Module 4 Unit 1 I haven27t done much rcise since I got my computer.

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Module 4 Unit 1 I haven27t done much rcise since I got my computer._第1页
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Module 4 Unit 1 I haven27t done much rcise since I got my computer._第2页
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Module 4 Unit 1 I haven27t done much rcise since I got my computer._第3页
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Module 4 Unit 1 I haven27t done much rcise since I got my computer._第4页
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Module 4 Unit 1 I haven27t done much rcise since I got my computer._第5页
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《Module 4 Unit 1 I haven27t done much rcise since I got my computer.》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 4 Unit 1 I haven27t done much rcise since I got my computer.(50页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、八年级下册 4 Seeingthedoctor Module Unit1Ihaven tdonemuchexercisesinceIgotmycomputer A What sthematterwith B He Shehasa WorkinPairs Hehasatoothache What sthematterwithhim her Shehasatoothache Shehasafever Hehasafever Hehasasorethroat Shehasasorethroat Hehurthimself Shehurtherself Hehasacold Shehasacold H

2、ehasastomachache Shehasastomachache Shehasacough Hehasacough Shehasaheadache Hehasaheadache Hehasasoreback Shehasasoreback Hehasaheartproblem Hehasanosebleed What sthematter Ihaveafever 4 What sthematterwithAmy Shehasacold with谁就问谁 问病症的几种句子 2 What sthematterwithyou Ihaveafever 3 What sthematter Amy

3、Ihaveacold 有逗号的 那个人就是自己 5 What sthematterwithher him it She He Ithasacold with宾格 回答变主格 1 Teachingaims TobeabletoidentifyillnessandtheirsymptomsTobeabletotalkaboutillnesses Teachingaims 2 Maincontents Keyvocabularycough fever headache stomach ache toothache ill this since cold catchacold takesb stemp

4、erature fastfood health takeKeystructuresHowlonghaveyoubeenlikethis Ihaven tdonemuchexercisesinceIgotmycomputerlastyear k f fi v hedeIk st m k eIk 咳嗽n v cough 发烧 发热n fever 头痛n stomach 腹部 肚子n 痛 疼痛n headache ache Wordsandexpressions 胃痛 腹痛 stomachache tu eIk Il Is sIns k ld 牙痛n toothache 不健康的 有病的adj il

5、l 这 这个pron since 自 以来prep conj 感冒 伤风n this cold Wordsandexpressions 感冒 catchacold teIk hel 用机器 测定 量取 拍摄 尤指有规律地 吃 喝v take 量某人的体温 takesb stemperature 快餐食品 health 健康 状况 n fastfood Wordsandexpressions Listeningandvocabulary Matchthewordsandexpressionintheboxwiththepictures cough fever headache stomachac

6、he toothache c e a b d 2 Listenandcheck what swrongwithBettyandDarning Daming Hi Betty Betty Hi Daming Youdon tlookverywell What sthematterwithyou Daming groaning I vegotastomachacheandaheadache Betty Haveyouseenadoctor Daming No Ihaven t Betty Youshouldgoandseeone Tapescript Daming OK Youdon tlookv

7、erywelleither Betty What sthematterwithyou Haveyougotafever Betty Yes I vegotatemperature andacough Daming Youshouldseeadoctortoo Betty I veseenadoctor Isawadoctorthismorning Ah Darning What sthematter Betty I vegotatoothacheaswell Watchandread EverydayEnglish HowcanIhelpyou No notusually That sthep

8、roblem Notreally 3 Listenandread Doctor HowcanIhelpyou Daming Ifeelill I vegotastomachacheandmyheadhurts Doctor Howlonghaveyoubeenlikethis Daming SinceFriday I vebeenillforaboutthreedays Doctor Isee Haveyoucaughtacold Daming Idon tthinkso Doctor Letmetakeyourtemperature Hmm there snofever Whatkindof

9、fooddoyoueat Daming Usuallyfastfood Doctor Doyouhavebreakfast Daming No notusually Doctor That stheproblem Fastfoodandnobreakfast That swhyyou vegotastomachache Daming Whatabouttheheadache Doctor Doyoudoanyexercise Daming Notreally Ihaven tdonemuchexercisesinceIgotmycomputerlastyear Doctor Youspendt

10、oomuchtimeinfrontofthecomputer Itcanbeveryharmfultoyourhealth Daming OK sowhatshouldIdo Doctor Well don tworry It snotserious First stopeatingfastfoodandhavebreakfasteverday Second getsomeexercisesuchasrunning AndI llgiveyousomemedicine Takeitthreetimesaday Daming Thankyou doctor Nowcompletethetable

11、aboutDaming astomachacheandaheadache threedays nobreakfast eatfastfood noexercise stopeatingfastfoodandhavebreakfasteveryday getsomeexercise takesomemedicine Why Itiseasytolookafteryour 1 Justdosomeexercise suchasrunning Donoteatfastfood Itmaygiveyoua 2 Mostillnessesarenotdangerousbutwhenyoucatchaco

12、ldorgeta 3 youmayalsogeta 4 Thismeansyour 5 ishigherthanusual Youmustgotothedoctor 4 Completethepassagewiththewordsandexpressioninthebox coughfeverhealthstomachachetemperature health stomachache cough fever temperature Pronunciationandspeaking 1 HowcanIhelpyou 2 Howlonghaveyoubeenlikethis 3 Haveyouc

13、aughtacold 4 Doyoudoanyexercise 5 Listenandnoticetheintonation Nowlistenagainandrepeat StudentA Youareadoctor StudentB Youareatthedoctor s ChooseoneoftheillnessesfromtheboxinActivity1 HowcanIhelpyou I vegotabadcough 6 Workinpairs Actoutaconversationbetweenadoctorandapatient A HowcanIhelpyou B I vego

14、tabadcoughA Howdoyoufeel B Ifeelawful Thereisapaininmythroatanditishardformetobreathe A Howlonghaveyoubeenlikethis B Sincetwodaysago A Well don tworry Youshoulddrinkmorewaterandtakethemedicinethreetimesaday Example 1 I vegotastomachacheandmyheadhurts 我胃痛 头也痛 注意疾病的表达方式 以 我头痛 为例 常见的表达方式有 Ihavegotahead

15、ache Myheadhurts aches Ihaveapaininmyhead Languagepoints ache sore和hurt的区别 ache是一个名词后缀 如 toothache headache stomachache sore是一个形容词 用来修饰名词 指的是身体某一部位的酸痛 如 soreback sorethroathurt是一个动词 指 刺痛 使受伤痛 如 Hehurtshisleg 他伤了腿 还可以说 Hisleghurts 他腿疼 注释一 tooth ache toothache 牙痛 head ache headache 头痛 back ache backac

16、he 背痛 stomach ache stomachache 胃痛 Ear ache earache 耳朵痛 Heart ache heartache 心脏病 名词后缀 ache表示部位疼痛 ache这个单词本身就是一个单独的单词 表示 疼痛 的意思 与tooth head等单词合在一起组成一个新的单词 这就叫做复合名词 发音为 eg 除此之外 我们以前还学过许多这样的单词 如 bedroom snowman watermelon eggplant newspaper等等都是复合名词 注释二 2 That stheproblem 这就是问题所在 注意冠词的使用 这里使用定冠词 表示 这就是问题所在 theproblem指造成大明胃病的原因 如果用不定冠词a 意思就相去甚远 3 Doyoudoanyexercise 你锻炼身体吗 本句中exercise表示 锻炼 为不可数名词 没有复数形式 例如 Youshouldtakemoreexercise 你应该多锻炼 Trytodotwentyminutesofvigorousexerciseeveryday 每天要尽量做20分钟的高强度锻炼


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