江苏涟水红日中学七级英语下册Unit1DreamHomesReading2学案新牛津 1.doc

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1、7B Unit 1 Reading (2)一、学习目标:while, sitting room,its,fifth,garden,flat, street,seventh, share,neighbour friendly, dining room, grow, most, cook,more than二、自主学习:1. To read and learn about different types of homes and lifestyles.2. To obtain details about homes in different countries.3. To respond to t

2、he text by making statements about the foreign students activities.4.Write an article to introduce their own homes, using the two home pages as a model.三、合作交流翻译下列词组1.拥有一个漂亮的客厅 2.晚饭后 3.和我的姐姐分享一个卧室 4.喜欢看电视 5.躺着听音乐_ 6.在那儿聊天 7.住在一个大房子里_ 8.有我自己的卧室和浴室 _9.最喜欢阳台_ 10.向外看着沙滩和大海_ 四、典型例题用所给词的适当形式填空1.The library

3、 is the _( good ) place to read books.2.Stephen with his friends often _( sit ) on the balcony.3.People like to talk with each other in the room. (live)4.In the room there is a big table.(dine)5.He would like _(share) the room with his brother.6.He spends two hours every day _(practise) _(speak) Eng

4、lish.7.I have lots of things _(buy).8.Im sorry he has no time _(talk) to you now.9.Do you like _(read) story books?10.Look! The boys _(play) basketball on the playground.五、达标检测一、单项选择( )1.There is a new shopping mall near my house . Its easy _.A. to find B. finding C. find D. finds( )2.I usually spen

5、d my holidays _ my family by the sea.A. with B. in C. on D. at( )3.Can you _ my dog while Im not here?A. look for B. look after C. look like D. look at( )4.My family _ watching TV in the sitting room now. My family _ a big one.A. are, is B. is , are C. are , are D. is , is( )5.Would you like to see

6、a film with me?_.A. Yes, I would B. No, I wouldnt C. Yes, I would love to D. Yes , I would like( )6.My birthday day is on the of July.A. five B. fifth C. fifeth D. fiveth ( )7.A garden is the best place flowers.A. grow B. growing C. is growing D. to grow二、划线部分提问1. He lives in a large house in London

7、. _ _ he _ in London?2. He lives with his family in a wooden house. _ _ _ live with in a wooden house?3. My favourite room is the sitting room. _ favourite room is the sitting room?4. My family and I often sit in the kitchen. _ _ _ your family and you sit in the kitchen?三、根据所给中文完成下列句子1.那个男孩和他的父母住在莫斯

8、科市中心的一家公寓里。 The boy lives with his parents in a _ in the _ _ Moscow.2.我的阿姨在家喜欢在厨房里做饭。 My aunt likes _ _ in the _ at home.3.这儿环境优美安静,但经常下雨。 Its and here, but it often _ _.4.花园是做游戏最好的地方。A garden is _ _ place _ _ _.5.他喜爱坐在阳台上,远眺着沙滩和大海。 He loves _ in the balcony and _ _ _ _ the beach and the sea.6.他跟他弟弟分享同一间卧室。 He _ a bedroom _ his brother.7. 在大多数家庭里,人们通常在餐厅里吃饭。 In _ , people usually _ _ in the _ _.8.我的生日在五月五号。My birthday _ _ May 5th.教学反馈2



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