浙江临安於潜第二初级中学八级英语Unit2 What’s the matter .ppt

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浙江临安於潜第二初级中学八级英语Unit2 What’s the matter .ppt_第1页
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浙江临安於潜第二初级中学八级英语Unit2 What’s the matter .ppt_第2页
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1、Unit2What sthematter SectionA 1a 1c Playagame Touchthepartsofyourbody arm back cold eye foot head leg matter neck nose tooth Followme EverybodymovesyourbodyNodyourheadandtouchyourfaceTouchyournoseandcloseyoureyesTouchyourearsandclapyourhandsRaiseyourarmsandlookatyourbackTouchyourstomachandtapyourfoo

2、tSitdownandmoveyourlegs head eye hand neck leg foot feet mouth arm stomach nose tooth teeth ear Writethecorrectletter a m foreachpartofthebody nose hand ear leg eye foot stomach head back arm neck mouth tooth 1b Listenandlookatthepicture Thennumberthenames 1 5 3 2 5 4 Nancy Sarah David Ben Judy 1 Na

3、ncy Sarah David Ben Judy Nurse What sthematter Sarah Girl I Conversation2Nurse What sthematter David Boy I Conversation3Nurse What sthematter Ben Boy I Listenandfillintheblanks haveacold haveastomachache haveasoreback Conversation1 Nurse What sthematter Nancy Girl I Conversation5Nurse What sthematte

4、r Judy Girl I haveatoothache haveasorethroat Conversation4 Explanation 1 What sthematter 这是询问病人病情时最常用的问句 意思是 怎么了 其后通常与介词with连用 类似的问句还有 What swrong 怎么啦 What swrongwithyou 你怎么了 What syourtrouble 你怎么了 What sthetroublewithyou 你怎么了 What sup 你怎么了 2 haveacold伤风 感冒 是固定词组表示身体不适的常用词组还有 1 牙疼2 胃疼3 发烧 haveatooth

5、ache haveastomachache haveafever 4 嗓子疼 喉咙疼5 背疼6 背疼7 感冒8 头疼 haveasorethroat haveasoreback haveabackache haveacold haveaheadache Illness atthedoctor s 在医生的诊所 What sthematter Ihaveatoothache What sthematter Ihaveacold What sthematterwithyou I haveafever haveastomachache Ihaveasoreback Ihaveaheadache Ih

6、aveasorethroat Problems haveaheadache acheheadachestomachachebackachetoothacheearache What sthematter Ihavea soresorethroatsorebacksorearmsoreeyes Problems haveasorethroat What sthematter Ihavea What sthematter Ihaveaheadache asorethroat acold Workinpairs Oneisthedoctor theotheristhepatient advice Y

7、oushouldseeadentist Ihaveatoothache illness What sthematterwithher Shehasasorethroat Whatshouldshedo Sheshoulddrinksomehotteawithhoney Advice Youshould drinkalotofwater hotteawithhoneyliedownandrest gotobedearly stayinbedtakesomemedicinelistentomusic dosomeexercise Advice Youshouldn t drinkcoffee co

8、lddrinkgotowork schooleatdesserts ice cream 同步练习 英汉互译1 haveasoreback2 躺下3 haveacold4 胃痛5 What sthematter 6 看牙医 后背痛 liedown 得 患 感冒 haveastomachache 怎么啦 seeadentist 单项选择 1 What sthematter yournose A inB withC toD about 2 Don t onthefloor A lyingB lieC liedD lies 3 I mverytired Youshould A stoptoworkB

9、gotoseeadentistC stopworkingD stopsworking 4 youshouldgohome A MaybeB MaybeC MayD Can 5 Youshould ifyouhaveafever A liedownandrestB drinkteaC drinklotsoforangejuiceD seeadentist B B C BBBBB B A 6 Theoldman andhewantstoseeadoctornow A hascoldB hasacoldC hascoldsD haveacold 7 Heshould moreexercise hea

10、lthy A take stayB takes tostayC take tostayD totake stayD 8 Shehastwosmall A toothB toothsC toothesD teeth 9 He eat A shouldn t somethingB shouldn t anythingC should anythingD should some 10 He abadcold A doesn thaveB don thaveC isn thaveD isn thave B C D B A Homework Recitethenewwordsintheunit Seeyou


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