浙江湖州四中九级英语全册 Unit 111词组和词汇句型学案 人教新目标.doc

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1、Unit 1-11词组和词汇句型学案Grade 9, Unint 1-3将下列短语翻译成英文1犯错_ 2. 以后,随后_ 3 将.视为 _ 4. 处理,应付 _ 5 生某人的气 _ 6 做决定 _7 放弃 _ 8 对.注意,留心 _ 9 不睡觉,熬夜 _ 10 代替 _ 11 过去常常 _ 12 嘲笑,取笑 _13 不再,已不_ 14 即使,纵然 _ 15 入睡 _ Grade 9, Unit 4-71 如果将会怎么样_ 2 很多的,足够的 _3 与相处 _ 4 使失望或沮丧 _5 提出,想出 _ 6 出版,发表 _7 属于 _ 8 形成,组成,构成 _9 用完,用光 _ 10 逃离 _11

2、关掉 _ 12 老实说,说实在的 _13 对有害的 _ 14 与 保持距离 _15 意见一致 _ Grade 9, Unit 8-111 建立,创立 _ 2 要求,请求 _3 立即,马上 _ 4 错误地_5 结婚 _ 6 这样 _7 卖完,售完 _ 8 分发 _9 产生结果,发展 _ 10 装扮 _11 一片,一块 _ 12 准时 _13 想出 _ 14 激起,引发 _15 根据,按照 _UNIT 1-31 -Do you know the p_ of this word? -Sorry, I dont know. Lets look it up in the dictionary.2 -Im

3、 sorry I have lost the pen that you lent to me. -It doesnt m_.3 Everyone should save water and dont w_ it any more.4 -What do you think of our math teacher? -Oh, she is very p_ with us.5. I am so s_ now, because I stayed up to watch a football game last night.6. We should _(意识) its our duty to prote

4、ct the environment.7. The old man had some _(困难) finding the way to his home.8. The sports meeting will be held this Friday _(除非) it rains.9. I think youll _(成功) through your hard work.10. The policeman asked the driver to show his _(执照),but he didnt take it with him.11. -Your daughters _(speak) Eng

5、lish is pretty good. -Oh, she began to learn it when she was only four years old.12. My pet dogs _(die) really made me sad.13. Tom, since you know the _(important) of knowledge, you should work hard.14. The problem isnt hard for me and I can work it out _(easy).15. That girl who got her ears _(pierc

6、e) is my cousin from South Korea.16. I have some trouble _(dance) in front of so many people.17. -How do you usually study for a Chinese test? -By _(practice) reading texts loudly.18. Are you afraid of _(make) mistakes in grammar?19. I dont know how _(use) this camera.20. -My son always spends too m

7、uch time _(chat) online. -You should stop him doing that.21. Hurry up! There is little time _(leave) for us.22. You didnt use to _(hate) math, did you?23. “Youre great!” she said to me, _(smile).24. _(exercise) can make you much healthier.25. Why not consider _(go) to Hainan?从方框中选出恰当的短语完成下列句子或对话 end

8、 up used to give up go by laugh at1. -That boy cant answer the easiest question.-We should encourage him a lot instead of _ him.2. I failed the math test again, but I will never _ working hard.3. My family _ live in a small house, but now we have a big apartment.4. As time _, I become interested in

9、cartoons.5. -Do you like your Chinese teacher?-Yes. Her lessons are lively and she always _ telling an interesting story.UNIT 4-71. The three-year-old girl can dress h_. She is really great!2. Try not to make lots of n_. Your little brother is sleeping.3. Nothing is difficult if you put your h_ into

10、 it.4. A number of inernational stars, i_ Joan Collions, will be expected to come.5. The worker spoke trul. He is an h_ man.6. Shanghai is one of the _(充满活力) cities in China.7. Amy often _(错过) English classes, so her English is poor.8. What are the _(架子) used to do?9. If my legs _(感到疼痛), I would go

11、to see a doctor at once.10. The _(渔夫) have already gone fishing.11. Id call him if I _(be ) you.12. I often see her _(go) by my house to school.13. Youd better _(translate) the text into English.14. We should eat the foods that _(make) us healthy.15. Why not consider _(report) the matter to the teacher?16. _ _ _(老实说), it isnt good to take other peoples things without permission.17. Smoki


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