广东深圳文汇中学七级英语第7周周末作业牛津深圳 1.doc

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1、广东省深圳市文汇中学2014-2015学年七年级英语下学期第7周周末作业音标(5分)从选项中选出符合单词读音的音标。(共5小题,每小题1分)( ) 1. journeyA. d: ni:B. da: niC. d: ni( ) 2. chemical A. kemikl B. k: mikl C. k: mi: kl( ) 3. return A. rit:n B. rit: n C. rit: n( ) 4. drop A. dr:p B. dru:p C. drp( ) 5. salt A. s:t B. s:l t C. se l tII词语释义(5分) 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个

2、选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,( ) 6. He has to return the book to the library on time . This is the rule of the library. A. take B. bring C. give back D. save( )7. I like drinking coffer and I like to add some sugar to it. A . putin B. take away from C. give to D. spend to ( )8. These books are very valuable t

3、o me, because I can never buy it in the market. A. beautiful B. helpless C. useful and important D. ordinary ( ) 9. After he finishes his homewor , he continued reading some books. A. went out B. went on C. kept D. came on ( )10. Are you tired after swimming so long? Yes, I feel a bit tired. Please

4、let me have a rest. A. a lot B. too C. a little D. veryIII. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共10小题,每小题1分)( ) 11. You shouldnt leave the tap _ when you brush your teeth. Sorry, Ill turn _ at once. A. off; it off B. on; off it C. off; it on D. on; it off ( ) 12. Is it easy for Kate

5、_ to the town in an hour? Sure. It is not a long _.A. getting; programme B. to get; experiment C. to get; journey D. getting; example( )13. Please remember _ arrive at your friends home too early _ too late. I see. Ill arrive there on time. A. dont; and B. not to; and C. dont to; or D. not to; or( )

6、14. Be quick ! There is _ time for us OK. Im coming. A. many B. much C. little D. few( )15. The river will _ soon. I think its _ for us to do something to stop that.A. come down; money B. get down; valuable C. give up; easy D. dry up; time( )16. Do we need _ the plants? Yes. Nothing can live _ water

7、.A. watered; for B. to water; without C. to watering; with D. watering; through( )17. What did Candy do after finishing _? She _ the kitchen. A. cook; came out of B. to cook; came out C. cooking; came out of D. cooked; came out( )18. Do we have _ meat for lunch today? Yes, we have more than _. A. an

8、y; any B. any; enough C. much; few D. a few; little( )19. Shall we add some sugar _ the juice? Im afraid not. Too _ sugar is not good for our health. A. with; much B. to; many C. to; much D. and; little( )20. Does the waste water travel _ the pipes under the street? Yes. It goes to the sewage plant

9、(污水处理厂) _ the end. A. across; on B. through; in C. from; at D. through; with 完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题的四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。One day,when Ann came back from school,she saw her mother crying. “Whats 21 matter, Mum?” “We dont have enough money for the rent (租金) of our house,” Ann s mother answered 22 ,but af

10、ter a while,she smiled and said,“Dont worry! I still have some 23 in the bank. Your brother is going to college soon and that 24 much money,so lets try not to use it.” During the summer holiday,the family all worked hard. Anns parents made delicious bread and 25 them. Anns brother worked 26 a waiter

11、 and Ann looked after her neighbors baby. At last, 27 earned(挣) enough money for the rent and the college fee(费用). Some years 28 ,Ann knew the fact. Her mother had 29 money in the bank. She just didnt want anybody to 30 about the familys life. ( )21. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 22. A. sad B. sadly C.

12、 happy D. happily ( ) 23. A. moneyB. ClothesC. food D. cars ( )24. A. makes B. offers C. needs D. gives ( ) 25. A. sent B. threw. C. sold D. ate ( )26. A. as B. to C. in D. for ( ) 27. A. he B. she C. we D. they ( )28. A. on B. later C. late D. before ( )29. A. some B. much C. many D. no ( )30. A. t

13、alk B. ask C. know D. worry 阅读理解My grandparents were both eighty-two. They had a memory problem and they always forgot something; so they decided to take a memory class. In the class,the teacher would teach them how to remember things by association(联想). A few days later,I asked them, “Do you like the class?” They smiled and said yes. After lunch,my grandpa was taking a walk with one of his neighbors. They talked about the memory,class. The neighbor asked, “What was the name of the tea


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