浙江湖州九级英语 unit6I like music that I can dance to作业设计1.doc

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1、 浙江省湖州市九年级英语 unit6I like music that I can dance to作业设计1(无答案)4.The s_ of the erhu is broken. I cant play it now.5.Dont lose your h_. Youll succeed if you go on working like this.三根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(知识目标)1.Beethoven was one of the most famous _(music) in the world.2.I _ (prefer) to walk to school w

2、hen I was a student.3.Loud music is always _(energy). 4.I like the music band c_(call) The Beatles.5.Jennifer likes the singewho _(write) her own songs.四根据要求改写句子。(知识目标)1. John likes music . The music is loud and exciting. (合并为一句)John likes music _ _ loud and exciting.2.I like music that is quiet. (

3、对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ do you like ?3.Carmen likes musicians. The musicians play different kinds of music. (合并为一句) Carmen likes musicians _ _different kinds of music.4.The kids dont know the boy under the tree.(改为含定语从句的复合句) The kids dont know _ _ _ _ under the tree.5.That is a very great T-shirt.(改为感叹句) _

4、_ the T-shirt is!五情境交际(能力目标和情感目标)A: Whats that on your desk, Amy?B: (1) _.A:Have you listened to it?B: Yes, I have. (2) _.A:Why do you like it?B: (3)_What kind of music do you like?A:I like loud music. It makes me excited.B: (4)_.A: My favorite singer is Lady Gga. I have many of her CDs.B: Sounds good. (5) _A: Sure. Ill bring one to you tomorrow.A. I enjoy it very much.B. Whos your favorite singer?C. Its a CD called Love Story.D. Could I borrow one?E. Because shes the singer who writes her own songs.2用心 爱心 专心


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