest interestedB interests

13、 interestedC interest interestingD interests interesting 喜欢 1 What syourhobby please I dancing A amfondofB enjoyC preferD A BandC2 Doesyourfatherlikecollectingstamps Heisn t it Heis collectingoldclocks A fondof prefersB enjoys likesC prefers fondofD interestedin fondof 过去常常做某事 1 What syourhobby I li

14、stentomusic butnowIenjoydancing amusedtoB usedtoC amusedD useto2 Heusedto athome butnowheusually awalkwithmymother A watchTV takeB watchTV takesC watchesTV takesD watchesTV take 3 I draw butnowIamfondofit A wasn tusetoB didn tusetoC amnotusetoD don tuseto4 LiLei playcomputergames No he A Did useto d

15、idn tB Did usedto didn tC Does useto doesn tD Does usedto doesn t 感叹句 1 sweetmusic 2 badweather 3 lovelyday 4 strongwinditis 5 heavysnow 6 beautiful 7 lovelyaday 8 carefullyhestudies 过去进行时 1 I amuseumwithmyfriendsatthistimeyesterday amvisitingB wasvisitingC visitedD willvisit2 Icalledyouthismorning

16、butnobodyanswered I theflowersinmygardenatthattime A wateredB waswateringC waterD amwatering 当过去的两个动作同时发生时 1 I whenhecalledmelastnight sleepB amsleepingC willsleepD wassleeping2 Whatwereyoudoing yourfather back While cameB when cameC While wascomingD when wascoming When while区别 1 ThestudentsweresinginganEnglishsong Mr Xiangcameintotheclassroom A afterB whenC whileD as2 Itwasraininghard Igotupthismorning A ifB whenC afterD until3 JennyandJaneweretalkinginthekitchen Iwasreadingthenewspaper A while


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