人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Section B 3a-Self Check (共18张PPT)

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《人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Section B 3a-Self Check (共18张PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Section B 3a-Self Check (共18张PPT)(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit1Canyouplaytheguitar SectionB3a SelfCheck Tolearntotalkaboutabilities Tolearntomakeaposter Objectives Saysomethingaboutyourself WarmingUp Myname sJack Iliketoplaysports Icanplaysoccer AndI mgoodatspeakingEnglish I mJerry Ilikemusic Iliketolistentopopsongs Icanplaytheviolin Iamgoodwitholdpeople C

2、ompletetheadwiththewordsinthebox guitarcancalldancemusicplay MusiciansWantedforSchoolMusicFestival Doyoulike Canyousingand Canyouthepianoortheviolin Canyouplaytheorthedrums Thenyoubeinourschoolmusicfestival PleaseMr Zhangat622 6033 dance play guitar music call can 3a Makeaposter Askforhelpwithaneven

3、tatyourschool Youcanuse sportsplayers 运动员 schoolsportsday 学校体育活动日 playsoccer basketball ping pong tennisswimrunfast 跑的很快 Pleasecall at 3b StudentsWantedforthe6thSchoolEnglishTalentShow为学校第六届英语才艺展示招募学生 EveryMay thereisanEnglishtalentshowforthestudentsfromGrade7inourschool Wehavehadkindsofperformances

4、 表演 inEnglishbefore Theyareamazing Itisyourturntotakepartintheshowthisyear 请你为今年的英语才艺展示写份招募学生的海报 Wewantstudentsforthe6thSchoolEnglishTalentShow CanyouspeakEnglishwell CanyousingEnglishsongs CanyoutellstoriesorwritestoriesinEnglish Canyouact Ifyoucan pleasewritetoyourEnglishteacher Comeandjoinus 1Add

5、morewordsandphrasesineachbox Musicandarts Languages Sports Otherabilities playtheviolin tellstories swim speakEnglish SelfCheck Abilities 2Addasmanywordsasyoucantomakephrases 1 playthedrums 2 speakEnglish 3 helpwithmath 4 begoodattellingstories 5 begoodwitholdpeople thepiano theguitar theviolin Chin

6、ese Japanese French Chinese science history physics children kids students writingstories speakingEnglish Whatcanyoudo Whatcan tyoudo Whataboutthepeopleyouknow Writeatleastfivesentences Report Hello everyone I m Ican butIcan t Mymomcan and butshecan t Mydadcan buthecan t Mysistercan butshecan t Then

7、trytomakeareporttoyourclass 连词成句 1 chess to you like play do 2 you can the play piano 3 you club our be music in can then Doyouliketoplaychess Canyouplaythepiano Thenyoucanbeinourmusicclub Exercises 4 is old good Linda people with 5 help can with your and music English I 6 tell his draw can t or sto

8、ries brother IsLindagoodwitholdpeople IcanhelpwithyourEnglishandmusic Hisbrothercan tdrawortellstories 选词补全招聘广告 HelpforkidsAreyougood kids Doyouliketo gameswithkids Doyoulikemusic Doyoulike Canyoudraw playchess Canyousingor Canyoutell PleasecometotheChildren s MsBlackat578 3210 with play sports or s

9、tories dance or SportswithCallstoriesplaydanceCenter Center Call 1 Tomwants toyou Areyoufree A totellB tellsC totalkD talks2 Canyouhelpme myEnglish A withB ofC learningD about3 Here A issomeinformationsB aresomeinformationsC aresomeinformationD issomeinformation 单项选择 4 Bobcanplay tennisbutcan tplay

10、violin A the theB C the D the5 Canyoupaint A Yes alittleB Yes littleC No alittleD No little6 Pleasecallme 8989766 A inB atC aboutD with 7 liketogoswimming summer A Children onB Children inC Achild onD Achild in8 MissReadisgood music Shecanbegood childreninthemusicclub A at atB with withC at withD wi

11、th at9 Theyoung playsthe verywell A pianist pianoB piano pianistC pianist pianistD piano piano 10 Whatcanyoudo LinTao A IlikesportsB IamwellC IwanttojointhemusicclubD IcandoChinesekungfu11 Hi canIhelpyou A Yes pleaseB No Ican tC Yes IcanD Youarewelcome12 youcan ourschoolconcert A Maybe inB Maybe beinC Maybe inD Maybe bein 你们学校的体育俱乐部招聘一位体育老师来帮助学生练习体育运动 请你来写一个招聘广告 要求 擅长与孩子们交往 会多种体育项目 打电话337 6013联系吴老师 P E TeacherWantedfortheSchoolSportsClub



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