广东博罗泰美中学七级英语下册 Module 11 Unit 1 They touch noses导学案新外研.doc

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1、Module 11 Unit 1 They touch noses学习目标1. Key vocabulary: bow, kiss, shake hands, smile, British, German, Japanese, Russian, visitor, Russia, nod, head, hug, each other, India, together, Maori, touch, nose2. Key structures:祈使句。3. 重、难点:祈使句的使用。备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记) 自主学习学法指导:1.注意发音,正确朗读生词。2.牢记单词的拼写及词意。3.通过听读对话,

2、学会自主交流预习。1.独学:将书翻到生词表,拼读P109110单词, 从bow到nose. 提示:请用红色笔勾画出你不会拼读的单词。2.对学:请你找你的搭档一起解决刚才画出的那些不会的单词。1、画出Unit 1的思维导图。2、优化训练P78,自主预习3、英语报,第33期,第三版,Unit 1,第一大题 根据句意及汉语提示,写出正确的单词。 1) Its very cold. Tonys _ (鼻子) becomes red. 2) - Where is your new friend from? - _ (印度), an Asian country. 3) Dont _ (触摸) the do

3、g, Tom! Its dangerous! 4) There is always a big _ (微笑) on my teachers face. 5) Mrs. Black _ (亲吻) her son and then left home.组长签名:合作探究一、思考1. 问候的方式有哪些?2. 你知道吗?不同国家之间问候的体态语(body language)是不一样的。 1) In China: 2) In the US:3) In India :4)In Russia :5) In New Zealand(Maori people)3. 独立完成Activity 1.4. 听录音,完

4、成Activity 2.二、超级模仿家!(Activity 3) 小组表演对话,注意模仿语音、语调,尽量背诵下来,哪组表演最流畅、最自然?三、超级大脑! 1. 判断正()误(X)。 1) Russians usually kiss the visitors three times, right, left, right.2) Chinese often shake hands and smile when they meet visitors.3) Chinese always kiss the visitors.4) Americans shake hands, and some kiss

5、or hug each other.5) People put their hands together and nod their heads in India.6) Maori people touch heads when they meet. 2. 完成表格,小组分工合作完成。In China, people shake hands and smilewhen they meet_.American people shake hands and sometimes _In _, people put their hands _ and nod their headsIn _, peop

6、le kiss each other three timesMaori people _ noses3. Work in groups. Talk about what you do and say when you meet your teacher / your head teacher/ your parents/ your best friend/ a visitor to your school/ your favorite film star/ an American/ an Indian. 4、根据思维导图,总结、汇报对话中各不同国家的问候方式。课堂小结本节课你学到了什么?达标检

7、测优化训练P79,第二大题。英语报,第33期,Unit 1, 第四大题1、他们在队伍中互相帮助。 They help _ _in the team.2、谈话前,李奇喜欢和朋友握手。 Li Qi likes to _ _ with friends before they talk.3、那是因为你今天早晨晚起床的原因。 _ _ you get up late this morning.4、请把那些红苹果放在一起。 Please _ the red apples _.5、他们见面时经常点头。 They often _ _ when they meet.学(教)后反思本节课你有哪些收获?还有哪些困惑呢?4


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