河南濮阳第六中学八级英语上册Unit5What’sthehighestmountainintheworldPeriod2SectionA2a2d导学案新鲁教五四制 1.doc

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河南濮阳第六中学八级英语上册Unit5What’sthehighestmountainintheworldPeriod2SectionA2a2d导学案新鲁教五四制 1.doc_第1页
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《河南濮阳第六中学八级英语上册Unit5What’sthehighestmountainintheworldPeriod2SectionA2a2d导学案新鲁教五四制 1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河南濮阳第六中学八级英语上册Unit5What’sthehighestmountainintheworldPeriod2SectionA2a2d导学案新鲁教五四制 1.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Whats the highest mountain in the world 【学习目标】: 1、掌握本节课重点单词和句型:population, Asia, tour ,tourist ,wall, ancient, protect, wide, as far as ,I know, feel, free 2、熟练使用形容词的比较级和最高级来介绍你所知道的名胜。 3、培养学生积极参与课堂活动的兴趣,了解我国的悠久历史,灿烂文化和大好河山。【学习重点与考点】 1、继续学习物体的长、宽、高、深和面积的表达。 2、正确运用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。【课前自学指导】一、 你能用英

2、语读出下列短语吗?并试着写下来。又高又宽_最多的人口_老的多 据我所知 美国的人口 最古老的国家之一 最长的墙_ 人造物体_ 二、知识链接 1、a lot bigger 这里a lot 用来修饰形容词bigger的,表示比较级的程度的。除此之外还有much, far, a little, even,等也可用来修饰形容词比较级的。He is a little taller than I. (请翻译)_ _2、One of the most endangered animals in the world the giant panda.China one of the oldest civiliz

3、ations in the worldone of +名词复数,谓语动词要用 数。 eg:其中一本书是新的。 3、The population of the world is 6400000000.对人口这个数字划线提问要用特殊疑问词 。 the population of the world?4、as big as 和一样大 asas 之间的形容词用 级。 The Yellow river is not as long as the Yangtze river. 否定形式not asas 意为 。 【学习过程】:(一) 展示中国的雄伟建筑。(二)Learning the new knowle

4、dge:1听录音完成2a 和2d。2小组合作,用2a和2b的信息完成对话。谈论中国之最。3学习2d对话,然后背诵。 (三)当堂检测(四)学习成果展示。根据听力内容,小组编演对话。(五) 课堂检测( )1. My brother is _ more outgoing than me. A. many B. little C. much( )2. October 12th was one of _ days in 2005. Shenzhou-VI was launched(发射)successfully. A. exciting B. more exciting C. the most exci

5、ting( )3. Which city is _, Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou? A. beautiful B. the most beautiful C. more beautiful ( )4. _ children there are in a family, _ their life will be. A. The less, the better B. Fewer, richer C . The fewer, the better( )5. Mobile phones are very popular now and they are _ than be

6、fore. A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapest【课后作业】1.根据第三课时的课前自学指导进行预习;2.完成节节练。第二课时节节练一、单项选择(基础题)( ) 1. Tom is one of _ boys in our class. A. tallest B. taller C. the tallest B. the tall( ) 2. English is one of_ spoken in the world.A. the important languages B. the most important languages C. most impor

7、tant language D. the most important language( ) 3. Beijing is one of_ in China.A. the largest city B. the large cities C. the larger cities D. the largest cities( )4. I think science is _ than geography.A. much important B. important C. much more important D. more much important( ) 5.This pencil is

8、_ than that one.A. longest B. long C. longer D. as long( ) 6. These children are _ this year than they were last year.A. more tall B. more taller C. very taller D. much taller( ) 7 .It was very hot yesterday, but it is_ today.A. even hotter B. more hotter C. much more hot D. much hot( )8 .Our classr

9、oom is_ larger than theirs.A. more B. quite C. very D. much( )9. China is _ country in the world.A. the third largest B. the largest third C. the third large D. a third largest( ) 10. The Yellow River is one of _rivers in China. A. long B. longer C. the longest D. longest二、完成句子。(提高题)1. Did you know

10、that China is one of _(old) countries in the world?2.She is the second _(tall)student in our class.3. China is almost as _(big )as the US, but it is (big) country in Asia.4. China has a lot _(big) population than that of the US.5. China has_(big) population in the world.6. The girl becomes _(越来越漂亮)7

11、. The weather is getting _(越来越冷).8. 他对英语越来越感兴趣。 He is becoming _ _ _ _ _ English.9. 他吃的越多,人越胖。 The_ he eats, the _ he gets.三、用所给词的正确形式填空。(拓展题)1.Of the two girls, I find Lucy is the _ (clever). 2.Iron(铁)is _ (much) useful than gold(黄金). 3. The boy is _ (interesting) than his brother. 4. Dick sings _ (well), he sings _(well) than John, 【课后反思】_3


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