夜班经理第一季The Night Manager中英剧本

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1、夜班经理第一季The Night Manager中英剧本第一集 当代所有伟大的慈善家都是商人 All the great philanthropists of our time are businessmen.他们是企业家 革新者 Theyre entrepreneurs, innovators.我们于98年建立了which we began in 98 针对难民的避风港计划 My Safe Haven Project for refugees真实地展现了我的信仰 is the true expression of my belief即为更宽广的世界而付出 in a commitment to

2、 the wider world.因为我个人的财富并没有意义 Because my good fortune means nothing除非我的同胞也能从中受益 unless it also lifts up my fellow man.感谢大家拨冗前来 谢谢 I thank you all for your time. Thank you.我想你们大概需要帮助 I thought you might need some help.你怎么过来的 How did you get here?我走过来的 你走过来的 I walked. You walked?对 穿过那个走过来的 Yes. Throu

3、gh that?对 Yes.我见过更可怕的 好吧 你疯了 Ive seen worse. OK, you are crazy.我向您保证 女士 我们在尽最大努力 I can assure you, madam, were doing everything we can.英国政府包了一架飞机 The British government has chartered a plane.三天内就会到达 你好 你好 .which will arrive in three days time. Hello. Hello!请稍等 One moment, please.不好意思 女士 Excuse me, m

4、aam我在跟这位女士交涉 你得马上帮我们离开 Im just dealing with this lady. You have to get us out now.听见了吗 Do you hear?女士 我向您保证 Madam, I can assure you对您来说 酒店现在绝对是 the hotel is absolutely the safest place最安全的地方 相信我 for you to be at the moment, trust me.女士 您要不要去酒吧等一下 Madam.perhaps you would like to wait in the bar?鸡尾酒免费

5、 就当给您压惊 谢谢 The cocktails, theyre complimentary. Thank you.让他们离窗户远点 远点 Get them away from the windows. Away!你好 我是滨海区娜菲蒂蒂大酒店的派恩 Yes, this is Pine of the Nefertiti Hotel in the Corniche.有催泪手雷在酒店 We have tear gas grenades going off西边不到50米的街上爆炸 in the street 50 yards west of here我有好几位客人非常想离开 and I have s

6、everal guests extremely keen to leave.麻烦你尽快 谢谢 As soon as you can, please. Thank you.看看谁来了 弗雷迪哈米德的情妇去机场 麻烦能开多快开多快 谢谢 To the airport, as fast as you can, please. Thank you.今天很忙吧 Busy day for you.我们尽力而为 Well, were doing the best that we can.有什么能帮您的吗 女士 Is there anything I can do for you, madam?能给我煮杯咖啡

7、吗 派恩先生 Make me a coffee, would you, Mr. Pine?跟我坐坐 Sit with me.那恐怕不行 女士 Im afraid I cant, madam.我需要为多位客人安排出租车 I have to arrange taxis for various guests.当然了 所有人都得逃 Of course. Everyone must escape.逃 逃 逃 Run, run, run.你什么时候走呢 派恩先生 When are you leaving, Mr Pine?我不走 Im not.你不想逃吗 You dont want to escape?那

8、就坐下吧 Then sit.请坐吧 Please, sit.你对我有什么了解 What do you know of me?我知道您是索菲阿勒坎女士 I know that your name is Ms Sophie Alekan.我知道您住在哈特谢普苏特套房 I know that youre staying in the Hatshepsut Suite.那你知道是谁为我买单吗 And do you know who is footing my bill?弗雷迪哈米德具有反对者仇视的一切特质 Freddie Hamid is everything the protestors hate.

9、富可敌国 烂入骨髓 Incredibly wealthy, corrupt to the core.哈米德家族拥有半个城市 The Hamid family owns half the city and.而弗雷迪哈米德拥有我 Freddie Hamid owns me.在这一切开始之前 Before this all started我见过你在开罗游艇俱乐部玩帆船 I saw you sailing at the Cairo Yacht Club.是嘛 Did you?那只是偶尔受了邀请 Well, thats only when Im invited.我其实并不经常去 Which isnt o

10、ften, to be honest.谁邀请你的 Who invites you?是英国使馆的二把手 The second man at the British Embassy.名字叫 Name?他叫奥吉尔维 西蒙奥吉尔维 His name is Ogilvey. Simon Ogilvey.他是你的朋友吗 And hes a friend of yours?我们是在军中相识的 Well, I know him from my army days.你信任他吗 But you trust him?我相信他不会弄翻船 I trust him not to capsize a boat.我想请你帮我

11、复印一些私人文件 Id like you to copy some personal documents for me, please.我们在大堂另一边就有行政服务办公室 WeWe have an executive services bureau just across the lobby.这些都是机密文件 The documents are confidential.我可以向您保证艾哈迈迪先生绝对靠得住 I can assure you Mr Ahmadi is perfectly dependable.我更想用你的办公室 I would prefer to use your office

12、.请帮我复印 Do it for me, please.好 女士 Yes, maam.艾拉斯 有限公司复印一份就行吗 女士 Just one copy, madam?是的 Yes.还有别的吩咐吗 女士 Will that be all, madam?你有信封吗 Do you have an envelope?有 Yes.封好放进你的保险箱里 Seal it and put it in your safe.派恩先生 And, Mr Pine.考虑到近来意外愈发频繁 .If an accident was to happen to me如果我出了什么意外 as accidents do happe

13、n more and more these days你尽管把它拿去给你朋友 奥吉尔维先生 you should feel free to take it to your friend, Mr Ogilvey.为什么会发生意外呢 女士 Why should an accident happen, madam?您在担心您的安全吗 不是 Are you concerned for your safety? No.但看得出你担心 谢谢 But I see that you are. Thank you.你一直是夜班经理吗 Have you always been the night manager?这

14、是我的职业 是的 Its my profession, yes.你选的吗 You chose it?我觉得是这职业选了我 I think it chose me.太可惜了 Its a shame.你白天很好看 You look fine by daylight.尤瑟夫 Youssef.哥们 看着不错啊 你好吗你好吗 How are you?很好 请说慢点非常好 好吧 Perfect. OK!听我说 尤瑟夫 你认识一个叫 Listen, Youssef, do you know a man called弗雷迪哈米德的吗 Freddie Hamid?他是个花花公子 还是个赌徒 Hes a play

15、boy and a gambler.最近有一桩交易 Theres some kind of deal going on弗雷迪哈米德有参与 and Freddie Hamid is involved我必须查出具体的时间地点 and I have to find out when its happening and where.你认不认识什么人 Is there anyone you know你的同行朋友 可能知道他住在哪吗 friends in local kitchens, where hes staying.?好吧 但是小心点 乔纳森 OK. But be careful, Jonathan.你可别惹怒了哈米德家族啊 You dont want to get the wrong side of the Hamids.尤瑟夫 尤瑟夫 Youssef, Youssef.穆巴拉克总统辞职了 President Mubarak resigned.这我听懂了 No, I think I u


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