Unit 11 The Sounds of the World(Listening and Speaking)2.ppt

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《Unit 11 The Sounds of the World(Listening and Speaking)2.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 11 The Sounds of the World(Listening and Speaking)2.ppt(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Thesoundsoftheworld Unit11 Before learning Discussthesequestionswithyourclassmates 1 Whatkindofmusicdoyoulike 2 Whenyoulistentoasong doyoulistentothewordsorthemusic Why 3 Doyouplayanymusicalinstrument 4 Whatisyourfavouriteinstrument 5 Doyouliketolistentomusicfromothercountries Why ListeningPart List

2、entothethreesongsonthetapeandthenfillouttheformbelow Listening Speaking Worktogetherwithyourpartner Taketurnsaskingforandgivingadvice LookatsomesituationsIgiveyou thenmakeadialogueandactitout Example JOE HiSusan CanyouhelpmedecidewhattobuyforPeter sbirthday SUSAN Sure Whatdoyouhaveinmind JOE Well Pe

3、terlovesmusic soIthoughtIwouldgivehimaCD SUSAN That sagreatidea Whatkindofmusicdoeshelike JOE I mnotsure Ohyes helikesrockmusic SUSAN Rockmusic Hm maybeyoucouldgivehimthenewRickyMartinCD JOE RickyMartin That snotrockmusic Peterwouldn t tlikethat SUSAN HowaboutaRollingStonesCD JOE Yes that sagoodsuggestion HelovestheRollingStones Usefulexpressions Let slistentoabeautifulsong It sveryfamous Youmayhearwhenyouareseeingafilm Guessthenameofthesong Yesterdayoncemore


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