海南海口第十四中学七级英语下册 Unit 5 Our School Life Topic2 Section A导学案 仁爱.doc

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1、Unit 5 Our School Life Topic2 Section A肯下决心并付诸行动,你一定会赢在起跑线上的!B:学习动词的现在分词的构成规律:1)在词尾直接加ing: workworking ; playplaying 2)以不发音的e结尾的动词去掉e再加ing; comecoming ; havehaving3)以重度闭音节结尾,结尾只有一个辅音字母,双写该辅音字母再加ing kidkidding;shopshopping ; beginbeginning; runrunning 4)以ie结尾的动词变ie为y再加ing. diedying;lie-lying; tie-tyi

2、ngC:学习现在进行时的用法:1)句型结构:be + V-ing + .2)句型含义:正在做、3)特征词:look ! listen! Now , at the moment 尝试翻译:My mother is cooking breakfast _ 她正在做家庭作业_.D:能够用现在进行时谈论日常生活场景,尝试翻译: What are you doing ?_? We are playing basketball on the playground. _2. 过程与方法课前做好预习,预习中做好预测,标出不会的内容,寻求同桌、小组帮忙,聆听别人的见解,专注于老师的总结。3. 情感态度价值观:A

3、. 热爱学校,保持校园干净整洁。B. 参加体育锻炼,保持身体健康!二、重点难点1、现在分词2、一般现在时态三、知识链接:含有be动词的句子的否定句和一般疑问句的变化规律I am watching TV.(变成否定句;一般疑问句;肯定回答;否定回答)_;_? _; _.四、学习内容:Step1 : Read 1a . 理解并翻译下列词组或句子1.do your homework 2.watch TV 3. make cards . 4.would like to 5.play basketball _? 6.Good idea! _!Step2 : Read 1a again ,找出使用现在进行

4、时态的句子并翻译,然后回答下面的问题:1.Whats Jane doing ? 2.Whats Michael doing ?Step 3 : Look at the pictures in 2 and match the places with the correct words or phrases by yourselves.Step4: Read 3a ,paying attention to the structure of the Present Continuous.Step 5: Practice 3b,then act it out in class.Step 7. Work

5、 alone 4a and 4b 五、学法指导:1、独立自主,学会使用工具书和其他辅助资料。2、立足于课本,坚信书读百遍其义自现的道理。3、小组合作. 4、学会虚心倾听,学会上课专注。5、学会质疑和解疑。 6、随手笔记六、学习小结:1、动词现在分词的构成规律:2、动词的现在进行时态的用法:七、达标检测:(一)根据句意和首字母提示完成句.1. My father is sleeping at the m_.2. Look, Jane is m_ cards . 3. The boys are playing basketball on the p_.4. The students are hav

6、ing lunch in the d_ hall . 5. S_ is Pauls favorite sport . (二) 用适当的单词填空1.He is playing soccer _ the playground . 2.Maria is _ the library .3.They are dancing _ the gym . 4.I am _ the teachers office .5.They are cleaning _ the dormitory . They are not sleeping _ the moment .(三)单项选择题1. Look ! The girl

7、 _. A. runs B. running C. is running D. is running 2. Whats Rala doing ? She is _ shopping . A. going B. to go C. goes D. go 3. I like the swimming pool _. A. well B. good C. best D. fine 4. Sam is _ art teacher . He likes playing _ football . A. a; the B. an; the C. an ; / 5. Would you like to play

8、 games with me ? _. A. Thats right. B. All right . C. Good idea! D. I dont think so. 6. What are you doing ? Im _ A. walk B. swim C. rideing D. singing 7. Are you watching TV? _.A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont C. Yes, I am .D. No, I am .(四)对划线部分提问 1. They are doing their homework (变成否定句) 2. The students are cleaning the dormitory .(变成一般疑问句) 3. The girl is reading in the library . (对划线部分提问)4. Maria is making cards. (同上) 3



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