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1、 1 表顺承 补充与递进 1 表顺承 补充与递进 and what smore besides moreover furthermore inaddition additionally further 而且 况且 similarly also either too what sworse ontheonehand ontheotherhand tomakematters thingsworse 使事情更糟的是 如 Idon twanttogo besides I mtootired Therentisreasonable andmoreover thelocationisperfect 2 表

2、转折 2 表转折 but however yet instead onthecontrary 相反地 nevertheless 然而 otherwise afterall 毕竟 Eg It stoohottogoforawalk let sgoswimminginstead 3 表因果 1 引出原因 3 表因果 1 引出原因 for as since nowthat because thanks owing dueto becauseof onaccountof asaresult consequenceof inconsequenceof resultfrom vt 由 引起 Eg Wesh

3、ouldbemorecareful foritisalreadydark Let sstayathome forit sraininghardoutside 2 引出结果 2 引出结果 so therefore thus hence asaresult consequence inconsequence consequently accountfor v 是 的原因 resultin vt 导致 leadto vt 导致 bringabout vt 导致 cause vt 导致 sothat 以致 so that 祈使句 and or otherwise 句子 Eg Thesebirdsare

4、veryrareandthereforeprotectedbylaw 4 表让步 4 表让步 although though while evenif though while as倒装句 疑问词 ever nomatter 疑问词 despite inspiteof however inanycase Eg WhileIreallydon tlikeart Ifindhisworkimpressive FailasIdid Iwouldnevergiveup 5 表目的 5 表目的 inorderto that soasto forfearthat sothat 以便 lest incase

5、 以防 以免 Eg Heranawaylestheshouldbeseen Shetookanumbrellawithherforfear that itmightrain 6 表条件 6 表条件 if unless once 一旦 用于将来动作 so aslongas 只要 suppose that supposingthat providing that provided that assuming that giventhat onconditionthat 如果 incase 句子 incaseof 名词 万一 Eg Giventhatthepatientshavesomedisabi

6、lities wewilltrytoenablethemtobeasindependentaspossible IncaseJohncomes pleasetellhimtowait Youmayborrowthebook onconditionthatyoudonotlendittoanyoneelse 7 表时间 7 表时间 before after when while as since until till theweek year bythetime assoonas themoment minute instant second time 句子 nosooner than hard

7、ly scarcely when on upon 名词 动名词 eversince 从那时以来 fromthenon lately recently later afterwards Eg We llleavetheminuteyouareready Ihadhardlycomehomewhenitbegantorain HardlyhadIcomehomewhenitbegantorain 8 表示特定的顺序关系 8 表示特定的顺序关系 tobeginwith initially firstofall firstly first secondly second then next final

8、ly intheend eventually lastbutnotleast atlast Eg Andaboveall remembertosendusyournewaddress FirstlyI llmentiontheadvantage thenI lltalkaboutthedisadvantages 9 换一种方式表达 9 换一种方式表达 inotherwords thatistosay toputitanotherway Eg Let sgobacktotheoriginalplan thatistosay yougoaheadbyplaneandwe llfollowbycar

9、withtheequipment Yourperformanceintheexamdidn treachtherequiredstandard inotherwords youfailed 10 进行举例说明 10 进行举例说明 forinstance forexample like foronething foranother inparticular agoodexample of wouldbe suchas Eg We veplantedlotsofdifferentflowers suchasroses carnations 11 用于陈述事实 11 用于陈述事实 infact in

10、reality asamatteroffact actually totellyouthetruth Eg Shesaysit sagoodfilm Actually shehasn tseenitatall Totellyouthetruth whowillgotothemeetingisnotimportant 12 对一个话题进行总结 12 对一个话题进行总结 onthewhole inshort allinall ingeneral inbrief tosumup inconclusion insummary toconclude inaword Eg Onthewhole thear

11、eaofdesertintheworldisgrowingeveryyear Inshort thefilmwasthebestI veeverseen Task Writeacompositionwiththelogicalwordswejustlearned About120 180words Directions Forthispart youareallowed30minutestowriteacompositiononthetopic Socialpractice YoushouldfollowtheoutlinegivenbelowinChinese 1 社会实践的作用2 可能产生的问题3 提出建议 感谢亲观看此幻灯片 此课件部分内容来源于网络 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除 谢谢配合


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