宁夏吴忠红寺堡区第三中学七级英语期末考试人教新目标 1.doc

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1、 班级 姓名 考场 座位号 装 订 线 内 不 准 答 题 红寺堡区第三中学2014-2015学年度第二学期七年级英语期末测试卷(时间:120分钟,满分:120分) Believe yourselves, you are the best, come on!一. 听力测试(共20分,每小题1分)A)请听下面5段对话,选择正确答案,每段对话读两遍。( )1.What can Alice do? A. She can play the piano. B. She can play the violin. C. She can play the guitar.( )2. What time does

2、 Mike usually get up? A. At 5:00 B. At 6:00 C. At 7:00( )3.Why does the boy want to see the koalas? A.Theyre cute. B. Theyre fun. C. Theyre smart.( )4.when did Paul play badminton? A.On Friday morning. B.On Saturday afternoon. C.On Sunday afternoon.( )5.Where are they probably talking? A.In the libr

3、ary. B.In the street. C. In the hospital.B)请听下面两段对话和一段独白,选择正确的选项填入题前括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第一段对话,完成6-8小题。( )6.How long does it take Alice to get home by bus? A. About half an hour. B.About one hour. C. About one and a half hours.( )7. When does Alice go home?A. Every afternoon. B. On weekends. C. On Monda

4、y.( )8. How far is it from her home to school?A. About 40kilometers. B. About 14kilometers. C. About 4 kilometers.请听第二段对话,完成9-11小题。( )9.Where did Nancy go? AShe went to a zoo. B. She went to a farm. C. She went to a museum.( )10. Who did Nancy go there with? A. Her parents. B. Her friend, Steve. C.

5、Her brother, Mike.( )11.What did Mike do on Sunday? A. He studied for a test. B. He watched TV. C. He went to the chess club.请听一段独白,完成12-15小题。( )12. What did Tom do on Saturday morning?A. He went swimming. B. He cleaned his room. C. He did his homework.( )13. How is Toms math homework?A. It was easy

6、. B. It was difficult. C. It was too much.( )14. Where was Tom on Sunday evening?A. At home. B. At his aunts home. C. On his school playground.( )15. What did Tom do on Sunday evening? A. He watched TV. B. He did his homework. C. He read some books.请听下面一段关于公共场所规定的短文,根据短文内容完成下面的信息采集表,每个空格填一个单词。听短文前你将

7、由40秒时间阅读表格内容。短文读两遍。placesWhat to do or not to do CinemaKeep 16._when the movie is on.17._Dont take photos here. ParkDont 18._or sit on the grass.19._Dont park your 20._where its not a parking place.二单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分)( ) 21. I like playing basketball, but my brother likes playing_guitar. A. a B. / C.

8、 an D. the ( ) 22. Would you like _ something for me? Of course. I enjoy _ very much. A. to cook; to cook B. cooking; to cook C. to cook; cooking D. cooking; cooking ( ) 23. _ is it from the school to the zoo? Only five kilometers. A. How far B. How much C. How old D. How many ( ) 24. Excuse me, Lin

9、da. Is there _ beef in the soup? -No, there isnt. But there is _ mutton in it. A. any; some B. some; some C. any; any D. some; any ( ) 25. _ the weather like in Hong Sipu yesterday? -It was windy. A. What was B. How was C. How is D. What is ( ) 26. Can you dance or sing? _. A. Yes, I can B. No, I ca

10、nt C. I can sing D. I like singing ( ) 27.Cathy _of medium build and _ curly hair. A. has, has B. is, has C. is, is D. is, has a ( ) 28. -David, there _ a dictionary and some books on your desk. Please put them away.-OK, mum. Ill do it right now. A. is B. are B. C. has D. Have ( ) 29.-Jack, is there

11、 _ in todays newspaper. -No.nothing. A .anything important B.something important C. important anything D. Important something ( ) 30. Lily, I need some meat now. Can you help me to_. A. cut up them B. cut them down C. cut them up D. cut them off. ( ) 31._ your sister doing the housework now? A. Does

12、 B. Is C. Do D. Are ( ) 32. Jim often gets_ school at eight and gets _ home at five A.; B. to; to C. ; to D. to; ( ) 33.It takes_ one hour_ his homework. A. he; do B. him; do C. him; to do D. his; to do ( ) 34. What did you do last weekend? -I_. A. will go to school. B. went shopping with my friend. C. am watching TV. D. go swimming with her. ( ) 35.-Would you like something to eat? -_ . Im not hungry. A. Id like it B. I would C. Yes, thanks D. No, thanks三完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分) In China, therere many_ 36 kinds of food. Some of them are very_ 37 .The rea



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