新疆克拉玛依第十中学八级英语上册 Unit 4 How do you get to school Section B3a4学案 人教新目标.doc

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1、Unit 4 How do you get to school Section B(3a-4)教师寄语:Tomorrow comes never.【学习目标】1.会用本课所学四会单词和短语。2.阅读理解对话,短文,并能复述。用所学词 汇、句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达。3.情感目标:培养学生养成做事有计划的习惯。【课堂学习过程】 一。 复习检查: 1.课前限时默写单词短语。 2.检查单词短语记忆情况。3.复习检查第一课时主要内容 pairwork, report, recite, have a dictation and so on。4.引入、操练 重点句式、单词、短语:How do you

2、get to school? 二。自主学习:1.快读 3a,做课文中的判断正误。2.细读,回答 3 个问题: How do students do in North America? How do students go to school in Japan? What about in China? 3.听。 跟读。 4.自读。 朗读, 找出问题5.讨论释疑, 老师点拨:although, in places where there are rivers and lake. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!Not all stude

3、nts take the bus to school.6.完成 3b.7.完成 4. 三、合作探究. (1)谈论你怎样到达某地 (2)谈论到达某地要多长时间 (3)谈论路程。 1、Lin Feis home is about 10 kilometers from school.(同义句)2、 He walks to school.(同义句)3、He rides his bicycle to the bus station. (同义句) 总结本课的三个疑问句:1、 How_?2、 How long_?3、 How far _?【拓展练习】写作:根据第四部分的表格,介绍同学的情况 . Less t

4、han 少于 , more than 多于 我的收获(学生回忆课堂所学)_单元测试.翻译下列短语或单词(20分)1.到达_2.乘坐地铁_3.多远_4.离开去某地_5.汽车站_6.运输_7.北美洲_8.校车_9.依靠_10.乘坐小船_11.担忧_12.乘汽车之行_13.骑自行车_ 14.世界地图_15.乘出租车_16.四十分钟_17.10公里_18.步行_19.住院_ 20.地铁站_.根据意思补全句子(10分)1.How do you get _ school.2.I _ the subway every day.3.How _ is it from your home to school?4.

5、How _ does it take you to get to the shop?5.It _ me twenty minutes to have a shower.6.I usually walk _ sometimes I take the bus.7.How long _ it take?8.Then he _ for school at 7:00.9.In _ parts of the world, things are different.10.A small _ of students take the subway.单项选择(10分)()1.I think it will _

6、them about two hours to do the work.A.startB.payC.make D.take()2.Bruce comes from Australia, _?A.isnt Bruce B.doesnt BruceC.doesnt heD.isnt he()3.Class was over. All the students stopped _ and went out.A.write B.to writeC.writing D.wrote()4.-_ do you usually come to school in the morning?-By bike.A.

7、WhatB.WhereC.WhenD.How()5.My brother didnt help me _ the room yesterday.A.clean B.cleansC.cleaned D.cleaning()6.Sheep _ white, and milk _ white, too.A.is;isB.are;areC.are;is D.is;are()7.Fish _ in the water.A.liveB.livesC.is living D.are living()8. _ too much is bad for your health.A.Watching TVB.Wat

8、ch TVC.Taking a walk after supperD.Take a walk after supper()9.The old man goes to the park _ every morning.A.by footB.by feetC.on footD.on feet()10.-_ does it take? -It takes about half an hour.A.What timeB.WhenC.HowD.How long.补全对话:在对话空白处填入一个适当的话语(话语可能是句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词)使对话完整并正确。(10分)A: Hi, Nancy. _

9、(1)?B: I live in Huanggu District.A: _ (2) do you live from school?B: I live five miles from school.A: _ (3) do you get to your school?B: By bike, sometimes on foot.A: _ (4) does it take you to get to school by bike?B: About ten minutes.A: Dont you like walking to school?B: No, I dont. It takes _ (5

10、).句子翻译:根据所给中文完成句子翻译(每空词数不限)。(10分)1.他一定是李雷。He _.2.万物生长靠太阳。All living things _ for their growth.3.这是一幅中国地图。This is _.4.你必须保管好自己的东西。You _ your things.5.别担心。_.完形填空:阅读短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将代表答案的字母填入题前括号内。(10分)Mike is very1at maths. Mary, his sister, is not good at it. Mike often helps her2her

11、 maths. One night Mike and Mary3out their exercisebooks and began4their lessons. Soon Mike finished his homework, but his sister5. She couldnt work out the last problem. “Let me6you,” said Mike. “No, please7. Ill do it8,” said Mary. She thought and thought, and9an hour she worked it out. She10very, very tired, but very, very happy.()1.A.wellB.good C.betterD.best()2.A.to B.in C.with D.of()3.A.make B.takes C.took D.to take


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