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1、小议高级英语议论文的写作套路与写作实践摘要:大学英语专业的高级英语写作是一门重要的实践课程,该文经过多年的教学实践摸索出一套可行的“十六字”教学方法分析范文、得出套路,写作模仿、提高技能。 关键词:英语写作;写作套路;写作实践1引言大学英语专业的高级英语写作是一门重要的实践课程,是在巩固低年级阶段写作技能的基础上,进一步提高学生的英语写作技能,由句子和段落过渡到高年级阶段的整篇文章的撰写。其教学重点是从实际应用出发,教授学生如何用英语写好记叙文(Narration)、描写文(Description)、说明文(Exposition)以及议论文(Argumentation),并在此基础上,掌握撰写

2、毕业论文(ResearchPaper)的基本技能。(杨俊峰,1999)如何有效地在写作课上培养学生的英语写作技能呢?不同的文体有不同的要求。经过多年的教学实践,我们摸索出一套可行的方法:范文分析得套路,写作实践练技能。下面小议高级英语说明文(Exposition)以及议论文(Argumentation)的写作套路及写作实践。2范文分析学习高级英语议论文写作应从范文分析开始。范文分析的目的就是帮助学生了解英语文章的结构,找出普遍规律,得到写作套路并进行模仿练习。请看罗素写的一篇文章:WhatIHaveLivedforThree passions,simple but over whe lming

3、ly strong,have govemed mylife:the longing for love,the search for knowledge,and unbearable pityfor the suffering ofmankind,These passions,like great winds,have blownmehitherandthither,inawaywardcourseoveradeepoccanofanguish,rc-aching to the very verge ofdespaff,I have Sought love,first,because it br

4、ings ecstasy-ecstasy so greatthatl would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for thisjoy,I have souught it,next,because it relieves loneliness-that terrible Ion-eliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim ofthe worldinto the cold unfathomable lifeless ab

5、yss,I have sought it,finaly becausein the union oflove I have seen,in a mystic miniature,the prefiguring visionof the heaven that saints and poets have imagined,Thisis whatI Sought,andthough it might seem too good for human life,this is what-at last-havefound,With equal passion I have sought knowled

6、ge,I have wished to under-stand the hearts ofmen,I have wished t6 know why the stars shine,And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux,A little ofthis,but not much,I have achieved,Love and knowledge,so far as they were possible,led upward towardthe h

7、eavens,But always pity brought me back t0 earth,Echoes of cries of pare reverberate in my hcart,Children in famine,victims tortured by op-pressors,helpless old people a hated burden to their sons,and the wholeworld of loneliness,poveng and pain make a mockery ofwhat human lifeshould be,I long to all

8、eviate the evil,but I cannot,and I too suffer,This has been my life,I have found it worth living,and would gladiylive it again ifthe chance were offered me,罗素的这篇文章,共5个自然段。据整篇文章的意思,全文可分为三部分:第一部分开头部分(Introduction)为第1自然段,开宗明义地提出:What I Have Lived for的三个方面:“Three passions have govemed my life:the longin

9、g for love,the search for knowledge,and unbearablepity for the suffering ofmankind”,即文章的论点(thesis statement )。第二部分发展部分(Bedy Paragraphs)为第2-4自然段,每一段论述一个方面:第2段论述“the longing for love”;第3段论述“the search forknowledge”;第4段论述“unbearable pity for the suffering ofmankind”。第三部分结尾部分(Concludingparagraph)为第5段,得出

10、结论:“Thishas been my life,I have found it worth living,and would gladly live it againif the chancewere offeredme。”3得出套路罗素的这篇文章是一篇结构相当完整的说明文,是学生高年级阶段 学习整篇文章写作的经典范例。通过类似范文的学习与分析,教师引导学生找出规律、得到写作套路:一篇结构完整的说明文,不管其种类何属(如Exemplication;Division and Classification等),其结构一般分为三部分:开头部分(Introduction);发展部分(Body)和结尾

11、部分(Con-clusion)(Griffith,2006),如下图所示:通过范文结构的分析,学生了解了Division说明文的结构和写法,进而理清写作思路。4写作实践光范文分析理洁套路还不够,还要进行写作练习。只有进行大量的写作训练,才能提高写作技能。在教学中,我们布置给学生的练习可分为两大类:一类是部分段落的写作训练; 类是整篇文章的写作训练。4.1部分段落的写作训练部分段落的写作训练在课堂上,我们主要进行部分段落的写作训练。我们的具体做法是:根据教学内容,选一篇范文,对范文进行结构分析。之后开始做supply the missing part(s)的写作练习:supplythe miss

12、ing Introduction,我们选若干篇文章,隐去开头部分(Introduction),文章的其它部分用多媒体投在屏幕上,要求学生据此补写Introductlon,然后点若干名学生朗读其补写的Introductlon,最后公布原文的Introduc-tion并进行分析比较,找出得失。以同样的方法要求学生做补写发展部分(Body Paragraphs)的某一段和结尾部分(conelusion)的练习。例l Supply the missming conlcluSt: study the follOWing passage care-fully and write a CONClUSlOn

13、0fabout 100 WOrds,Make sure that the tone andt11e vocabulary you use are in unity with the passage provided,Why A Dream in Red Mansions Is ImmortalIt is well-known that there are four great classic WOrks in the hlstory ofChillese literature,Among me four;A Dream in Red Mansions tops the list,Ever si

14、rice its publicatinn,the novel has fascihated millions of Chlnese rea-ders,those living in the authors own agelate Qing Dynasty, and thepeople in t11e modern times,What makes tlle noveljmmortal?The immorta-lity lies in the vivid and lively portrayal ofcharacters,its panoramlc view ofQing cuhure,and

15、its wide SOCial implications。The hovel,centering on the tragic love between Baoyu and Daiyu,con-tains nlllnerous memorabk characters,eomplicated plot and tangled con-nicts,Daiyu,the beautiful,frail and sentimental heroine,wins our decidedsympathy She sets out tO seek true love yet falls victim oftll

16、e feudal deas,Wang Xifene,a sharp-tongued astute woman,caters to the upper class andshows no mercy to her subjects,Eyen mough me mansion houses countlesselegantly-dressed young ladies,eachis clearly idcntifiable,Thereis no pos-sibility of mistaking any one,The vivid details giye the characters an endur-ing attraction and grip the readersimagination,Besides the memorabIe characters,tlle hOVel unfolds a unique pa


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